Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Sharleena's page

6 posts. Alias of TomJohn.


nategar05 wrote:

My favorite Wizard build is Teleporting Conjuror that bans Enchantment and Necromancy, though Necromancy may be good for your campaign. IMO the best spells that you'd be missing out on by dumping them:

Enchantment: Daze, Sleep, Confusion

Evocation: Contingency, the Wall spells (especially Stone, Ice, and Force), Flaming Sphere is also nice, especially compared with Pyrotechnics.

Necromancy: Enervation, Clone, Magic Jar, Astral Projection

I agree Conjuror that bans Enchantment and Necromancy is the best. I'm creating one for our next game. A campaign with a lot of undeads. (Oddly enough Necromancy isn't that good if you are in a campaign with a lot of undeads.)

Not having Evocation is hard. Evocation is one of the best schools. Even if you DON'T want to be a blaster and instead want to be a controller. You have all the wall spells and all the 'hand spells' (Forceful Hand, Clenched Fist, Crushing Hand, Interposing Hand). If you want to use some blast spells you still have options like Prismatic Spray and the normal blast spells.
Contingency is of course very nice.
Actually the best controller is probably one with Conjuration, Evocation and Transmutation Schools.

Great thread. I will book mark this one.

We found proof of the doctors being one of the instigators of spreading the plague in Korvosa, so we decided to pay him a visit. Now, using stealth tactics or disguises isn't really possible with a Hell Knight in our group. He is even less subtle than me so a low profile, a little makeup and stealth, isn't an option. We just usually knock on the door and ask people to let us in. Sometimes I try to be diplomatic or to go light on the truth, but bluffing a crook is a bit hard when you got a walking pincushion at your side.

Well, we decided to have a little talk with Dr Davaulus and met a not so helpful nurse at the hospital reception. We didn't attack her, we simply said we had proof the doctor he was a crook and waited for her reaction. Sure enough, she ran into the sick room and started to screaming, telling the doctors to kill us. We calmly followed her into the room and doctors and Gray Maidens alike started to attack us. We wanted proof they were all bad, We got it. The doctors used bombs and hit not only us but some of the patients as well. We can't have that! Villains, Crooks, Doctors! It time for you to have a taste of your own medicine. We whipped them out and saved most of the patients.

Gray Maidens, We had killed Gray Maidens. We had to, they attacked us. Surely this means the queen is involved. As if we didn't already suspect that. Would there be repercussions if we didn't find some more evidence? Sure. So no time to hesitate, Morik healed us and some of the patients then we were off to explore the rest of the building.

We found more Gray Maidens and more doctors and we gave them the same remedy as their friends. Our excellent tactics and our superior skills left us more or less unharmed. Eventually we meet "the good doctor". He tried to sneak pass us using the god old invisibility ploy. Not a good idea when you're up against Shadow's keen ears. Doc ran right into Balduran and it was all over for the shady doc. We captured him and taunted him. He became so angry that he started to spill his gut (or perhaps he didn't want us to spill his gut). It turned out, as we had suspected all along, he and the queen were responsible for the plague. They wanted to cleans Korvosa of all 'unwanted elements'. Shadow knock him out cold and we took him and his key to the lift and went down into the cellar. We were just about to charge into a room filled with doctors, some priests of Urgathoa and a dozen of undeads, when we heard Morik shout: Fire! Morik had cast a fireball and the barbecue was a success. Nothing left but burnt flesh and bone...and some treasures.

We pressed on, killed some more clerics and stopped our arch-enemy Rolth from snatching the unconscious doctor from us. Good work Balduran and Morik. Rolth did escape but we will deal with if later. Revenge is sweet so he will have plenty of time to wait for us in fear.
One cleric survived. We followed him into a laboratory. I guess you all heard the legend:

Zellara wrote:

"As we entered the laboratory, there were four large glass cylinders, each containing some sort of winged skull-topped nightmare monsters. Three of them were not moving, but the last one was very much alive, and came at us when the priest smashed the glass with his morningstar. Our heroes ran away screaming like little girls, after dropping a Grease spell and a smokestick to slow pursuit."

Now, we didn't ran away screaming like little girls, after dropping a Grease spell and a smokestick to slow pursuit. No, It was a calculated brilliant tactic. Let evil fight evil. True we did cast a Grease spell and a smokestick but the plan was to send the fiend chasing the priest and the evil mastermind instead. Obviously this wasn't the work of some simple priest. This was the doing of some evil master mind lurking in the shadows. What better tactic to smoke him out that grease, smokestick and an angry daemon? Or as it turned out: smoke her out.

We went back to the sick room and met Ishani and Yolanda. We asked them to join us. Not because we were afraid and wanted their help. No we wanted them as witnesses. Sure their help did come in handy, but it is always good to have witnesses to give evidence.
We returned to the laboratory with Ishani and Yolanda. The priest and daemon were both dead. Were we right or not? Sure enough. There she awaited us. A priestess, the evil mastermind. She taunted us and made the usual evil villain speech were she boldly bragged about how she, the doctor and our queen was involved in the plague and in its creation. She ended her speech by screaming: now you all die!

The battle was violent and furious and yes Ishani and Yolanda did help us, but the priestess was weakened from fighting the daemon so she and her plans was brought to an end. Somehow her dead body transformed into another body, a daugter om Urgatoa - a big undead creature. Ishani and Yolanda were fascinated and started to discuss what kind of creature this was. They were just about to start taking notes when they both realized the battle was on.
Together we brought the foul creature down. We looted the place trying to find more proof of the queen's involvement in the spreading of the plague.

We didn't know it then but we were up against one last surprise. In a nearby room we found a Nosferatu and strapped to an alter next to it was Ruan Mirukova (Deyanira Mirukova's brother). It targeted us with a stinking cloud. Most of the party was busy vomiting, so I singlehandedly killed the vampire [long spear, arcane strike and a crit. I spent 5 hero points confirming the crit, but it was worth it. ]. A glorious victory. We returned as heroes and with witnesses to spread the word of our magnificent achievements .

The fun thing is. Whatever the queen decided to do we would come out as winners. She had to acknowledge our heroic deeds, if not she would have to admit her involvement. So we got gifts, money, glory and recognition. I guess the queen hates us. It's cool. We hate her back.

As a bonus next time Zellara tries to be condescending, we just have to remind her that the good doctor wasn't so good after all. I'm not sure Zellara can admit to herself that the queen is a bad apple, but all in due time. Yes, all in due time.

Me and Shadow persuaded the others to deal with Devargo. Inspired by Jolistina I thought we should put on a show at Devargo's ship so I invited Shadow to an dance. His not a bad dancer. Half-orc yes, a little disturbed yes, but not a bad dancer. Devargo and his crew was just as surprised as Morik and Balduran. I started to hold my heroes speech but the villan wasn't amused and opened a trapdoor. I dropped down to a room below, but got out of harms was as expected.
There I was in a room full of giant spiders an Ettercap and a huge hungry spider. The other were busy upstairs so I had to deal with them myself. After a long long time Morik look down and asked me If I needed some help. He look terrified of the spiders.

- what does it look like?

He kept his distance to the spiders, but cast burning hands and removed some of the smaller spiders. I still had the huge hungry spider and the Ettercap and some of his giant spider friends to fight off. Shadow jumped down to help me. He killed some of the giant spiders, but left me with Ettercap and the big spider. Balduran who had been busy singlehandedly killing of most of the crew jumped down on the huge monster spider and sliced her in two with one blow. Impressive.

He may not be beautiful but he has something. Strong, honorable, reliable, loyal and powerful.
Shadow? He is not my type. Half-orc and a not quite right in the head.

Morik. A good man, and he has saved us more than once. Sometimes wise but absentminded a lot of the time. A boyman. Not very honorable to release that pseudodragon that Shadow wanted to release himself. On the other hand Shadow could have been more clear about it. Mork may be blunt some times, but I don't think he really knew what shadow wanted. Morik, a kind, helpful, absentminded boy.

So that leaves Balduran. He was starting to attract my attention. One the next day some Hell knight paid us a visit. The wanted to recruit Balduran to their bastard Chelaxian order. They offered him to fight a Devil and if he succeeded he could join their forces. If we wanted we could buff him, but we could not interfere in the fight. Balduran accepted and I thought it was hilarious. A Korvosan Guard
join the Hell Knight? Obviously he just wanted the chance to beat a Devil and then turn them down.

To my horror I after the fight realized he indeed joined their ranks. Traitor or infiltrator? I don't know, but I do know it's stupid and it isn't done, not if you love Korvosa as your home. It is unheard of, unsexy and unkorvosan. Whatever feeling that started to grow in my heart for Balduran is now long gone. I have to deal with this somehow, but I'm not sure how. Can we even trust him now?

I'm disappointed, sad and angry.
What's next? Hammering your head to the floor?

Something is happening to our little rocking combo. Balduran seems to be turning his back on the law, or at least realize there is no law. There is only the queen's moody governing of Korvosa. I suspect she really to hate Korvosa and its people. I wouldn't be surprised if she killed the king. Perhaps Balduran has come to the same conclusion.

Shadow has start taking dance lessons. He doesn't want anybody to know, but got my informants so I know. He hasn't asked me if I can help him practice, so I suspect he is out there dancing in the moonlight. Well he has darkvision so I guess he doesn't need any moonlight. Perhaps he is just dancing in the dark in some abandoned dungeon. I can almost hear him: "Oh dancing with myself, Oh dancing with myself, If I had the chance, I'd ask the world to dance, And I'll be dancing with myself".

Morik has spent more time healing in battle than fighting and he hasn't really been using his fire magic. As for the healing, it just hasn't been good enough. I've heard Morik talking to himself. Apparently he fears Sarenrae isn't pleased with him. I think a little more focus on fire and battle will please both Sarenrae and me.

A woman, Deyanira Mirukova, sought us out and asked us to find her missing brother Ruan. He is actually a famous ocarina player and of course I explain to the others we gotta accept this gig. At last a mission not brought to us by Field Marshal Cressida Croft. They were not hard to persuade. Perhaps they too are getting tired of running Cressida's errands. Not that there is anything wrong with Croft. She is nice (and good looking) but I wasn't born to be a guard, I was born to be a hero. Anyway Deyanira told us he had been contracted by the Carowyns. He was going to perform at the Carowyn residence, but he hasn't been heard of since.
Obviously we went to the Carowyn residence. The doors were locked and curtains drawn. Shadow sensed the smell of death. He picked the lock we entered.
Now this is where thing really turned out to be grotesque and bizarre. A massacre, but not all of the people were completely dead. Some of the corpses had been turned into zombies. Apparently the Carowyns had organized a masquerade and someone or something had killed the guests and turned them into zombies. An elf woman in a harlequin suite with a harlequin hat to go shot me with a cross bow. Obviously she was the villain. So we whipped out the undeads and set after the harlequin lady. It later turned out she, Jolistina, was Rolths girlfriend. Disgusting but fascinating. Jolistina was actually a bit amusing. Mad but amusing. Jolistina must have been some sort of Necromancer and performer. Possibly a bard. The massacre, and the rest of it might actually be viewed as a nice piece of installation art (or a performance). Evil, sadistic, grotesque and sick? Sure, but it was brilliant .....or at least talented. Well, Jolistina was talented but now she dead. Hey Rolth! nobody puts baby in the corner? We did and now she is as dead as cow in a Ork camp.

We didn't find Ruan, but we did find Ausio Carowyn in the basement. So we're still one ocarina player short. Never did like ocarina players. I find them as silly as their instrument, but we are going to find him, even if he plays a silly instrument.

Zellara, your humble narrator wrote:

Anyway, they were loitering about (patrolling, as they insist on calling it), when they came upon a gang of workers that had had a bit too much to drink, I fear. Just your ordinary working men, you know, but come upon hard times and looking for a vent. Me, I would have sent them home with their ears burning, but the lass, Sharleena, she had to go all high and mighty with them. She’s got some notions, that girl, far too big for her head, so it all turned ugly very fast. The men had gotten hold of a young noble, a boy hardly old enough to grow a proper beard, who looked absolutely terrified. The men accused him of being a lackey of the whore queen (I am sorry to say, and had I been alive, I sure would have taught them some manners, but I figured that I’d only cause more trouble if I manifested). Trouble hit soon enough anyway as the leader of the pack, a fat guy with whiskers, exchanged some harsh words with our crew. The fight was short and brutal, and left one man down and bleeding as the others fled. Morik healed his wounds and they sent him packing, as the young man, who turned out to be an apprentice wizard, tossed them a tip for saving his hide.

Obviously Zellara hasn't got a firm grip of reality. She is dead so who can blame her. Sharleena's version is somewhat different.

Bullies, I hate Bullies.
Balduran grew restless and wanted us to "do some good old patrolling of the streets." So we did. We came across an armed mob of seven or eight men harassing an unarmed young noble. The thin young boy could have been no more than sixteen the bullies where all grown men and far bigger than the terrified victim. Then they started to call the queen a whore and thing started get really ugly.
I choose not to use my diplomatic skills, even though I'm highly skilled at talking to people and could probably have calmed them down, but this time I wasn't going to let them off the hook that easy.
Eight big men armed with clubs and some other weapons bullying this thin young unarmed boy. The mob liked this, I didn't. Bullies usually want a really good odds and this was no exception. I went up to the ring leader, a big baled fat man called Arson, and told him we were representatives of the Korvosan Guard, and that they should to cease their actions immediately and surrender. Arson then started to make crud remarks regarding my gender and said:
- women are weak, useless and can't fight so why should we fear you. Go back where you came from little girl before you get hurt or worse.

Not only did he insult me but all women including my mother, Field Marshall Cressida Kroft, Sabina Merrin and The Queen. By now we were in our right to arrested them. They would have resisted and we would then have to use force, Lethal force. Did we? No, I gave them one more chance or should I say, I thought it would be better if he hit me first because if he did I would surely be in my right to arrest him or even kill him if he resisted arrest.

I thought: This man thinks he can use any insult he wants and get away with it, so let's see how he takes an insult. I told him I didn't fear a fat, untrained man who obviously spends more time drinking than training with his club.
- and when I say club I'm not referring to that pathetic needle below your belt, because you probably can't find it with that big fat belly of yours hiding it. Now surrender before I taunt you a second time.

Amazingly the man had no sense of humor and attacked me. The outcome was no surprise. We beat them and when they ran away we didn't stop them. One of them was left bleeding on the ground. Morik healed him and I talked some sense to him.

His name was Ben Timble and he worked in the docks. Apparently the leader Arson put him up to this. Ben didn't really want to hurt the young boy, but was just generally frustrated on the state of Korvosa now. I told him I understood him and that I too was upset about how things have turned out but his should to stay away from people like Arson.
- Perhaps one day we can meet under better circumstances in a Korvosa we are both proud of.

Ben then started to come un to me, but Shadow calmed him down and explained I was not the woman for him. Should I be grateful that Shadow called me a woman this time? More of this later.

Zellara, your humble narrator wrote:

Then Giggles came up from the lower floor and the entire fishery erupted into mayhem as Hookshanks shivved Shadow as the latter was fighting Giggles. But after a short and very dirty fight they managed to bring down the thugs.

Sharleena would obviously claim the fight ended short because of her boosting her companions and because Giggles dropped his weapon after she target it with the mighty spell grease

Zellara, your humble narrator wrote:

They rounded up the orphans and an older lad named Kester agreed to stick around to collect the kids still out on errands. Morik was promising them all a better life at the temple of Sarenrae and after some prodding they reluctantly agreed to give it a try.

Sharleena's version would probably be something like this

Luckily I was around when we were going to persuade the children to stick around. It sure needed some a some advanced diplomacy from my part, but it wasn't too hard once I figured out that Kester was 'the leader'.
I mean why would the children trust any of my companions? Our fighter "Don't break the law" Balduran isn't really good with children. Especially not these children, who all been forced to commit crimes. Shadow, a crazy , bloodthirsty, tattooed Half-orc that talks to himself isn't exactly a character a child would trust and finally Morik , the Cleric that tried to grapple one of the children. And when he did, he kept saying:
- "I just want to help you. You can trust me. I love children."
Sure, we all heard of clerics like that before. Not that I don't trust Morik but why would the children trust him? Especially since this cleric of ours spent most of the encounter talking or casting fire bolts instead of doing stuff cleric usually do. I guess the children got nervous.