Full Name |
Sharien Oakfoot |
Classes/Levels |
Female half-elf wizard 6 | hp 30/32 | AC 12, T 12, FF 10 14 | Fort +3 Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 vs. enchantments), immune to sleep | Acid dart 7/7 left | Perception +0 |
About Sharien Oakfoot
Sharien Oakfoot (Core character for Carrion Crown)
Female half-elf wizard 6
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +0
AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 32 (6d6+6)
Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +4 (+2 vs. enchantments)
Immune sleep
Melee morningstar +3 (1d6)
Ranged acid dart +5 (1d6+2 acid)
Special Attacks acid dart (30 ft ranged touch, 7/day)
Wizard spells prepared (Concentration +11)
3rd (3/day) - summon monster III, fireball (DC 19), dispel magic
2nd (4/day) - summon monster II, scorching ray, glitterdust (DC 18)
1st (5/day) - summon monster I, grease (DC 17), magic missile, ray of enfeeblement (DC 17)
0 (4/day) - disrupt undead, ray of frost, light, mage hand
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 21, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Skill Focus (UMD), Improved Initiative, Spell Penetration, Extend Spell
Skills Appraise +14, Kn. (arcana, geography) +14, (history, local, planes) +10, (nature, religion) +9, Linguistics +11, Spellcraft +14, Stealth +11, UMD +13
Traits Dangerously curious, Magical lineage (scorching ray)
SQ Elven immunities, Keen senses, adaptability, elf blood, multitalented (Wizard, Rogue), arcane bond (familiar [cat]), arcane school (conjuration), cantrips, opposition schools (Divination, Illusion), summoner's charm (+1/2 level rounds for summoned creatures)
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic, Kelish, Varisian, Ancient Osiriani, Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial, Goblin
Spellbook: (32/100 pages filled)
0 - resistance, acid splash, daze, dancing lights, flare, light, ray of frost, bleed, disrupt undead, mage hand, message, mending, open/close, arcane mark, prestidigitation
1st - grease, mage armor, summon monster I, sleep, magic missile, enlarge person, ray of enfeeblement, endure elements, unseen servant
2nd - scorching ray, summon monster II, resist energy, glitterdust
3rd - summon monster III, fireball, dispel magic, stinking cloud
6 scroll, detect magic
4 scroll, endure elements
2 scroll, protection from evil
4 scroll, mage armor
2 scroll, comprehend languages
2 scroll, detect undead
4 scroll, burning hands
4 scroll, color spray
4 scroll, comprehend languages
wand, detect magic, 50 charges
wand, identify, 49 charges
wand, mage armor, 50 charges
headband of Int +2
1 scroll, detect thoughts
belt pouch
flint and steel
ink and pen
iron pot
mess kit
spell component pouch
10 torches
5 trail rations
clothing, simple robes
2900 gp
Available to purchase from the local magic-smith:
Flesh Golem Manual (8000 gp)