![]() About Shantidas# 105836-705
Shantidas Stellananda began life on Castrovel, born in Qabarat to well-to-do priests of Saranrae. His parents had spent some years of their early married life on missions of mercy for the Saranrae church. His parents were also outspoken advocates of non-violence, even in situations where most would justify it. This led them to get into some challenging situations, but the stories of how their refusal to use violence resulted in surprising redemptions of ne'er-do-wells inspired young Shantidas to embrace the same doctrines. They later settled down to serve the local community, his father as a scholar and his mother as a doctor. Shantidas was drawn to both professions growing up but developed a strong desire to understand how everything works. This included physical reality, magical reality, spiritual reality, and any other realities might yet be discovered. He studied physics and medicine in college but also studied religion, culture, and philsophy. To complete his graduate studies, he did a research project on Triaxus studying the effects of strange auroras on the climate and on some of the native flora and fauna. Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 1
Lashunta Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st)
Technomancer Spells Known (CL 1st; ranged +0)
Lashunta Race Features:
Idealized by many other humanoid races and gifted with innate psychic abilities, lashuntas are at once consummate scholars and enlightened warriors, naturally divided into two specialized subraces with different abilities and societal roles.
Ability Adjustments See Below
Limited Telepathy
Race descriptions:
The telepathic humanoids called lashuntas evolved adaptive genetics that allow children to develop into one of two subspecies, depending on the stresses they endure at puberty: either the tall, intellectual, and adaptable damaya—who make up most of their race’s political leaders and ambassadors—or the short, burly, headstrong korasha, who excel as warriors and explorers. Both feature short forehead antennae that Focus their natural telepathy, as well as colorful swirls and raised markings on their faces unique to each individual. Due to natural pheromones and lashuntas’ almost perfect physical symmetry, most humanoid races find lashuntas of both subspecies subconsciously (and sometimes unnervingly) attractive. Both clades of the species bear the same genetics, allowing them to intermarry and have children. While all lashunta children inherit complexions and certain distinguishing features from their parents, their subspecies is not one of them. Through psychic ritual and force of will techniques applied at puberty, Modern lashuntas have mastered the ability to determine what subspecies a child will grow into, activating certain epigenetics and shutting down others. While some lashunta city-states attempt to steer children in particular directions, such as via government-run aptitude tests, most lashuntas believe passionately in a child’s right to choose. In ancient lashunta history, their starkly divided gender roles led to subspecies almost universally correlated with gender, but as lashunta culture has grown more egalitarian, gender balance between the two subspecies has become roughly equal. HOMEWORLD
On the whole, lashuntas’ Focus on self-improvement, honor, and communal defense leads them toward good alignments, with damaya tending to be more lawful and korasha more chaotic. RELATIONS
Spell-like Abilities:
Spell-like abilities are magical abilities that function very much like spells do (see Casting Spells starting on page 330). The main difference is that you gained the ability through a different means than normal spellcasters gain spells. A spell-like ability has a casting time of a standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description. Usually, a spell-like ability either can be used a specific number of times per day, can be used at will, or can affect a creature constantly. If a spell requires an expenditure of credits or Resolve Points as part of its casting, a creature that can cast the spell as a spell-like ability does not need to pay such costs. Creatures with spell-like abilities that can be made permanent still must pay any costs and take the listed amount of time to do so. In all other ways, a spell-like ability functions just like a spell.
Because it functions like a spell, using a spell-like ability in a threatened square usually provokes attacks of opportunity (see page 248) unless the text of the ability or the spell it emulates specifically says otherwise. Spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance and dispel magic. They do not function in areas where magic is suppressed or negated. Just as for spells, a spell-like ability’s caster level determines the ability’s power (see Caster Level on page 331). If no caster level is specified in the ability’s description, the caster level is equal to the creature’s character level or CR. The DC of a spell-like ability is typically equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the Charisma Scholar Theme:
As an academic, you have a broad knowledge base and a thirst to expand it. You are an erudite intellectual, pitting your brain against problems and puzzles that others would find daunting. You might be an instructor of a specific topic at a large university or a dabbler in a number of fields of study. You could be exploring the galaxy in search of ancient artifacts or new scientific phenomena. Whatever your motivation, you are sure that the answers you seek are out there. Theme Knowledge (1st)
Technomancer Class Features:
To the uninitiated, magic and technology are completely unrelated, but you know there are more correlations between the two than most suspect. Magic and technology are just tools, and when combined into one discipline, called technomancy, they can be far more powerful than one or the other on its own. You utilize tech to empower, harness, and manipulate magic, and you wield magic to augment, control, and modify technology. You are an expert at hacking the underlying structure of the universe itself, bending the laws of science and nature to your will. Your technomancy—which is gained from scientific study and experimentation—manipulates the physical world, weaves illusions, allows you to peer through time and space, and if necessary, can blast a foe into atoms.
Hit Points: 5 Stamina Points: 5 + Constitution modifier Key Ability Score: Your Intelligence determines your spellcasting ability, the saving throw DCs of your spells, and the number of bonus spells you can cast per day, so Intelligence is your key ability score. Also, a high Dexterity score can help you fire your weapons more accurately and dodge incoming attacks. Class Skills: Computers (Int), Engineering (Int), Life Science (Int), Mysticism (Wis), Physical Science (Int), Piloting (Dex), Profession (Cha, Int, or Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex) Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Intelligence Modifier Proficiencies: Armor-light; Weapons-basic melee weapons, small arms BAB 0
You can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Your number of spells per day is given on Table 4–10: Technomancer. In addition, you receive bonus spells per day if you have an Intelligence modifier of +1 or higher, as shown on Table 4–11: Technomancer Bonus Spells—note that you only receive these bonus spells once you can cast spells of that level normally. You can also cast 0-level spells. These spells are cast like any other spell, but there is no limit to how many 0-level spells you can cast each day. Your selection of spells is limited. You begin play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of your choice. At each new technomancer level, you learn one or more new spells, as indicated on Table 4–12: Technomancer Spells Known. Unlike spells per day, the number of spells you know isn’t affected by your Intelligence modifier. Every time you gain a level, you can swap out one spell you already know and learn a single new spell of the same level in its place. In effect, you lose the old spell in exchange for the new one. You must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time you gain new spells known for the level. You can cast any technomancer spell you know at any time, assuming you have not yet used up your allotment of spells per day for the spell’s level. You can also cast a spell using a higher-level spell slot. For instance, if you want to cast a 1st-level spell but have used up all your 1st-level spells for the day, you can use a spell from a 2nd-level slot instead if you have one. You can also decipher magical inscriptions that would otherwise be unintelligible or, as a full action, identify any spells encoded in a spell gem. This does not normally invoke the magic contained within, although it may do so in the case of a Cursed or trapped spell gem. Spells Known
Spell Cache (Su) 1st level [Holy symbol of Sarenrae Pendant]
If your spell cache is damaged, it is restored to full Hit Points the next time you prepare spells. If the spell cache is lost or destroyed, you can replace it after 1 week with a special ritual that takes 8 hours to complete.
Kasatha Microcord
These suits of ribbed protective fabric are slightly less advanced than comparable light armor but still provide good-quality protection at an affordable price. Kasatha-made microcord suits are typically one-piece outfits of dark colors, sometimes with glowing trim, but other manufacturers produce such suits in a variety of colors and styles. PULSECASTER PISTOL
Comm Unit
Basic Medkit
Tool Kit
Deity: Saranrae:
The Dawnflower NG goddess of healing, redemption, the sun Centers of Worship: Aballon, Absalom Station, the Sun, Verces Symbol: An angel with flaming wings Eons ago, Sarenrae was an angel who brought the light of the sun to Golarion and its sister worlds, and with it truth and honesty. She warred with evil beings that sought to plunge the newborn planets into eternal darkness, and emerged victorious—yet some of those who had turned to evil saw their wickedness revealed by Sarenrae’s glory, and in repentance they were forgiven. Sarenrae is kind and loving—a figure of healing, guidance, and light. Yet for all her compassion, Sarenrae is also a powerful force against evil and strikes down the irredeemable without mercy. Sarenrae is generally seen as the goddess of the Pact Worlds’ sun, which her faithful sometimes call the Dawnflower’s Star in her honor, but she draws power from suns across the universe. She is a deity of boundless love—a caring mother, sister, and protector of all in need. She delights in healing the sick, lifting up the fallen, and shining a guiding light into the darkest hearts and worlds. Sarenrae brushes off insults but responds to violence and predations upon the innocent with cleansing fire and scorching light. Ancient and timeless, Sarenrae stands fearlessly against the tide of darkness, promising that the dawn will always come, and when it does, hope, kindness, and truth will triumph. The Dawnflower’s faithful come from all walks of life: everyday folk who rejoice in the light of the sun, take comfort in love and compassion, and believe strongly in redemption and righteous action. Though humans often describe Sarenrae as one of “their” gods, the tradition of sun worship is common in societies that rely on the sun’s light for energy and nourishment, and thus most cultures within the Pact Worlds and beyond have worshiped Sarenrae to a significant extent at some point. After humans, shirrens are perhaps the race most attracted to Sarenrae’s faith and her message of redemption and empathy. Many of her priests are envoys, mystics, solarians, or soldiers—those who espouse peace and kindness until stirred to action by evil that cannot be redeemed. When possible, Sarenrae’s temples are open to the sky, but they always have at least a window or skylight where the faithful can bask in the natural light of the sun. In the Pact Worlds, the spiritual heart of Sarenrae’s church is within the sun itself, in the Burning Archipelago’s central city of Dawnshore. Many Pact Worlds Sarenites feel an instinctive drive to make pilgrimages to this holy site, even though her faith is often individualistic, with the church serving as an organizing and training force for priests and followers who then wander the galaxy doing the goddess’s work. |