About Sevia, The Raven QueenQuicksheet:
HP: 158/158 | Spells: 8/9 1st, 8/8 2nd, 4/6 3rd | 5/5 4th | 11/11-6/6 Mythic | 10/10 ki | LoH 7/8 | 1/2 smite 9/10 Staff Charges | 6/6-3/3 Extend/Silent Rod | 1/1 Ninjitsu Headband SLA used: Shadow - HP:68 | Spells:
For the first time in existence, Sevia - Goddess of Death, has lost her sense of purpose. At one time she dutifully presided over the cycle of death and rebirth on Golarion; now she is but a hollowed shard of herself. When Sevia fragmented her power though, the corruption in her soul was left behind as she cast herself down into a mortal form; And while no longer evil - Sevia has far from regained her moral compass, now unsure what to believe anymore about the world. The desire for both vengeance and redemption against those who wronged her now wage war for her conscience, keeping her Alignment in flux. Not to mention how literally lost she as, as Sevia has been asleep for millenia while Golarion changed around her. Though she can still feel a faint trace of divinity within her, enough at least to hear the prayers of mortals, Sevia is acutely aware of her newfound mortality - an experience as foreign to her as death is to those she has become. Sevia Female Fetchling Sorcerer 9 / Ninja 9(Bandit) / Paladin 4(Oath of Vengeance) / Shadow Dancer 5 - Mythic(Champion/Archmage) 4
Paladin Spells Prepared (CL 4)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 9; Concentration +14)
Statistics Str 8, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 23
9 Acrobatics +20 1 Appraise +8 6 Bluff +16 4 Craft (Armor, Alchemy, Bows, Weapons) +10 1 Climb +5 4 Diplomacy +14 5 Disable Device +18 1 Disguise +14 1 Escape Artist +12 1 Fly +12 1 Handle Animal +11 2 Heal +8 8 Intimidate +18 Knowledge: 7 Arcana +14 5 Dungeoneering +12 1 Local +9 2 Nature +12 1 Nobility +8 5 Planes +12 5 Religion +12 2 Linguistics +9 9 Perception +17 2 Perform (Dance) +12 6 Sense Motive +14 3 Sleight Of Hand +14 7 Spellcraft +14 4 Stealth +25 6 Survival +12 1 Swim +5 4 UMD +12 4 Circumstantial: Acrobatics +12 (when jumping), +2 Bluff (Feinting), Diplomacy -2 (Drawback Triggered), Disable Device +4 (Against Traps), Perception +3/+2/+4 (In Normal Light/With Familiar/Against Traps), Sense Motive +2 (With Familiar) -2 (Drawback Triggered), +2 Any Skill (Aid Another:Familiar) Languages: Celestial, Common (Taldan), Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Sylvan, Undercommon SQ: Arcane Bond (Familiar - Raven), Bloodline Heritage (Arcana), Divine Source, Dual - Path, Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Fleet Charge, Fleet Warrior, Hide In Plain Sight, Ki Pool, Lay On Hands, No Trace, Recuperation, Summon Shadow, Trapfinding, Wild Arcana Magic Items: Death Mask of Toth Nekamek, Staff of Minor Arcana, Handy Haversack, +1 Shadowed Fortified Twilight Celestial Breastplate, +4 Belt of Dexterity, Headband of Ninjitsu and Alluring Charisma +2, 2x Lesser Rod of Extend, Lesser Rod of Silent, Runestone of Power (1st), 2x Pearl of Power (1st), Page of Spell Knowledge (Resist Energy), Necklace of Fireballs II, Raven's Head, Face of Dagon, Luckstone, Ring of Spell Knowledge II, Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier, Dark Life Ring Consumables: Potions Air Bubble, Endure Elements, Barkskin Wands Infernal Healing (49 charges), Scorching Ray (41 charges) Scrolls Alarm, Ant Haul, Arcane Lock, Anticipate Peril, Breath of Life, 4x Explosive Runes, Feather Fall, Hold Portal, Identify, Jump, 2x Keep Watch, Knock, Liberating Command, Floating Disk, Magic Mouth, Mount Communal, Pyrotechnics, Read Magic, Remove Paralysis, Share Language, Share Memory, Summon Swarm, 2x True Strike Mundane 6x Alchemist Fire, 3x Acid Flask, 5x Tanglefoot bags, 3x Fuse Grenades, 1x Holy Water, Smelling Salts Mundane Gear: Alchemists Lab - Portable, Arrows (Adamantine) 6; (Cold Iron) 50; (Grappling) 1, Artisans Tools MW, Bedroll, Caltrops, Crowbar, Grappling Hook, Lamp Oil, Holy Symbols: Silver - Raven Queen, Silver - Unknown, Portable Ram, Pouch Belt, Scroll Case, Silk Rope 50ft, Smoked Goggles, Waterskin, Whetstone, Wrist Sheath Spring-Loaded (x2), Thieves Tools MW, The Raven's Talon, The Raven's Wing, Wizard Spellbook Crafting Supplies: Gold: 14724gp Special Abilities:
Traits -
Mythic -
Class -
Feats -
Shadow Stryker, the Blade of Death:
Rank: Minor Artifact Abilities: -Legendary Power: 6/day -Legendary Surge: +1d6 to Attack/Combat Maneuver rolls with this weapon -Powerful: 4 additional uses of legendary power/day. -Undetectable: While invisible the user is undetectable by any means. -Foe Biting: May spend 1 Legendary Power to double damage from weapon, including precision damage. Must spend 2 Legendary power to double a Crit. -Mythic Bond: Sevia is bonded to this item. Slot: None
Description This +1 Keen long wakizashi has a thin, dull looking blade, as if light itself fears to touch the metal. Yet its length looks impossibly sharp. The hilt is made of delicately crafted Wyroot with Sevia's own hold symbol carved in one side, and a tombstone crafted into the other; skeletal hands reach up from the base of the hilt to these symbols. Two silver bells hang from the blade, yet make no noise. Originally a Sword of Subtlety, the blade provides a +4 to Attack and Damage rolls on sneak attacks.
N Tiny Magical Beast (Raven - Using Faerie Dragon stats) Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60ft, low-light vision; Perception +12 DEFENSE
N Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Init -; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +8 DEFENSE
---- Godly Details
Portfolio: Death, Rebirth, Fate, Darkness Domains: Darkness, Death, Healing (Resurrection), Luck (Fate), Repose (Souls), Trickery Favored Weapon: Wakizashi Servitors: Previously - Fetchlings, Psychopomps, Shadows Titles: The Raven Queen, Shadow Striker, (as CG) - Keeper of Souls, (as CE) - Dreaded Death ----- Background: She has been known to mortals by many names before her demise at the hands of her usurper, Norgorber - the Reaper of Reputation. But in the time before time, the First Age: she was Sevia, sister of Sarenrae. Where one brought Sun and Life, the other brought Darkness and Death. It was her destiny to be the end of all things, so that the cycle could begin again with life. As the Gods made Creation in their mind's eye, Sevia was born from Sarenrae's creation of the first mortal life, and for a time they fought in rivalry, seemingly destined to oppose each other as ideological rivals, one who believed life should be immortal and one who's very nature conflicted with that. But their rivalry finally ended with the coming of Rovagug, who's might made the heavens shudder as he sought to end everything. The Dawnflower and the Raven Queen put aside their differences, for Rovagug's madness opened Sarenrae's eyes, Sevia did not want to end life, she merely guided it to rebirth. And so the Gods united together and battle the Rough Beast in defense of the Universe. In the end, the combined mights of Sarenrae and Asmodeus defeated him, and Sevia's sister found the importance of redemption in each sibling. For a time, Sevia was happy, as she constructed the Gates of Avalon, a magnificent palace in both sibling's colors, designed to function as the gateway between life and death, the final judgement place of souls who would go to Heaven, Hell, or even some other plane, and for some, back to the Material World. And as mortal life grey, she created the Shadows to act as reapers on the material world, who acted as spirits to guide souls from Golarion and beyond to her gates to enter the afterlife. Yet, her happiness did wane in the coming centuries, as her sister Sarenrae soaked up the glory of the Material plane, receiving the adoration of the mortals and even her fellow gods - while Sevia became more and more secluded, the fear of her growing. For after all, who does not fear Death? Fear of her grew even worse when it was believed she caused the Age of Darkness. The landing of the Starstone and the ascension of Aroden did little to improve her mood, as the Goddess opposed the creation of more immortals. And so Sevia's jealousy grew, and once more the sister's relationship turned sour. Then, everything changed with the defeat of Aroden by the Wizard-King Tar-Baphon who sought to unlock the secrets of Undeath. Yet, even with the assistance of great magical artifacts, even Tar-Baphon could only wound Aroden, enough to give him pause and to draw the attention of the whole Pantheon. It was then that Sevia descended from Avalon to resume Aroden's fight - Urgathoa, the God of Undead was already an affront to her dignity, she would not suffer such knowledge to the mortals. Using her guile and stealth, she was able to defeat Tar-Baphon: unknown to her, the Wizard-King's machinations were only furthered by his death, which served as a catalyst both towards his road to unlife and to his dark touch which had tainted Sevia. Finding glory from mortals and her fellow good gods alike, Sevia gave over the duties of Avalon to her avatar, Pharasma, and began a crusade against Urgathoa that took her into the Shadow Plane, where she battled in proxy against the gods of Zon-Kuthon, Lamashtu, and her nemesis Urgathoa. For Sevia, her crusade against Urgathoa and her minions was all consuming and the darkness within her grew, amplified by the negative energies of the Shadow Plane. Soon she began to revel in death and combat, as much as even Gorum, god of War. Sarenrae grew ever more concerned for her sister, but the closer she tried to become to Sevia, the more she was pushed away. It is said that the Raven Queen thus became the first Fetchling, and her followers became that race. Eventually, the Dreaded Death returned to Golarion. Though prevented from acting on the material plane herself, she waged a brutal campaign against Urgathoa's followers, seeking to drive the Goddess into obscurity and destroy all knowledge of unlife - in her mind, the death of mortals was in of itself an instrument in the combat against unlife, and the shadow of death was said to hang over Golarion. Sevia's own Shadowed soul corrupting Avalon into a place of darkness and despair. Eventually, Sevia decided that to defeat Urgathoa, she would steal a weapon from the First Vault of Abadar, where she thought from advice by Nethys that a weapon which could slay gods would be obtainable. Though his vague words had actually implied the attempt would be her own undoing. Though she attempted to enlist the aid of Asmodeus in her attempt, the evil god warned Abadar, alarmed at the prospect of the Goddess of Death wielding an instrument which could end immortality itself. Abadar thus gave the newly ascended Norgorber an item from the First Vault to help him reveal the Shadow Striker, an entity more skilled in Stealth than anything in existence. Sevia was discovered, ambushed by Norgorber, something she had thought inconceivable. They battled, and she was greatly wounded without her ability to call on that which she'd relied on for Ages. Injured, she fled and was found by Sarenrae, unable to hide herself injured as she was, both argued and cursed each other until the Dawnflower found she had no more redemption left in herself and tried to strike her sister down, where the Raven Queen played her last gambit and spread her power away, fleeing her own judgement. In the aftermath, Norgorber ascended to her portfolios and began to erase her existence. Spoiler:
Ninja 10: +1 BAB 1d8 HD Master Tricks - Assassinate +1 Reflex Sorcerer 10:
Shadow Dancer 6: