
Sethizar's page

Goblin Squad Member. 38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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You can use swarm rules to create squads of soldiers, for one. My own experience running mass combat in D&D or Pathfinder is that it's better as a narrative, and set events during the battle that the players can take part of, with the battle turning in favour of which ever side accumulates more victories.

A skirmish at a bridge choke point allows the victor to advance on the field and position himself to engage enemy flanks. A night raid to sabotage seige weapons. A stealth section smuggling in supplies to the castle. A battlefield duel when two heroes from opposing sides meet, the loser's side becoming demoralized at it's conclusion.

The PCs gain effects as the battle progresses (which can last for days at a time) such as fatigue, exhaustion and shaken. Sleeping in Armour becomes a real issue as the battle wears on. Constant harrassing of troops to wear out healing type casters begins to mean that more and more the wounded PCs have to rely on natural healing.

Much more fun than "roll a d20 and add the mass combat bonus....you beat the other side!"

Think like the scene's in the movie Troy...no not the ones with Rose Byrne!