Winter Klazcka

Serra Willmore's page

56 posts. Alias of Hotaru of the Society.


+4: Investigate; +3: Charm, Grit; +2: Occult, Fight, Contacts; +1: Brawn, Speed, Brains, Resources

About Serra Willmore

The High Concept: The Undertaker's Daughter - Functionally the town's Undertaker, Serra Willmore, took over the family business when her father - and the body of the stranger he was sitting in a Wake alone with - disappeared. The only living relative of the town's Undertaker, no one had claim to the business, but that doesn't make her fit for the title - not yet, anyway.

Serra has something to prove - that she's good enough. And not just to the town, but to herself. But just because she often is, doesn't mean she always gets taken seriously.

The Trouble: A Few Skeletons in the Closet - Things best left buried have a tendency to turn up wherever Serra goes. Whether it's a skeleton in the closet, or a skeleton in the dry earth, Serra has a tendency to know more than folks want her to, especially folks that want to let sleeping dogs lie.

Serra has a tendency to stir the pot, and look into things best left alone, not to mention stumble into secrets long-forgotten. Also, monsters.

The Bargain: Six Feet from the Grave - Serra's bargain came at the age of twelve; her family was dying, and there was the answer right in front of her. Something as intangible as a promise for a full life? For her family to not be put in the ground? An easy trade. The stranger didn't give her the full hand she'd asked for though: Her mother and sister still died, and now her father's gone missing...

Serra had always been told to stay in town and not wander too far. To not go anywhere near the well where the train tracks crossed the old road down to the mine. Didn't mean she listened, and definitely didn't stop her from talking to strangers...

Inspirations include: Waverly Earp (Wynona Earp), Waldo Butters (The Dresden Files), Claire Novak (Supernatural)

The Family Business isn't Dead
Blood Begets Blood
Headstrong, Headfirst

The Best Part! (Investigate; Discovery): Serra has a knack for stumbling upon things at just the right time, or finding just the right thing with only a cursory glance. Whether opening a ledger to just the right page, stepping on just the right creaky board, or opening just the right door, gathering information tends to be a breeze for her. Serra gains a +2 to her rolls when using the Investigate Skill with the Discovery Action.

Nooks and Crannies (Investigate; Defend): Serra is adept at finding nooks and crannies to duck into to avoid notice. She is able to utilize Investigate in place of Stealth, provided she doesn't move. (Her nook, for better or worse, can be moved with her inside.)

Finding Closure (Charm): Serra may not be a priest, and she's certainly not a psychologist, but she's dealt with a lot of grief and pain. As a result, Serra's become an excellent shoulder to cry on. Serra is able to alleviate the mental consequences of others by talking them through their pains and griefs.

Ain't no Devil (Special Stunt; Brawn)): Once per scene, Serra may be offered a Compel on her bargain aspect (even when the GM has no Fate Points to give) - and gain no Fate Point - when she would receive a consequence. If she accepts, she takes no consequence. If she does not, she still loses a fate point.