
Serin Skald's page

41 posts. Alias of Oryzarius.

About Serin Skald

Serin Skald

Serin is a good-looking Anari man in his early 20s. He has long, wavy black hair which he enjoys leaving loose (but keeps tied back in windy weather) and a mustache and goatee he keeps neatly trimmed. His eyes are a singularly piercing shade of green, and Serin knows they are one of his best features. He enjoys fine clothing, though he is seldom in coin enough to indulge, and owns a sturdy chain shirt for traveling and adventuring. He is more a bowman than a swordsman, though he is finding opportunity for practice!

Serin is a sunny optimist, always looking for the bright side of any situation, and feels he needs to be a model of behavior for others, even in trying times. He has a flair for good—even chivalric—manners, and a ready wit, and enjoys employing both skills with the fairer sex. He is far more comfortable in urban areas than in the countryside (and has a particular fear of wolves from childhood stories).

Serin hails from the Anari land of Chalcis, across the Inner Sea to the west. Song magic may be considered backward by many Anari, but Serin always found both joy and deep truths in old folktales and sagas, and has set out both to preserve the old tales and to craft new ones. The Saxa lands seemed fertile areas for finding both tales and adventure—and Serin has always found rustic women intriguing—so he has found himself steadily traveling eastward.

Serin saved the hearth-elf bladedancer Rindilnir Autumnwind from a burning building while passing through the village of Dale, and the two have stayed together since, even though Rindilnir's serious burns have healed as much as both mundane and magical care can accomplish. The pair have also encountered Ferguth ap-Garth, a Reliquary archaist, and his Guardian of the Arcane, Varn ver Sigurdstjon. Together the four hope to pass the winter in Aslov, in the Freelands.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Skills: Fighting (Ag) d4, Guts (Sp) d4, Knowledge (folklore) (Sm) d4, Notice (Sm) d6, Persuasion (Sp) d6, Shooting (Ag) d6, Song Magic (Sm) d8, Streetwise (Sm) d8

Charisma: +2
Pace: 6"
Parry: 5 (1)
Toughness: 7 (2)

Bennies: 4

Edges: Attractive, Arcane Background (Song Magic)
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Loyal, Phobia (wolves)

Spells: Boost/Lower Trait (praise/satire), Healing (crooning), Speak Language (drumming rhythms along with speaking/reading)

Languages: Chalcian, Anari, Trader, Saxa

Armor: winter clothing (+2 to Vigor rolls to resist cold weather), chain shirt (+2 armor for torso & arms); medium shield (+1 Parry, +2 Armor against ranged attacks)
Weapons: staff (two-handed; damage d4+d6, parry +1, reach 1); orcish short sword (damage 2d6); bow (range 12/24/48, damage 2d6), quiver w/20 standard arrows
Gear: backpack, bedroll, blanket, flint & steel, torches (2), soap, full waterskin, 1 week's rations, 1 golden scield.

Load Limit: 30 pounds
Carried Weight: 76.2 pounds, 53 if backpack dropped.
Encumbrance gives -1 to all Strength, Agility, and related skill rolls. (-2 w/backpack)

Experience: 8 (Novice)

1st - Raise Spirit to d8