
Seoni Playtest's page

34 posts. Organized Play character for Xathos of Varisia.

Full Name



| HP 53/53 SP 4/4, Resonance 7/9 | AC 20, T 20 | F +8 R +9 W +9 | Perc +7


| Speed 25ft | Spells 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 4/4, 3rd: 3/3 | Active Conditions: none


“Seoni” | Female LN Medium Human Sorcerer 5

About Seoni Playtest

Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 5
Lawful Neutral
Perception +7 (trained)
Background Nomad
Languages Common, Varisian
Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 14 (+2), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 18 (+4)
HP 53
AC 20 TAC 20
Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9
Speed 25 ft.
Melee lesser staff of fire +6 (1d4 bludgeoning); two-hand 1d8
Ranged crossbow +8 (1d8 piercing); reload 1
Ranged ray of frost +8 (1d8+4 cold)
Acrobatics +6
Arcana +8 E
Athletics +3
Crafting +7 T
Deception +7
Diplomacy +10 E
Intimidation +9 T
Lore (Hills) +7 T
Lore (Other) +5
Medicine +5
Nature +7 T
Occultism +7 T
Performance +7
Religion +7 T
Society +7 T
Stealth +6
Survival +7 T
Thievery +6
Feats and Abilities
Ancestry feats Haughty Obstinancy, Skilled
Class feats Cantrip Expansion, Reach Spell
General feats Toughness
Skill feats Assurance (Survival), Group Impression, Quick Identification
Class abilities Ancestral Surge, Bloodline (Imperial, 4 Spell Points),
Spontaneous Heightening
Bulk 3, 6L
Worn backpack, bracers of armor (2nd)*, clothing
Weapons lesser staff of fire*, crossbow with 10 bolts
Stowed bedroll, candles (10), comprehension elixir, flint and steel, lesser
healing potions (3), material component pouch, potency crystal,
rations (3), scroll case, scroll of acid arrow, scroll of mirror image (2),
spyglass, wand of longstrider (10 charges), waterskin, writing set
Wealth 2 gold, 3 silver, 3 copper
Resonance Points 9 (7 remaining)

The following rules apply to Seoni’s equipment.

Seoni is assumed to have invested resonance in equipment marked with
an asterisk (*) above.

1/1 Comprehension Elixir: For the next minute after drinking this elixir,
you can understand words in any common language.
Dull Gray Aeon Stone: This stone orbits Seoni’s head and serves as a
ready target for her light cantrip.
3/3 Healing Potion, Lesser: Drinking this potion heals 2d8+4 Hit Points.
1/1 Lesser Staff of Fire: Seoni’s staff of fire allows her to cast produce
flame as a cantrip and burning hands as a 1st-level spell. She may cast
burning hands in this way 1/day without using a spell slot.
1/1 Potency Crystal: ([[R]] Focus Activation) This crystal is affixed to Seoni’s
staff. She can activate it before rolling when making an attack with her
staff to treat it as a magic weapon for the attack, dealing an additional 1d4
bludgeoning damage.
1/1 Scroll of Acid Arrow: While holding this scroll, Seoni can cast acid
arrow once, after which the scroll is destroyed (see Spells).
2/2 Scroll of Mirror Image: While holding this scroll, Seoni can cast
mirror image once, after which the scroll is destroyed (see Spells).
Wand of Longstrider (1st, 10 charges): By spending 1 Resonance Point
while holding the wand, you can cast longstrider as though you had it

Reload: This weapon takes 1 interact action to reload before it can
be fired again.
Two-Hand (trait): This weapon can be wielded with two hands. Doing so
changes its weapon damage die to the indicated value.

Feats and Abilities
Seoni’s feats and abilities are described below. Her Skilled and Toughness
feats are already applied to her character statistics.

Assurance: Even in the worst circumstances, you can perform basic tasks
with the Survival skill. You can forego rolling a skill check for your chosen
skill to instead receive a total check result of 10 (do not apply any modifiers
to this result).
Bloodline: Your bloodline defines the source of your magical power; for
you this is your connection to ancient spellcasters who had mastered magic,
and their power manifests in you.
Cantrip Expansion: Seoni learns two additional cantrips (daze and tanglefoot).
Haughty Obstinacy: Your powerful ego makes it harder for others to order
you around. If you succeed at a saving throw against a mental elect that
attempts to directly control your actions, you critically succeed instead. If a
creature fails to Coerce you using the Intimidation skill, it treats the result as a
critical failure instead (so it can’t try to Coerce you again for 1 week).
Group Impression: When you Make an Impression, you may apply the
result of your Diplomacy check to four targets instead of one.
Quick Identification: You take only 5 minutes when using Identify
Magic to determine the properties of an item, effect, or location rather
than 1 hour.
Spell Points: You gain a pool of 4 Spell Points that allow you to cast your
bloodline spell: ancestral surge. Each use of this spell uses 1 Spell Point.
Spontaneous Heightening: Each day, you can select two spells that you
know. You can cast these spells using higher-level spell slots (this is called
heightening). If you do, you gain the benefits listed in the Heightened
section of the spell’s description. Heightened entries with a specific spell
level, such as Heightened (3rd), grant the listed benefits if you cast the spell
using a spell slot of that level. Heightened entries with a (+1) grant those
additional benefits for every level you heighten the spell above its normal
level. By default, Seoni uses spontaneous heightening on shocking grasp
and flaming sphere.

Spell Roll +9 DC 19 Spell Points 4
Cantrips (at will): daze, detect magic, electric arc, light, produce flame, ray
of frost, shield, tanglefoot
1st level (4/day): command, fear, magic missile, shocking grasp
2nd level (4/day): flaming sphere, glitterdust, invisibility, telekinetic
3rd level (3/day): dispel magic, haste, lightning bolt

Seoni can cast the following spells. She can cast a 1st-level spell four times
per day, a 2nd-level spell four times per day, and a 3rd-level spell three times
per day. She can cast any combination of her spells at each level. Some of her
spells listed below include entries for a heightened version of the spell, which
she can cast using her spontaneous heightening ability.

Acid Arrow (scroll, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You attempt a ranged touch
attack against one creature or object within 120 feet. On a hit, you deal
1d8+4 plus 1d6 persistent acid damage to the target. Double the damage
(but not the persistent damage) on a critical hit.
[b]Ancestral Surge
(1 Spell Point, [[A]] Verbal): You gain a +1 conditional
bonus to spell rolls and spell DCs for 1 round. You can spend 1 Spell Point and
Concentrate on this Spell to extend its duration by 1 round.
Burning Hands (staff, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): Gouts of flame rush from
your hands in a 15-foot cone. You deal 2d6 fire damage to creatures in the
area. Each creature attempts a Reflex save, taking half damage on a success,
no damage on a critical success, or double damage on a critical failure.
Command ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You command one creature within
30 feet to approach you, run away (as the fleeing condition), drop what it’s
holding, drop prone, or stand in place. It must attempt a Will save. On a
success the creature is unaffected, on a failure the creature spends its first
action doing as you commanded, and on a critical failure the creature spends
as many actions as possible doing what you commanded and nothing else
until the end of its next turn.
Daze (cantrip, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You cloud the mind of a target within
60 feet. It must attempt a Will save. On a success the target is unaffected, on a
failure the target is flat-footed, and on a critical failure the target is flat-footed
and slowed 1.
Detect Magic (cantrip, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You send out a magical
pulse that registers the presence of magic within 30 feet. You learn whether or
not magic is present and know the school of magic for the highest-level spell in
the area. You can choose to ignore magic you’re fully aware of, such as you and
your allies’ magic items and ongoing spells.
You detect illusion magic only if its effect is has a lower level than the
level of your detect magic spell. However, items that have an illusion aura
but aren’t deceptive in appearance (such as an invisibility potion) typically
get detected normally.
Dispel Magic ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You attempt to dispel one spell
effect or unattended magic item within 120 feet. If the effect’s counteract level
is less than three, this automatically succeeds and the spell is dispelled or the
magic item becomes a mundane item of its type for 10 minutes; otherwise,
make a counteract check (Pathfinder Playtest p 319) against the effect using
your spell roll.
Electric Arc (cantrip, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You deal 1d6+4 electricity
damage to one or two targets within 30 feet. Each creature attempts a Reflex
save, taking half damage on a success, no damage on a critical success, or
double damage on a critical failure.
Fear ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You plant fear in one target within 30 feet.
It must attempt a Will save. It is frightened 1 on a success, frightened 2 on a
failure, frightened 3 and fleeing for 1 round on a critical failure, and unaffected
on a critical success.
Flaming Sphere ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You create a sphere of flame
in one square within 30 feet that lasts for as long as you spend an action
to concentrate on it or until dismissed. Each round that you concentrate
to maintain the sphere you may move it to another location within 30
feet. Each creature in the sphere’s square (not including during the sphere’s
movement) must attempt a Reflex save. On a success the creature is
unaffected, on a failure the creature takes 3d6 damage, and on a critical
failure the creature takes 6d6 damage.
Heightened (3rd)—The damage increases to 4d6 (8d6 on a critical failure).
Glitterdust ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You unleash a cloud of glittering dust
in a 10-foot burst within 120 feet. Each creature in the area must attempt
a Reflex save. On a success the creature’s invisibility (if any) is negated for
1 round and they are instead concealed, on a critical success the creature is
unaffected, on a failure the creature is dazzled and its invisibility is negated and
it is instead concealed for 1 minute. A critical failure acts as a failure but the
target is also blinded for 1 minute.
Haste ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You give the quick condition to one creature
within 30 feet for one minute. The target can only use the extra action granted
by this condition for Strike or Stride actions.
Invisibility ([[A]] Material, [[A]] Somatic): You turn one creature you touch
invisible for one minute or until the spell is dismissed. If the target acts in
a hostile manner, the invisibility is dismissed after that action, reaction, free
action, or activity is completed
Light (cantrip, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): An object (Bulk 1 or less) you touch
begins to glow with pure light, casting bright light in a 20-foot radius like a
torch for 1 day. If you cast this spell again, the light on the last object you cast
it on is dismissed.
Lightning Bolt ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): All creatures in a 60-foot line must
attempt a Reflex save to avoid taking 4d12 electricity damage. On a success the
creature takes half damage, on a critical success the creature takes no damage,
on a failure the creature takes full damage, and on a critical failure the creature
takes double damage.
Longstrider (wand, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): Your speed is accelerated 10
feet for one hour.
Magic Missile ([[A]] Verbal or more): You send a dart of force streaking toward
a creature that you can see within 120 feet. It automatically hits and deals
1d4+1 force damage. When Casting this Spell, you can increase the casting by a
Material Casting action, a Somatic Casting action, or both. For each component
you add, increase the number of missiles you shoot by one. You choose the
target for each missile individually.
Mirror Image (scroll, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): For 1 minute (or until
all images are destroyed) you are surrounded by three illusory images of
yourself. When all three images are up, any attack that would hit you has
a 1 in 4 chance (1 on 1d4) of hitting you, when two images are up attacks
have a 1 in 3 chance of hitting you (1-2 on 1d6) and when only one image
is up, attacks have a 1 in 2 chance of hitting you (1-3 on 1d6). An attack that
does not hit you due to this spell instead destroys one of the images; if an
attack against you is a critical success, it becomes a success against you and
one of the images is also destroyed.
Produce Flame (staff, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You create a small flame
that can be used as a melee or ranged touch attack to deal 1d6+4 fire
damage. On a critical success, the flame deals double damage and 1d4
persistent fire damage.
Ray of Frost (cantrip, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You attempt a ranged touch
attack against one creature within 60 feet. If you hit, you deal 1d8+4 cold
damage to the target. Double the cold damage on a critical hit.
Shield (cantrip, [[A]] Verbal): You raise a magical shield of force to protect
yourself. This counts as using the Raise a Shield action to gain a +1 circumstance
bonus to AC until the start of your next turn, though it doesn’t require a hand to
use. While the spell is in effect, you can use the Shield Block reaction to reduce
one attack’s damage to you. The shield has Hardness 10. After you use Shield
Block, the spell is dismissed and you can’t cast it again for 10 minutes. Unlike
a normal Shield Block, you can also use the spell’s reaction against the magic
missile spell.
Shocking Grasp ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You attempt a melee touch attack
against one creature. On a hit, the target takes 1d12+4 electricity damage; if
the target is wearing or made of metal you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to
your attack roll and the target takes 1d4 persistent electricity damage on a hit.
On a critical hit, double the damage, but not the persistent damage.
Heightened (+1): The damage increases by 1d12 and the persistent
electricity damage increases by 1.
Tanglefoot ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You conjure a sticky vine and attempt
a ranged touch attack with it against a target within 30 feet. On a success the
target is entangled for 2 rounds and must attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics
check to remove the condition. On a critical success, the target is immobile as
long as it is entangled. This spell has no effect if the ranged attack roll results
in a failure or critical failure.
Telekinetic Maneuver ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You telekinetically attempt
a Disarm, Shove, or Trip against a target within 30 feet, making a spell roll
instead of an Athletics check.