
Selena Snoe Yelizaveta's page

1,125 posts. Alias of DarkLightHitomi.

Full Name

PFS #: 84816

About Selena Snoe Yelizaveta

Name: Selena Snoe

HP: 66/66
Spells; -/5/5/5/4/4/2
A Pool; 5 (5/8)

Prepped Spells (spontaneous)
(Light)(Mending)(Message)(Detect Magic)(Detect Poison)(Ray of Frost)(Stabilize)(Touch of Fatigue)(Daze)
(Command)(Chill Touch)(Mage Armor)(Obscuring Mist)(Reduce person)
(Ironskin)(Cure Moderate)(Aggressive thundercloud)(Alter Self)(Drain Construct)
(Dispel Magic)(Disable Construct)(Gloomblind Bolts)(Arcane Sight)
(Black Tentacles)(Wall of Ice)(Beast Shape 2)
(Reincarnate)(Khain's Army)
(Janni's Jaunt)


Race: Female Halfling
Age: 16 yo (Young adult)
Size: Small Size, 2' 9" 28 lbs
Type: Humanoid (halfling)
Classes: Witch (Winter Witch)2/arcanist (unlettered arcanist)5/ Prestige Winter Witch 4
Favored: Witch
Faith: Irori
Alignment: LN
Home: Irrisen
Jobs: Apprentice Witch Jadwiga
Languages: Common, Draconic, Sylvan, Skald


Str 12 (+1)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 16 (+3)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 14 (+2)

Senses; Normal Perception +11
Aura None (see detect evil)
Init +3; Speed 30 ft.
BAB +7; CMB +7; CMD 20

Concentration +14 (d20+CL+ab mod)

Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +11
Conditional: +2 vs fear & death
AC: 14, ff 11, touch 14; (+? Armor, +? Deflection, +3 Dex, +? Dodge, +? Natural, +? Shield, +? Sacred, +1 Size)
w/ Ironskin: 18, 15, 14.
w/ Ironskin and Mage Armor: 22, 19, 14.

HP: 73 ( HD: 13D6+1d10) (6@1st, 12*4=48 1*5=5 added HD, 14 con*lvl)

DR: None
Resist: Cold 9,


Total Skill Name (Ranks) Class (Ab Mod) [Bonus] {conditional}
+12 Acrobatics(6)3(3)[]
+? Appraise()()[]
+? Bluff()()[]
+8 Climb(4)3(1)[]
+? Craft:
#+6 Leather(1)3(2)[]
#+7 Cloth(2)3(2)[]
+4 Diplomacy(2)(2)[]
+? Disable Device()()[]
+? Disguise()()[]
+? Escape Artist()()[]
+5 Fly(2)(3)[]
+? Handle Animal()()[]
+7 Heal(1)3(1)[2]
+? Intimidate()()[]
+12 Knowledge: Arcana(6)3(3)[]
#+9 Subskill; Nobility(3)3(3)[]
#+5 Subskill; Engineering(1)3(3)[]
+? Linguistics()()[]
+11 Perception(5)3(1)[2]
+? Perform:
#+? Subskill()()[]
+? Profession:
#+? Subskill()()[]
+? Ride()()[]
+4 Sense Motive(3)(1)[]
+10 Sleight of Hand(4)3(3)[]
+10 Spellcraft(5)3(2)[]
+15 Stealth(5)3(3)[7]
+11 Survival(5)3(1)[2]
+7 Swim(3)3(1)[]
+6 Use Magic Device(1)3(2)[]
+? Wild Empathy()()[]


  • Fey Thoughts, perception and stealth are class skills
  • Keen Senses and Halfling Luck, +1 saves, +2 perception
  • Fleet of Foot, 30' speed
  • Northern Ancestry; +1 fort, Cold resist 2
  • Unscathed; Any energy resistance improves by 2.
  • Pride, When someone threatens, accuses, or challenges you, you take —2 on Diplomacy & Sense Motive for that creature till it apologizes.
  • Reincarnated; +2 vs fear & death effects.
  • Endure Elements vs cold; Constant
  • +1 DC for cold spells
  • Transformation Patron
  • Ray of Frost added to spell list
  • Hex: Healing
  • Hex: Cloth Control
  • Exploit: Dimensional Slide
  • Exploit: Quick Study
  • Exploit: Counterspell
  • Winter Witchcraft: Stack with witch for hexes
  • Freeze and Thaw: 5' cube ice/10' cube snow, melt or freeze, uses = 1/2 cls per day
  • Hex: Flight
  • Self-sufficient +2 heal & survival
  • Proficiency Longsword Can wield longswords.
  • Imp Unarmed Strike
  • Craft Wondrous Item
  • Blind fight
  • Silent Spell
  • Hex: Snow Form (reflavored Mud Witch)
  • Hex: Disguise
  • Blizzardsight
  • Grit
  • Deed: Quick Clear
  • Gunsmithing feat as bonus


At Will
Hex1 Healing cure moderate 2d8+cl, use at will but tgt affected 1/day max
Hex2 Cloth control
Hex3 Flight
Hex4 Snow form (reflavored mud witch)
Hex5 Disguise

# Per Day

Per Pool Point (PP)
CLS2 - Arcane Reservoir,
8 - Max cls lvl +3
5 - Renew daily, set to one half cls lvl +3
CLS2 - Un-named, can spend one PP to increase the caster lvl or the DC of a spell by 1.
CLS2 - Consume Spells, expend a spell slot, gain that spell lvl in PP
CLS2 - Dimensional Slide, 1 PP, can teleport 10' per cls lvl (50'), counts as 5' and is used as part of move or withdraw action.
CLS5 - Quick Study, can swap prepped spell, 1 PP, full round action

By Spell Slots
DC +1 for cold spells
LVL 0 (9 prep slot) - per day DC 12
LVL 1 (5 prep slot) 5 Per Day DC 13
LVL 2 (5 prep slot) 5 Per Day DC 14
LVL 3 (4 prep slot) 5 Per Day DC 15
LVL 4 (3 prep slot) 4 Per Day DC 16
LVL 5 (2 prep slot) 3 Per Day DC 17

SPELLBOOK: Cantrips:

Note: All spherical areas are listed by radius.
(P) after duration means it explicitly can be made permanent.

  • Name: casting time | components | range/area/tgts | duration | save | spell resistance | school Effect.


    • Arcane Mark Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible).
    • Bleed Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying.
    • Dancing Lights Creates torches or other lights.
    • Daze A single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action.
    • Detect Magic Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft.
    • Detect Poison Detects poison in one creature or small object.
    • Guidance +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
    • Light Object shines like a torch.
    • Mending Makes minor repairs on an object.
    • Message Whisper conversation at distance.
    • Putrefy Food and Drink Makes food and water inedible.
    • Ray of Frost 1d3 rta cold dmg
    • Read Magic Read scrolls and spellbooks.
    • Resistance Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
    • Stabilize Cause a dying creature to stabilize.
    • Touch of Fatigue Touch attack fatigues target.

  • SPELLBOOK: 1, Expert spells:

    1st SL

    • -Abstemiousness: Cast | Comp. | tgt | Dur | save | SR | Schl Desc.

    • -Air Bubble 1min/cl air around head or 2h large object

    • -Chill Touch 1 touch/cl 1d6 neg and 1 str dmg, on undead: fear effect for 1d4+1 rnds

    • -Command 1tgt-1rnd, single word command, limited to: approach, drop, fall, flee, halt

    • -Comprehend Languages 10min/cl understand any language

    • -Cure Light 1d8+cl pos

    • -Forced Quiet 1rnd/cl, muffle sound, sonic DC -2, +2 vs sonic, +4 stealth

    • -Frostbite 1touch/cl, 1d6+cl non-lethal and fatigue, fatigue ends when dmg healed

    • -Icicle dagger 1min/cl in hand, dagger with +1 cold dmg, higher lvls gain power, cl6 +1 frost dagger, cl 11 gains returning

    • -Jump bonus to jump checks

    • -Mage Armor 1hr/cl, +4 armor

    • -Obscuring Mist 1min/cl, 20' spread, obscures sight beyond 5'

    • -Reduce Person 1min/cl, shrink size

    • -Shadow Weapon 1min/cl in hand, if disbelieved 1 dmg only, sr can dispel

    • -Sleep 4hd of creatures

    • -Snowball rta 1d6/cl cold

    • -Unseen Servant 1hr/cl, str 2, spd 15, hp6, always fails saves

    SPELLBOOK: 2, Masterwork spells:

    2nd SL

    • -Aggressive Thundercloud: 1SA | VSM/DF (piece of tree struck by lightning) | 100+10/cl (2.5'r sphere) | 1 rnd/cl | Ref | SR | Evo. (Ele) Spherical stormcloud, moves up to 20' as directed by caster via move action. When it encounters a creatures it stops moving and deals 3d6 dmg, ref negates. Also provides 20% concealment within cloud. Can be moved via wind effects as per a small creature.Illuminates area as a candle.

    • -Alter Self Change appearance

    • -Cure Moderate: 1SA | VS | Touch | Inst. | Will (harmless) | SR (harmless) | Con. (Healing) Lay hand on tgt, 2d8+(1/cl) max cl 10 positive energy.

    • -Drain Construct 1SA | VS | Close | Inst. | Will negates | SR No | Necromancy You weaken a target construct, temporarily sapping its animating force and limiting its normal functionality. If the construct fails its saving throw, for the duration of this spell, it loses any damage reduction and fast healing it had and its base speed is reduced by half. Additionally, the construct takes a –4 penalty to Strength while this spell is in effect. This penalty increases by 2 for every 3 caster levels beyond 3rd (maximum –14). If the construct is normally immune to magic, this spell’s sapping effect is less penetrating and the construct receives a +4 bonus on its saving throw.

    • -Force Sword: 1SA | VS | 0' | 1 min/cl | NA | SR | Evo. (Force) Create a longsword of force. +1 enhancement per 2+(cl/5) cap at cl 13. Per creature with SR, first strike, if fail to beat SR the sword is dispelled, if beat SR no more SR checks vs that creature for duration of spell.

    • -Ironskin: 1sa | VSMDF (pinch of forge soot) | personal | 1min/cl | | Trans. [earth] Skin hardens providing a +4 to any natural armor plus 1 more for every .

    SPELLBOOK: 3, Grand Master spells:

    3rd SL

    • -Arcane Sight: 1sa | VS | Pers. (120') | 1 min/cl (D, P) | NA | NA | Div. See magic auras within sight (no cone, no concentration) akin to Detect Magic. Within LOS can make a spellcraft check like Detect Magic. Can study a creature to determine if it can spells or spell-like abilities. Still can't discern properties of artifacts.

    • -Disable Construct: 1sa | VS | Touch | 1 rnd/cl (D) | Will | NA | Trans. You can make a melee touch attack to send a pulse into the target, interfering with the magic that endows it with life. If the construct fails its saving throw, it becomes helpless, but it receives a new save each round at the end of its turn to shake off the effect. If the construct is normally immune to magic, the pulse is less effective and the construct receives a +4 bonus on its saving throw.

    • -Dispel Magic: 1sa | VS | 100+(10/cl) TGT | Inst. | NA | NA | Abj. End, supress, or Counter magic. Can dispel but not counter SLAs. Target ongoing effects, end the highest cl effect beat by the dispel check. Can also specify a specific spell, but failure to dispel will not effect lower cl effects. Conjured creatures or items can have the conjuring effect end. Item effects are supressed rather than ended, for 1d4 rounds. Automatically succeed against any spell cast by one's self. Artifacts and deities are unaffected. Can make a dispel check to counterspell actual spellcasting.

    • -Gloomblind Bolts: 1sa | VS | 100+70' | Inst. | Ref | SR | Conj. (Creation Shadow) One bolt per (cl-1)/4, cap cl 13, standard multi-target rules. Each bolt deals 4d6. Reflex or blinded. (the description matches negative energy but isn't explicitly named as such)

    • -Guiding Star: 1 min | VSM (spool of thread/string) | Pers. (plane) | 1 day/cl | NA | NA | Div. Attune to location this spell is cast (only one location). As a standard action one can always discern direction and distance to attuned location, which also counts as very familiar for teleport and similar.

    SPELLBOOK: 4, Supernatural spells:

    4th SL

    • -Black Tentacles: 1sa | VSM (squid or octopus tentacle) | 20'radius area up to medium range | 1rnd/cl | no save | no SR | Conj. (creation) Creates a field of rubbery black tentacles which indiscriminately grapples all creatures in the area. Each round the tentacles make a CMB grapple check with +4 (str) +1 (size) +CL to the roll with a +5 vs already grappled creatures, though it can't move nor pin targets. A success deals 1d6+4 to grappled creatures. Grappled creatures can't move without breaking the grapple. CMD is 10+CMB. Entire is difficult terrain while the spell lasts. The tentacles can't be dmgd but can be dispelled as normal.

    • -Beast Shape 2

    • -Medusa's Bane: 1sa | VSM (mirror fragment) | personal | 1rnd/cl | | Abj. Eyes become like silver. Gain immunity to all gaze attacks. Can end the spell to reflect a gaze attack back upon the gazer, bypassing it's normal immunity to it's own gaze.

    • -Wall of Ice: 1sa | VSM (quartz or rock crystal) | Medium rng | plane 10'/cl or hemisphere radius 3'+1/cl | 1 min/cl | Ref negates | SR yes | Evo. [Cold] Create anchored plane or hemisphere of ice. Cannot form in occupied area. Surface must be smooth and unbroken when formed. Adjacent creatures can make a save to disrupt the spell. Takes full dmg from fire (instead of the half for inanimate objects). Suddenly melting creates a cloud of fog lasting for 10 minutes. A plane is 1 inch/cl thick and requires two opposing anchoring surfaces for non-vertical walls, or just one for vertical. If broken through, a sheet of frigidness remains dealing 1d6+cl cold to any passing through. A strength check to breach is DC 15+cl. Hemisphere does not deal damage to those passing through a breach. Both have 3 HP/inch of thickness and no hardness.

    SPELLBOOK: 5, Fantastical spells:

    5th SL

    • -Khain's Army: 1sa | VSMDF (handful of ghoul's teeth) | 5' range | 1rnd/cl | Fort for half | SR no | Necro. [evil] Creates 1d4+1 ghouls led by a ghast all of whom follow the caster's commands. If a ghoul is destroyed (except by the spell ending), it will detonate in a burst dealing 1d6 negative energy to all adjacent. If the ghast is destroyed, it deals double the burst dmg. When the spell ends, any remaining ghouls/ghast fade to dust without bursting.

    • -Reincarnate: 10 minutes | VSMDF (oils worth 1000GP, piece of dead body from time of death) | one dead creature touched | Instant | none | SR yes harmless | Trans. Bring back a dead creature up to one week after death. Willing souls only. New body and thus no afflictions. During one hour a new body is created. Creature takes two permanent negative levels, and 50% of losing any prepared spells (need to be reprepped). A wish or miracle can return creature to original form. Adjust physical traits to remove old physical traits and gain new body's traits (ability score adjustments, vision types, flight, etc, but not non-physical traits like intelligince modifier.) Check table for new body's race.

    SPELLBOOK: 6, Legendary spells:

    6th SL

    SPELLBOOK: 7, Mythical spells:

    SPELLBOOK: 8, Epic spells:

  • -Name: Cast | Comp. | tgt | Dur | save | SR | Schl Desc.


    Worn/Equipped: 8 lbs
    Outfit: Explorer's Outfit (8 lbs)[free]
    Necklace: Braided 7 strands of Delraga's hair.
    Magic Item Slots:

    • Location: Name Desc

    Non-Slotted Items: - lbs

    • Signet Ring (- lbs)[5]

    Carried: 5.5 lbs

    • Melee: Dagger 1d3 10' +3, 20x2, P 1 lb [1]
    • Melee: Icy MiniGlaive 1d3 10' +3, 20x2, P 1 lb [1]
    • Melee: +1 Longsword 1d6 0', 19x2, S 4 lbs []

    Belt Pouch #1: (0.5 lbs)[1] .5 lbs

    • Ioun Torch (- lbs)[75]
    • Vial, steel (- lbs)[1]
    • Flint & Steel (- lbs)[1]
    • GP {77}

    Type:Masterwork Backpack with waterproof bag as liner (4 lbs)[50] 10.5 lbs

    • Blanket (1 lbs)[.5]
    • Hammock (3 lbs)[.1]
    • Mirror, Small Steel (0.5 lbs)[10]
    • Waterproof Bag (.5 lbs)[.5]
    • Magnet (.5 lbs)[.5]
    • String 100' (1 lbs)[.02]
    • Wrapped and sealed Thief's head
    • Small Grimoire
    • GP {22.6} 2.4 + 432 remaining

      Type:Adventurer's Sash (3 lbs)[20] 12 lbs

    • Rope, Silk 50-ft (5 lbs)[10]
    • Waterskin (4 lbs)[1]

    Complete load = 36.5 lbs [565.6]
    STR (9) —
    light: 30 (x1/3), medium: 60 (x2/3), heavy: 90 (x1), LOG: 180 (x2), Drag: 450[225-1800](x5[x2.5-x10])


    Selena has a light and acrobatic build, mildly pale skin, and long white hair in a braid. She has good calf high boots, loose leg pants, a shirt with billowy sleeves, a vest with lots of pockets, a broad sash as a belt with pouch, gloves, a cloak with hood, a scarf, and a headband. Everything is colored in various shades of white, light grey, with dark grey or black accents with the exception of two out of place red ribbons. Her eyes are pale blue and silver. A silver fox follows her around closely.

    She carries a well made longsword and a dagger with a copper pommel with a strange mark stamped into it.

    10 minute Background:
    -Step 1: Write at least 5 concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind.
    Umm, reincarnated witch,
    she is worried about taking her place as a winter witch because of her reincarnated form,
    young in an older body (she was a child reincarnated into a young adult body),
    far from home (slowly making her way north),
    with her teacher dead she has been studying on her own and creating a unique style of casting magic,
    open mind (she has seen much traveling so young and has a greater appreciation than most for things different from the familiar).

    -Step 2: List at least 2 goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
    Selena wants to go home and retake her place and to bring her teacher back to life.
    I the player have no specific goal beyond seeing her progress. I don't make specific plans, the character becomes almost real, like a whisper in my mind. I discover the character through play. I don't write stories, I discover them, and watch them unfold in my mind's eye.

    -Step 3: List at least 2 secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

    Umm, secret one, she is something unique, with the features of a winter creature, however, aside from her teacher and some others involved in handling the stolen book and her parents no one else knows that yet and she intends to keep it that way till she gets back home.
    Secret 2, she doesn't know that when she burned the thief's body (aside from the head she is taking back as proof of his death) as an insult to him, that she now possesses that one thing required to resurrect him, and others want to resurrect him. She also has a dagger with sentimental value, the thief's only connection to the family he lost, if he gets brought back, he'll want it.

    -Step 4: Describe at least 3 people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. <- Unlike other games, this AP makes it difficult to use character-tied NPCs (won't say why not to spoiler anything) so this is optional.

    - Delraga, dead teacher, has what she needs to bring her to life save the diamond dust and a capable caster.
    - The Hinna family, traveled with them for several weeks till they stopped going north.
    - The thief's companions/employer/followers, Selena has his head and as an insult burned his body. She also took some of his stuff and the book he was hired to procure. Definitely enemies.

    -Step 5: Describe at least 3 mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

    - Disciplined with great strength of character yet childish in many ways.
    - Strong sense of fairness.
    - Having faced and overcome her fears, they don't bother her. (I also can't potray fear since I don't know it, nor understand it having never felt it, not even in the face of death.)

    Lineage; Descended from Yelizaveta, 13th queen, the last queen prior to the current one.

    Selena is one of jadwiga, the ruling class of Irrisen. Her family were not immediately related to the current queen, but they did have under their care some important artifacts and materials as Selena's mother studied such things in crafting new spells and sometimes her father would get to study for his crafting of magic items.

    As a child of about 12, a few thieves broke into the castle where Selena lived. They stole a book. Selena had snuck out of bed and was on the roof enjoying the night as she often did. The thieves meant to leave that way and so encountered her. They easily tossed her aside, but then ignored her. Selena took the chance, meaning to push one over the edge, she went over as well. Both died upon the rocks below.

    Delraga witnessed this and quickly reincarnated Selena. Selena's new form was not only older but also unfamiliar, not only to Selena, but to everyone who found out. She was still humanoid, but had the features of a winter wolf, silver and grey fur. Her new form also possessed unfamiliar innate powers.

    Delraga was tasked with tracking down the thief and retrieving what was stolen, a small but important grimoire. As Selena was the only one who had clearly seen the thief's face, she went along as well, purely to identify the thief. Delraga was also to teach Selena what she could during the journey.

    They tracked the thief to Jalmerey, where they confronted him. Delraga and the thief fought in the thief's own house, which was trapped in many places. The thief managed to shove Delraga into a spiked pit with a reverse gravity that shoots the victim up only to fall repeatedly. As he gloated over his victory, he let his guard down, forgetting about Selena, until she shoved him into the trap in turn.

    After a bit of work and creative recovery attempts, Selena managed to pull the bodies from the trap. She took the thief's head as proof of his death, then she took seven hairs from Delraga in the hope someone could bring her back, and finally she took the stolen book and a strangely simple dagger from the thief. She put the thief back in the trap and tossed an oil lamp to light him on fire.

    She has since slowly made her way north, traveling to get back home. Stopping from time to time do odd jobs for a bit money to survive.

    She refuses to sell a small ioun torch her mother gave her at parting with Selena's name engraved on it, and treasures it having seemingly lost everything else.


    Fox CR 1/4

    XP 100

    N Tiny animal

    Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8


    AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)

    hp 5 (1d8+1)

    Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1


    Speed 40 ft.

    Melee bite +1 (1d3–1)

    Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


    Str 9, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6

    Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 9 (13 vs. trip)

    Feats Skill Focus (Perception)

    Skills Acrobatics +2 (+10 jumping), Perception +8, Stealth +10 (+14 in snow), Survival +1 (+5 scent tracking); Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Survival when tracking by scent


    Environment any

    Organization solitary, pair, or skulk (3–12)

    Treasure none

    Foxes are small, doglike carnivores with narrow snouts and bushy tails.

    As familiar: +2 reflex saves

    First lvl advancement choices:

    Figuring out via inference, in progress
    class: Witch (Winter witch) 1
    Hex: Healing
    d6 hp
    4 skill points: Nobility, sleight of hand, survival, UMD

    second lvl advancement choices:

    class;arcanist (unlettered arcanist) 1
    1st exploit; dimensional slide
    d6 hp
    4 skill points
    2 to stealth
    2 to diplomacy

    third lvl advancement choices:

    class;arcanist (unlettered arcanist) 2
    feat: Magical Tail (disguise self)
    d6 hp
    4 skill points
    2 to nobility
    1 to diplomacy
    1 to acrobatics

    fourth lvl advancement choices:

    class;witch (winter witch) 2
    d6 hp
    hex; dancing cloth (homebrew, like prehensile hair but cloth)
    4 skill points, Spellcraft, K Arcana, Heal, Perception
    2 spells, comprehend languages, shadow weapon

    fifth lvl advancement choices:

    class;arcanist (unlettered arcanist) 3
    feat: Imp Unarmed Strike
    d6 hp
    exploit; quick study
    4 skill points, Spellcraft, K Arcana, Sleight of hand, Stealth
    2 spells, air bubble, Snowball

    Sixth level and rebuild choices:

    lvl 6: Arcanist 4
    4 skills, Perception, Spellcraft, K Arcana, Craft Leather
    new race is halfling
    change 3rd lvl feat from magical tail to longsword proficiency.
    2 new spells, arcane sight, gloomblind bolts

    3rd: guiding star and dispel magic
    2nd: ironskin, alter self, cure moderate, aggresive thundercloud, force sword
    1st: 3 previously known (to keep things in line with altered spellcasting without forgetting spells)
    (25*3)gp+(150*5)gp+(375*2)=2325 gp cost of spells
    2825 per reincarnation token, 2 purchased, 1 used.

    Also added Jump spell(gained from patron at 2nd witch lvl)

    Seventh lvl choices:

    Class=Arcanist 5
    Spells(2)= Disable Construct, Drain Construct
    Feat=Craft Wondrous Item
    Skills= K Arcana, Spellcraft, Craft Cloth, Perception

    Eighth lvl advancement choices:

    class: Winter Witch (prestige class) 1
    d6 hp
    4 skill points: Acrobatics, Spellcraft, Arcana, Perception

    Ninth lvl advancement choices:

    class;Winter Witch (prestige class) 2
    Feat: Blind-fight
    Hex: Flight
    d6 hp
    4 skill points: Acrobatics, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Craft Cloth
    2 spells: Black Tentacles, Medusa's Bane
    gained patron spell bears endurance

    Tenth lvl advancement choices:

    Class: Winter Witch 3
    Skills: Survival 2, Stealth 2
    Spells: Wall of Ice, Deathless

    Eleventh lvl advancement choices:

    Class: Winter Witch 4
    Feat: silent spell
    Hex: Snow form (reflavored Mud Witch)
    Skills: Survival 2, Acrobatics 2
    Spells: Khain's Army, Reincarnate
    gained patron spell beast shape 1

    bringing ab scores to 20 point buy
    base: 14,14,12,14,11,12 ; cost 5,5,2,5,1,2
    race: -2,+2,__,__,__,+2
    tot : 12,16,12,14,11,14
    4th lvl ab+: int
    8th lvl ab+: wis
    fin : 12,16,12,15,12,14

    Twelve lvl advancement choices:

    Class:Winter Witch 5
    Ability+: Int
    Skills: 2 fly, 3 sense motive
    Spells: teleport, secure shelter

    Thirteenth lvl advancement choices:

    Class:Winter Witch 6
    Feat: Reach Spell
    Hex/exploit: Disguise
    Skills:3 climb, 2 swim
    Spells: Raise Dead, Janni's Jaunt

    Fourteenth lvl advancement choices:

    Class: Gunslinger
    Deed: Quick Clear
    Skills: acrobatics, climb, k engineering, sleight of hand, swim, spellcraft, k arcana

    Template lvl advancement choices:


    Plan, reach spell next
    Shadow Transformation