About Selena Snoe YelizavetaName: Selena Snoe [ooc
Prepped Spells (spontaneous)
Race: Female Halfling Age: 16 yo (Young adult) Size: Small Size, 2' 9" 28 lbs Type: Humanoid (halfling) Level: Classes: Witch (Winter Witch)2/arcanist (unlettered arcanist)5/ Prestige Winter Witch 4 Favored: Witch Social: Faith: Irori Alignment: LN Home: Irrisen Jobs: Apprentice Witch Jadwiga Languages: Common, Draconic, Sylvan, Skald CORE STATS:
Str 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 12 (+1) Int 16 (+3) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 14 (+2) Senses; Normal Perception +11
Concentration +14 (d20+CL+ab mod) Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +11
HP: 73 ( HD: 13D6+1d10) (6@1st, 12*4=48 1*5=5 added HD, 14 con*lvl) DR: None
Total Skill Name (Ranks) Class (Ab Mod) [Bonus] {conditional} +12 Acrobatics(6)3(3)[] +? Appraise()()[] +? Bluff()()[] +8 Climb(4)3(1)[] +? Craft: #+6 Leather(1)3(2)[] #+7 Cloth(2)3(2)[] +4 Diplomacy(2)(2)[] +? Disable Device()()[] +? Disguise()()[] +? Escape Artist()()[] +5 Fly(2)(3)[] +? Handle Animal()()[] +7 Heal(1)3(1)[2] +? Intimidate()()[] +12 Knowledge: Arcana(6)3(3)[] #+9 Subskill; Nobility(3)3(3)[] #+5 Subskill; Engineering(1)3(3)[] +? Linguistics()()[] +11 Perception(5)3(1)[2] +? Perform: #+? Subskill()()[] +? Profession: #+? Subskill()()[] +? Ride()()[] +4 Sense Motive(3)(1)[] +10 Sleight of Hand(4)3(3)[] +10 Spellcraft(5)3(2)[] +15 Stealth(5)3(3)[7] +11 Survival(5)3(1)[2] +7 Swim(3)3(1)[] +6 Use Magic Device(1)3(2)[] +? Wild Empathy()()[] PASSIVE ABILITIES:
At Will Hex1 Healing cure moderate 2d8+cl, use at will but tgt affected 1/day max Hex2 Cloth control Hex3 Flight Hex4 Snow form (reflavored mud witch) Hex5 Disguise # Per Day Per Pool Point (PP)
By Spell Slots
SPELLBOOK: Cantrips:
Note: All spherical areas are listed by radius. (P) after duration means it explicitly can be made permanent. Cantrips
SPELLBOOK: 1, Expert spells:
1st SL
SPELLBOOK: 2, Masterwork spells:
2nd SL
SPELLBOOK: 3, Grand Master spells:
3rd SL
SPELLBOOK: 4, Supernatural spells:
4th SL
SPELLBOOK: 5, Fantastical spells:
5th SL
SPELLBOOK: 6, Legendary spells:
Template 6th SL SPELLBOOK: 7, Mythical spells:
SPELLBOOK: 8, Epic spells:
Worn/Equipped: 8 lbs Outfit: Explorer's Outfit (8 lbs)[free] Necklace: Braided 7 strands of Delraga's hair. Magic Item Slots:
Non-Slotted Items: - lbs
Carried: 5.5 lbs
Belt Pouch #1: (0.5 lbs)[1] .5 lbs
Type:Masterwork Backpack with waterproof bag as liner (4 lbs)[50] 10.5 lbs
Complete load = 36.5 lbs [565.6]
Appearance Selena has a light and acrobatic build, mildly pale skin, and long white hair in a braid. She has good calf high boots, loose leg pants, a shirt with billowy sleeves, a vest with lots of pockets, a broad sash as a belt with pouch, gloves, a cloak with hood, a scarf, and a headband. Everything is colored in various shades of white, light grey, with dark grey or black accents with the exception of two out of place red ribbons. Her eyes are pale blue and silver. A silver fox follows her around closely. She carries a well made longsword and a dagger with a copper pommel with a strange mark stamped into it.
-Step 2: List at least 2 goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
-Step 3: List at least 2 secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises! Umm, secret one, she is something unique, with the features of a winter creature, however, aside from her teacher and some others involved in handling the stolen book and her parents no one else knows that yet and she intends to keep it that way till she gets back home.
-Step 4: Describe at least 3 people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. <- Unlike other games, this AP makes it difficult to use character-tied NPCs (won't say why not to spoiler anything) so this is optional. - Delraga, dead teacher, has what she needs to bring her to life save the diamond dust and a capable caster.
-Step 5: Describe at least 3 mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor. - Disciplined with great strength of character yet childish in many ways.
Lineage; Descended from Yelizaveta, 13th queen, the last queen prior to the current one. History
As a child of about 12, a few thieves broke into the castle where Selena lived. They stole a book. Selena had snuck out of bed and was on the roof enjoying the night as she often did. The thieves meant to leave that way and so encountered her. They easily tossed her aside, but then ignored her. Selena took the chance, meaning to push one over the edge, she went over as well. Both died upon the rocks below. Delraga witnessed this and quickly reincarnated Selena. Selena's new form was not only older but also unfamiliar, not only to Selena, but to everyone who found out. She was still humanoid, but had the features of a winter wolf, silver and grey fur. Her new form also possessed unfamiliar innate powers. Delraga was tasked with tracking down the thief and retrieving what was stolen, a small but important grimoire. As Selena was the only one who had clearly seen the thief's face, she went along as well, purely to identify the thief. Delraga was also to teach Selena what she could during the journey. They tracked the thief to Jalmerey, where they confronted him. Delraga and the thief fought in the thief's own house, which was trapped in many places. The thief managed to shove Delraga into a spiked pit with a reverse gravity that shoots the victim up only to fall repeatedly. As he gloated over his victory, he let his guard down, forgetting about Selena, until she shoved him into the trap in turn. After a bit of work and creative recovery attempts, Selena managed to pull the bodies from the trap. She took the thief's head as proof of his death, then she took seven hairs from Delraga in the hope someone could bring her back, and finally she took the stolen book and a strangely simple dagger from the thief. She put the thief back in the trap and tossed an oil lamp to light him on fire. She has since slowly made her way north, traveling to get back home. Stopping from time to time do odd jobs for a bit money to survive. She refuses to sell a small ioun torch her mother gave her at parting with Selena's name engraved on it, and treasures it having seemingly lost everything else.
Fox CR 1/4 XP 100 N Tiny animal Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8 Defense AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size) hp 5 (1d8+1) Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1 Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee bite +1 (1d3–1) Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. Statistics Str 9, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 9 (13 vs. trip) Feats Skill Focus (Perception) Skills Acrobatics +2 (+10 jumping), Perception +8, Stealth +10 (+14 in snow), Survival +1 (+5 scent tracking); Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Survival when tracking by scent Ecology Environment any Organization solitary, pair, or skulk (3–12) Treasure none Foxes are small, doglike carnivores with narrow snouts and bushy tails. As familiar: +2 reflex saves
First lvl advancement choices:
Figuring out via inference, in progress class: Witch (Winter witch) 1 Hex: Healing d6 hp 4 skill points: Nobility, sleight of hand, survival, UMD second lvl advancement choices:
class;arcanist (unlettered arcanist) 1 1st exploit; dimensional slide d6 hp 4 skill points 2 to stealth 2 to diplomacy third lvl advancement choices:
class;arcanist (unlettered arcanist) 2 feat: Magical Tail (disguise self) d6 hp 4 skill points 2 to nobility 1 to diplomacy 1 to acrobatics fourth lvl advancement choices:
class;witch (winter witch) 2 d6 hp hex; dancing cloth (homebrew, like prehensile hair but cloth) 4 skill points, Spellcraft, K Arcana, Heal, Perception 2 spells, comprehend languages, shadow weapon fifth lvl advancement choices:
class;arcanist (unlettered arcanist) 3 feat: Imp Unarmed Strike d6 hp exploit; quick study 4 skill points, Spellcraft, K Arcana, Sleight of hand, Stealth 2 spells, air bubble, Snowball Sixth level and rebuild choices:
lvl 6: Arcanist 4 4 skills, Perception, Spellcraft, K Arcana, Craft Leather new race is halfling change 3rd lvl feat from magical tail to longsword proficiency. 2 new spells, arcane sight, gloomblind bolts purchased,
Also added Jump spell(gained from patron at 2nd witch lvl) Seventh lvl choices:
Class=Arcanist 5 Exploit=Counterspell Spells(2)= Disable Construct, Drain Construct Feat=Craft Wondrous Item Skills= K Arcana, Spellcraft, Craft Cloth, Perception Eighth lvl advancement choices:
class: Winter Witch (prestige class) 1 d6 hp 4 skill points: Acrobatics, Spellcraft, Arcana, Perception Ninth lvl advancement choices:
class;Winter Witch (prestige class) 2 Feat: Blind-fight Hex: Flight d6 hp 4 skill points: Acrobatics, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Craft Cloth 2 spells: Black Tentacles, Medusa's Bane gained patron spell bears endurance Tenth lvl advancement choices:
Class: Winter Witch 3 Skills: Survival 2, Stealth 2 Spells: Wall of Ice, Deathless Eleventh lvl advancement choices:
Class: Winter Witch 4 Feat: silent spell Hex: Snow form (reflavored Mud Witch) Skills: Survival 2, Acrobatics 2 Spells: Khain's Army, Reincarnate gained patron spell beast shape 1 bringing ab scores to 20 point buy
Twelve lvl advancement choices:
Class:Winter Witch 5 Ability+: Int Skills: 2 fly, 3 sense motive Spells: teleport, secure shelter Thirteenth lvl advancement choices:
Class:Winter Witch 6 Feat: Reach Spell Hex/exploit: Disguise Skills:3 climb, 2 swim Spells: Raise Dead, Janni's Jaunt Fourteenth lvl advancement choices:
Class: Gunslinger Deed: Quick Clear Skills: acrobatics, climb, k engineering, sleight of hand, swim, spellcraft, k arcana Template lvl advancement choices:
Class: Feat: Ability+: Hex/exploit: Skills: Spells: Plan, reach spell next