Appearance : Seiva has short reddish hair, milky eyes, nearly white skin, and a square-jawed face. She isn't very muscular, but does look a bit seasoned. She can normally be found wearing her full plate with a hood drawn over her head, weather permitting.
Personality : Seiva is not your run of the mill cleric. She is very withdrawn and shy, but she will assert herself when she feels the need. Seiva does not form bonds with people very easily, especially humans. The only way to gain her trust is through action, especially when inaction would be acceptable. She is a vicious fighter and can generally be found among the men, even in fights.
History : Captivity is almost all Seiva has ever known. For more than a dozen years she was subject to all manner of torture and experiment at the hands of Dezrak the Malevolent. The necromancer sought to create a powerful artifact and this aasimar was the central to his scheme. He required the combination of her celestial ancestry and his evil arts to merge. Extracting it from her would be his challenge and the source of her pain.
Seiva felt she had been deserted by her god, Fharlanghn. She did not give up though. She secretly clawed and scratched a tunnel out of her holding room. This took years but eventually she dug straight into a cave system. Although it didn't lead anywhere there was a river flowing through it. As often as she could she would drop messages into the river on rocks or parchments, hoping somebody would receive them. Somebody did.
She could hear the footsteps of soldiers rushing into Dezraks tower. Even though Dezrak was powerful he couldn't stop an army of men. He ran into her cell and cast a mysterious spell upon himself. She screamed in agony as he trapped himself within her. When the guards found Seiva they assumed Dezrek had changed his shape and took her into custody.
Now she is on her way to a far away prison island. A bunch of criminals are on board with her, but they don't all look evil. If she can find someone she can trust, she might have a shot. As the ship neared the rugged shoreline she thinks, "This time is different. This time I have a chance."