SeekerOfKnowledge's page

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Hey everyone,
one of my party members (a sorcerer) wants to focus on scrolls and asked if there‘s a way to use only one action for drawing und using a scroll.
Then I saw the Scroll Trickster Archetype. specifically Skim Scroll:
You can activate the magic of a scroll with a cursory read as you draw it from your belt. You Interact to draw forth a scroll, then use Trick Magic Item on the scroll.

Trick Magic states:
You examine a magic item you normally couldn’t use in an effort to fool it and activate it temporarily.

Sure, that makes sense for Scrolls he can’t activate because of different magic traditions, but what about Scrolls he could normally use?

Can he also choose to Trick scrolls he normally wouldn’t have to trick, or can Skim Scroll simply not be used for such scrolls? Are there any other ways to draw and use a scroll in one action that I have overlooked?

So following situation: One of my players sustained dancing lights for a bit less than 10 minutes while exploring a dungeon. Immediatly after ending it, he wanted to recast it and argued that because he ended the spell, the sustain duration should start again from zero with no draw backs for him.
I ruled that he had to rest for 10 minutes before he can cast dancing lights again without getting fatigued.
I didn't find anything in the rules that would back me up here. Do some of you have similiar experiences? How would you rule such situations?

One of my players was enfeebled 4 and argued that enfeebled is reducing only the damage roll and the STR modifier should be applied after reducing the damage by enfeebled.
So his take was: (1d8 - 4 : to a minimum of 1) + STR Mod.
Or should it be: 1d8 + STR Mod - 4?

What's your take on this?

Does the alchemist get the multiple attack penalty when throwing two bombs in the same round? I ruled it like that last time but the alchemist then felt pretty weak compared to the other classes.

I tried to search but didn't find anything.
Does a power attack with a greatsword and crits really do 4d12 damage or is it 3d12?