
Scylla's page

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I was hoping you could assist—I purchased Dungeon #146 today and there was no poster map enclosed. The polybag was sealed, but, on opening it, no map. (If it wasn't for the cover blurb, I wouldn't have known it was missing.)

Note that I'm not a subscriber (although I own many, many issues); I purchased my copy in a Barnes & Noble store. I have retained the receipt.

I'd appreciate it if I could get the poster somehow, I really don't wish to spend another $8 just to get the misssing poster. Thank you.

I received the sort of phone call today that no one wants to get.
My friend Nick died suddenly last night. He was only 42. I've spent the day feeling like I've been kicked in the stomach; I've known Nick going on twenty years.

Nick wasn't a hardcore gamer. He didn't read Dragon or Dungeon or own any d20 supplements. He didn't get excited about new feats or prestige classes (or know what the latter was). He didn't know a d12 from a d20 without looking closely through his thick glasses (though was getting better as of late). He didn't know an owlbear from a stirge.
He played simply because I asked him to join us, and he was patient with the long combats and nights that stretched past his point of staying focused, or even staying awake, at times. He tried to learn what had to seem very complex rules and put up with impatient gamers always asking him what he was doing NOW! He played 2nd Edition and then years later 1st and 3rd. He took it all in stride and had fun, made us laugh, offered suggestions, and made us -- the jaded majority -- look at the game with fresh wonder by allowing us to see it through his eyes every time he played. I can't imagine playing without him.

I will always be your friend Nick. We love you and will miss you.

Hi folks,
I authored an adventure that appeared in Dungeon # 67, entitled "Training Ground" -- it was a Forgotten Realms adventure that involved the exploration of a Netherse ruin. I'd love to hear from people that ran the adventure, regarding your reactions and DM / player experiences.