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Great work. Question- Can/should traitors choose from Brotherhood classes (Since they used to be Brotherhood)? Or can/should they only choose from Justicar classes?

I'm working up a Justicar traitor. In fact I can't believe I had such a perfect fit concept in mind... serendipity?

I'm leaning straight up human fighter, but a ranger's stealth abilities seem fitting and would go with a traitor's hidden blade trait.

That's perfect. I was picturing the subtle magic in Tolkein's work as well. Magic exists, but it's not often in the hands of the player characters.

I can picture a wizard who only knows rudimentary divination spells and such - and like, Gandalf, might be pretty handy wih a sword as well.

Lots of room for ideas. The dual party idea may work really well.

I've been lurking for a good while waiting for the words "low" and "magic" to come together. I very much apprceciate that line of thinking, having played and thourougly enjoyed campaigns where players cannot be spellcasters at all and magic items are basically non existent legends.

What are some specifics you think of when you say low-magic?

Both of your ideas sound great, but I lean towards the high fantasy homebrew.

Kudos for wanting to eschew steroetypes.

My first thought was the on "evolution vs. environment." In order to overcome a goblin's natural chaotic tendencies, one might think to have him orpahaned or captured and raised in a lawful environment.

For one thing, that's terribly close to cliche. For another, your goblin seems to be connected enough with his or her own tribe to want to improve their lot.

A goblin intelligent enough to study and practice wizardry should see the writing on the wall... the societal differences are too big. Not to mention that the fellow tribespeople might not embrace this same view- they likely don't desire to be seated at the table of high society.

Unless of course, the entire tribe (or part of it) is an offshoot. They may have found religion contrary to normal goblin society, perhaps sometime in the past. Human society has many facets. Why not goblin?

So for me, it's all in the character background and less in the mechanics. Alchemy seems a good pairing though.

Another vote for Robin the Hood.

If a player can control multiple PCs, it's totally posible. My friend and I used to do this.

He was better at me about characters not sharing omnipotent knowledge and goals as a result of being controlled by the same player.

I couldn't help basing the actions of one character while predetermining and planning the actions of the other.

But I guess companions who have adventured together for years might be able to anticipate each others actions and finish each others sentences as well. :)

Tirq wrote:

The image of me stabbing people with my fists is out of your head, but not the me having sex part. Oh, yeah.

I wish I could get to sleep without the need of a wish.

You are now able to sleep without the need of a wish, but now have narcolepsy when having intercourse or driving or being otherwise actively occupied.

I wish I had a wallet that regenerated $1000 each night.

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I agree with the five criteria you listed. I'd also add two items, or refine the definitions in your list with these two concepts: creativity and divergent thinking (being able to see multiple outcomes/possibilities/problems/solutions, etc.).

Creativity fits in with application, I think, and divergent thinking might be part of critical thinking.

To use your own examples: one does not come up with a new gravitational model without either of these concepts, and the best teaching and term papers come with healthy doses of both.

Also, I prescribe to the theory that there are different modalities of intelligence. A "naturally atheletic" person might be said to have a high level of kinesthetic intelligence, but he or she might struggle with academic or social applications. If you think about such an athelete, your five criteria fit this theory well.

I have read a little about literary,auditory, and kinesthetic intelligence. I would also argue that there are other types: musical, mechanical, mathematical... and more!

Interesting topic.

EDITED for Grammar- always