Ramona Avandth

Scatara Blakros's page

4 posts. Organized Play character for Beldora, Queen of Ourik.


Dark Archive 1/5 ****

Michael Sayre wrote:
Per the Chronicle Sheet instructions on page 18, anyone who completes the quest gains both the One-Who-Waits and Student of the Unforgiving Fire boons on their Chronicle sheet. It looks like some things were swapped during the final checks and unfortunately the reference on page 6 wasn't caught and updated accordingly.

Thanks Michael, I see that now. I appreciate the quick response!

Dark Archive 1/5 ****

On P. 6 there is a part that says "see secondary objectives on P.11" but on the PDF I downloaded there is only the primary objective...There is definitely a boon on the chronicle sheet that I would like to give out but it seems that there is likely an objective that needs to be completed in order to get that.

Dark Archive

Is there GM Prep forum for this? I have a question...

Dark Archive

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