
Scarlet Wing's page

No posts. Alias of Aebliss.

Full Name

Noro Ayuna, "Scarlet Wing"


Half-fiend human (Tian-Min)


Cleric 11







Special Abilities

Acid resistance, Anything to please, Aura, Channel energy, Cold resistance, Darkvision, Dazing touch, Domains, DR, Electricity resistance, Fire resistance, Lore keeper, Orisons, Poison immunity, Remote viewing, SR 22








Common, Dtang, Elven, Minatan, Minkaian, Senzar, Tien


Brothel madam

Strength 17
Dexterity 13
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 24
Charisma 17

About Scarlet Wing

CE Female native Outsider Cleric 11
Init. +1; Senses Perception +7, Darkvision 60 ft.

AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour)
hp 70
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +14
Speed 30 ft., Fly 60 ft. (good)
+13 Whip, 1d3+3

Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 24, Cha 17

Base atk +8/+3; CMB +11; CMD +22

Command undead
Greater whip mastery
Improved whip mastery
Silent spell
Weapon focus (Whip)
Whip mastery

Appraise +7
Diplomacy +17 (+18 to gather information)
Fly +4
Knowledge (arcana) +7
Knowledge (nobility) +10
Knowledge (planes) +7
Knowledge (religion) +12
Linguistics +10
Sense motive +21 (+22 to gather information)
Spellcraft +7

Calistrian prostitute
Child of the temple

Common, Dtang, Elven, Minatan, Minkaian, Senzar, Tien

Acid resistance 10
Anything to please 1/day, DC 18
Aura (Chaotic)
Channel negative energy 6d6, 6/day, DC 18
Cold resistance 10
Darkvision 60 ft.
Dazing touch 10/day
Domains: Knowledge, Lust
DR 5/magic
Electricity resistance 10
Fire resistance 10
Lore keeper
Poison immunity
Remote viewing at will, 11 rounds/day
Spontaneous casting
SR 22

Spells/day: 4 / 6+1 / 6+1 / 6+1 / 4+1 / 3+1 / 2+1
Save DC: 17 + spell level

Cleric's vestments
Leather armour
Spell component pouch
Unholy symbol
+1 Whip

While she has classic Tian-Min facial traits, the Scarlet Wing is tall, verging on statuesque, and her hair is bright red. The fiendish wings from which she draws her moniker are the same colour, and usually draped across her shoulders like a cloak. The Scarlet Wing is naturally pale-skinned, a trait she cultivates by avoiding the sun. A regimen of physical exercize enables her to maintain a svelte figure, which she wraps in leather armour and the revealing robes of a priestess of Calistria. Her trusty whip is never far from her side.

The House of the Scarlet Wing caters to all customers. Sailors who put in to majestic Goka's harbour and yearn for women and strong drink can find what they want in the maze of alleys surrounding it. Diplomats and rich merchants who want an evening of entertainment from geishas can rent luxurious rooms there. Those whose pleasures are considered corrupt and depraved by the world can sate their hungers in the labyrinthine cellars beneath. All things are available there, for those willing and able to pay.

All that is known about the past of the half-fiend who runs the brothel is that her human parent was Tian-Min, and that before her personal apotheosis, she was named Noro Ayuna. She came to Goka during her teenaged years, already a devotee of Calistria, and put her considerable talents to good use. After a mere two years, she had opened her own brothel. After five years, her House had gained a reputation as a place where anyone could find the pleasure they sought. After seven years, she had contacts in all strata of Goka's society, both high and low, and as her reputation as someone who could provide anything anyone wanted grew, she became more untouchable. Guards who did not actively look away constantly found themselves outmanoeuvred. Many nobles and wealthy people found themselves in the unenviable position that the Scarlet Wing knew things about them that could hurt them terribly if they were revealed. Her practise of summoning succubi and incubi for 'special sessions' and creating or simply enslaving undead (vampires are a favourite target, due to their sensual aspect) continue unopposed, as does a discreet amount of slave-trading.

The Scarlet Wing has not grown complacent with her success. She continues to be charming and sly, adding contacts and employees to her arsenal and gathering secrets that she can use as leverage. Her workers, be they male or female, represent the many species that live in Tian Xia and the rest of the world, and they are both meticulously well-cared for and firmly under her control. Anyone who consistently displeases the Scarlet Wing may find themselves sacrificed for the most depraved 'delights' in the brothel's cellars, fed to the Scarlet Wing's enslaved undead, or used as payment when the mistress summons Outsiders to provide specific pleasures to her customers.

The Scarlet Wing cares nothing for her employees, nor her customers, only for herself and the goddess who sponsors her. Calistria is the only creature that the Scarlet Wing has remained consistently loyal to throughout her life, and her rare displays of positive passion almost always occur when she is engaged in her personal shrine to the Savoured Sting, at the very heart of her brothel. The Scarlet Wing is not incapable of finding pleasure in the embrace of others, but she considers those others to be nothing more than tools, living toys she can discard without a moment's hesitation or regret. The same thing goes for the children she has given birth to -- all of them unexpected and undesired by their formidable mother. In fact, the Scarlet Wing is as likely to train and sell her own offspring as she is the other children she purchases or 'rescues' off the streets of Goka...

The Scarlet Wing is not so foolish as to assume that she is invulnerable, although she is well-capable of causing great harm to opponents, and some of her employees are trained to defend her. She has money squirrelled away in various hidey-holes throughout Goka and the surrounding countryside, 'seed money' in case she is ever forced to flee her place of business or even the city itself. There are several escape tunnels in the cellar, and the House of the Scarlet Wing is riddled with secret passages known only to her. If all else fails, the Scarlet Wing is prepared to take to the air and escape on the wing.