
Sarenae Elmaran's page

11 posts. Alias of Knight Protector.


Female Half-elf Summoner 1

Sarenae steps to the right and swings her quarterstaff underhandedly up toward the right side of the skeleton's ribcage, and then follows through with a downward stroke to the right collarbone.

Attack vs. Skeleton 5: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1 ; 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10

Unfortunately she misses as the skeleton dodges her quarterstaff and then raises its scimitar up, preparing to strike.

Female Half-elf Summoner 1

Sarenae stays put and fishes out a piece of cured leather as she waves her right hand and speaks an arcane word, "magarmae." Soon a shimmering wave of translucent blue energy washes over her and then fades invisible. With that, she reaches behind her back with her left hand and removes her quarterstaff from it's leather latch.

Female Half-elf Summoner 1

Sarenae pauses as she steps in behind Ifrit.

What...was that? She leans forward and turns her head to listen in again but hears nothing.

Look, more bodies. What has happened here?

Female Half-elf Summoner 1

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Female Half-elf Summoner 1

Sarenae keeps her distance well away from the corpse and those gathered around it. When Abbrathil mentions burning the flesh off the remains and crafting some sort of display out of it, she becomes visibly sick and turns to walk away. She paces around the immediate area and then stops once Raven approaches.

Ifrit stands by idly, but occasionally sniffs the air in the direction of the body.

Female Half-elf Summoner 1

Sarenae smiles when Abbrathil mentions Ifrit.

Many people are curious about him. He is not native to this world, though he does eat, sleep, and hunt like other predators. He is from the plane of Nirvana... a place of ultimate peace and tranquility. I hope to meet him there someday in the afterlife, but for now he will accompany me here in this one.

She chuckles.

...Oh, and don't worry. Ifrit is not fond of gnomes.

Female Half-elf Summoner 1

Sarenae carefully walks over to Ifrit as the creature pushes itself back up to its feet. As you look closer, Sarenae herself appears to be wounded, though she took no damage in the brief confrontation.

I was able to prevent him from going back to his home, though at the cost of some of my own strength.

She pats the creature on the head and then looks around.

So, it was a person who made these false Orcs attack us?

Female Half-elf Summoner 1

Sarenae quickly spots the Orcs as they rise up from behind the log ahead and reacts by pulling out a small piece of leather from her waist pouch. She speaks a few arcane words as suddenly a shimmering, yet translucent field of force surrounds her entire body. She readies her walking staff and then yells, "Ifrit, attack!"

The creature speedily complies and begins stalking towards the Orcs, preparing to strike.


Female Half-elf Summoner 1

Sarenae casually walks near Hennon. She strokes the scruffy blonde fur of her creature companion as she moves her head from side to side, taking in the scenery around her. She keeps a stern look on her face as if preparing herself mentally for the possible danger ahead.

Raven obviously begins to slow his pace a bit after glancing back towards the woman.

"My lady, that is quite the creature you've got there." He says.

Sarenae smiles slightly and replies, "Indeed. He could tear a man up without much effort."

Raven starts laughing nervously and then walks ahead once again, attempting to regain his lead in front of the party.

Female Half-elf Summoner 1

Sarenae nods at Raven as he passes and begins heading down the street.

Ifrit hops up on all fours and steps over to Hennon and begins sniffing him. Sarenae smiles and you notice a glowing rune on her forehead which matches the prominent one on Ifrit's fur.

"Oh, don't worry about him. Ifrit is harmless; unless of course I direct him to attack. He will be of great assistance on our journey."

She then turns and begins following Raven.

Female Half-elf Summoner 1

Sarenae nods at Raven as he passes and begins heading down the street.

Ifrit hops up on all fours and steps over to Hennon and begins sniffing him. Sarenae smiles and you notice a glowing rune on her forehead which matches the prominent one on Ifrit's fur.

"Oh, don't worry about him. Ifrit is harmless; unless of course I direct him to attack. He will be of great assistance on our journey."

She then turns and begins following Raven.