Sabrianne's page

11 posts. Organized Play character for Chizzad40.


Grand Lodge

GM Fuzzfoot wrote:

OK, this is the final list of submissions that I see. If I have missed you, please shout out asap (by PM or posting here). I hope to decide in the next 24 hours or so, assuming the boards cooperate.

Sabrianne (Chizzard40)NG Female Human Fighter with combat maneuver focus (3)

My user ID is Chizzad40. There is no "R".

Good luck to all.

Grand Lodge

Sabrianne wrote:

GM Fuzzfoot,

I submit Sabrianne Cloud here.

To the best of my knowledge, she is complete and playable.

To see examples of my roleplaying,
please check out Mort Aber. Granted it was 3.5 years ago, my social playing has greatly improved. In fact, I prefer it over murder-hobo.



GM Fuzzfoot,

You missed Sabrianne here.


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

GM Fuzzfoot,

I submit Sabrianne Cloud here.

To the best of my knowledge, she is complete and playable.

To see examples of my roleplaying,
please check out Mort Aber. Granted it was 3.5 years ago, my social playing has greatly improved. In fact, I prefer it over murder-hobo.



Grand Lodge

GM_Zek wrote:

Funny enough, root beer is actually one my favorite drinks. And it's hard to go wrong with skittles, M&Ms, or gift cards to Subway (the last of which is oddly specific.

Lol, sorry. Subway was the first thing that popped into my head. Lol. Seriously not trying to elevate my creeper status.

Grand Lodge

GM_Zek wrote:
For what it's worth, I've already been agonizing over who I'm going to select. Making the final decision will most definitely not be easy.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Now is a good time to start bribing Zek with Skittles, Root Beer, and gift cards to Subway. Lol!

Grand Lodge

GM_Zek wrote:
I think you may be confusing the campaign traits from another campaign with those in this campaign. Love lost (Parent) isn't a campaign trait for this adventure. You may be referring to lost family/friend or perhaps avenger.

Ah, good call out. Avenger it is. I'm officially done. Added a hometown and changed the campaign trait to Avenger. Except, Sabrianne isn't sure Red Mantis was responsible for her pop's murder... Or were they??

Thank you and goodnight,

Grand Lodge

GM_Zek wrote:
No need, I just went to her page. Did you pick out a campaign trait for her yet? What nation is she from? Does she know how her pops was murdered? What's her brother's name and what is he up to currently? You mentioned she tracks people. Is she a bounty hunter?


What nation is from? No idea. I have played Pathfinder in about 4 years. So I'll do some research to get that location.

So, for the rest of your questions:

Sabrianne father was just outright murdered. Blood all over the floor and body. Slash marks all over his body. When she tracks people, she's looking for the whereabouts of her mom and brother. Her mom was kidnapped the same night her father was murdered. But, kidnapped is what Sabrianne thinks happened to her mother. This is where you're welcome to play the DM card. How does Sabrianne not know her mother wasn't the murderer? Is her mom a member of Red Mantis? Your choice to enhance gameplay for your players.

As far as her brother goes, after reaching maturity, Bruun couldn't handle being in "XYZ" town anymore. Too many memories of his parents. So, Bruun fled one night without any given notice.

People she's looking for: Mother (Malva) , Brother (Bruun) and Pop's (Reilly) killer.

Grand Lodge

GM_Zek wrote:
No need, I just went to her page. Did you pick out a campaign trait for her yet? What nation is she from? Does she know how her pops was murdered? What's her brother's name and what is he up to currently? You mentioned she tracks people. Is she a bounty hunter?

Yes, I picked out the LOVE LOST (Parent) campaign trait as directed in the game intro.

Good questions, thank you for the direction. I'm better at playing in character at a table than typing up all kinds of Fluff. I'll set up a separate Spoiler just for you to answer your questions.

Thank you for the direction,

Grand Lodge

Sabrianne wrote:
GM_Zek wrote:
While a gnoll could certainly be interested, you might want to take a look at the core, featured, and uncommon races.
Understood, thank you.


Changed Mirk to Sabrianne. Do you want me to post her here? Or will you just go to her page?

I'll admit, her backstory is vague. But after this campaign, I'd like to be able to use her in other adventures.

All she knows is that her father was murdered and her mother is missing. After hearing the call to eliminate assasins, of course she's going to perk her ears at that. After all, her pops was murdered.

Thank you,

Grand Lodge

GM_Zek wrote:
While a gnoll could certainly be interested, you might want to take a look at the core, featured, and uncommon races.

Understood, thank you.

Grand Lodge

Interested in playing a gnoll. Just a dot for now. Will add the requested non-human fluff tomorrow.

Good night!