Fire Giant Queen

Saberhagin's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

Owner of Caffeinated Dragon Games


Owner - Caffeinated Dragon Games

Kneel is on the GM screen, but it, nor the core rule book, seem to have anything as to what action it is, or if it provokes.

I've had one player who was knocked prone state that if he went to kneeling one round, & to standing the one following it would not provoke.

Any one know if there is likely to be an official rules calling on it?

Owner - Caffeinated Dragon Games

Which Summer are they due? I kinda want to know if I have 9 months to save up, or much less.

Owner - Caffeinated Dragon Games

I'd just like it if there was a company supplying Paizo products to New Zealand at a reasonable rate.
While my local game store would love to get the box set in, it is going to end up being around $130 dollars.

If not more.

Owner - Caffeinated Dragon Games

Vic Wertz wrote:

Given that we *just* announced Bestiary 3, I'd say that I wouldn't expect an announcement of whether we do Bestiary 4—or something else in the winter 2012 slot—until... oh, let's say PaizoCon 2012.

For the sake of the rest of the world, instead of seasons, could quarters be used? ie, 3rd quarter or 4th?

It is confusing to think I have to wait for ages for something when it is coming out in a couple of months.

Owner - Caffeinated Dragon Games

Well, I've had chef training, worked in kitchens, run one & have some free times.
Hells, I was thinking of writing a bunch of recipes for a Fantasty RPG styled game as it was, already had a handful of ideas.

Do they use metric or imperial (if so what sort of imperial)
Or is it handful, dash, & a smidgeon of what is to be added?

Area specific, or just a 'global' selection? Or anything goes?

Owner - Caffeinated Dragon Games

I think I would rather drow didn't have a spider motif, it is a different world setting, & more importantly, different deities.
Something different would make a good change.

Like bats or something.