Sǣran tactics at level 1 are pretty straighforward: he tries to use the environment to his advantage, capitalizing on his good Acrobatics modifier (+6), and to position himself cleverly on the battlefied. Since his defenses are pretty low, he tries to move around the opponents without drawing attacks of opportunity when possible, and only risks to become the target of such attacks when he is sure that he can take the hit and continue the fight. If that is not possible, he attacks at range with his chakras. If he can engage his opponent in melee using Acrobatics to avoid attacks of opportunity, he only tries so when the chances of succeeding are, in his eyes, at least above average.
Sǣran usually opens combat with a two-handed assault using Power Attack. When he can make a full attack, he uses spell combat, but only if the enemy seems to be worth the effort. He casts shocking grasp (on the defensive, if the enemy is adjacent, otherwise he casts it before stepping up), holding his bastard sword in one hand. Then he attacks with his bastard sword one-handed without using Power Attack, and uses the free touch attack to discharge his shocking grasp on the enemy.
If his spells are over, or if he does not deem the opponent particularly threatening, Sǣran fight holding his bastard sword in both hands, and always uses Power Attack.
Short Background Sǣran grew up in Absalom. The last time he met his parents was when he was 5 years old, before they died on a mission: both famed adventurers, his elven mother and his human father were a respected wizard and a renowned fighter, respectively. Upon their vanishing, Sǣran was placed in the care of his uncle, Baelon Godfroy, a swordsmith of some renown in the City at the Center of the World. Baelon was not married, and treated Sǣran as his son, never ...
Physical Description Sǣran is a particularly tall and muscular half-elf. His hair is shoulder-length, slightly wavy and white, a color they share with his eyes, seemingly devoid of pupils and irises but in truth of a gray so light that is hardly perceivable. Together with his pale skin, these traits hint at Sǣran’s remote drow heritage. He wears dark-blue clothes including a short cloak, a studded V-necked shirt which reveals part of his torso and of his arms, leather gloves and blue pants. Most of the vulnerable parts of his body are further protected by studded leather insert, them too painted dark blue. Sǣran carries a bastard sword tied diagonally behind his minimal backpack, a warhammer tied to a steel ring on his right hip and a short sword covered by its scabbard on the opposite side. A few small pouches, a weathered waterskin and five exotic chakrams are fixed to his leather belt. In general, Sǣran’s physical appearance is that of a young half-elf with some uncommon, drowish features. His face has delicate features, but his eyes are perhaps too inquisitive and eager to be defined as beautiful. His body is strong and athletic, but also graceful in his proportions and suggesting a certain agility despite the muscles. He walks with confidence, and his presence can be quite intimidating at first. Sǣran is not easy to decipher at a first glance, and his physical appearance hides well the many secrets of his personality and personal background.
Quick Personality Sǣran is a well-balanced, level-headed person. He always tries to act according to aurea mediocritas, the perfect balance between extremes. Neither his thoughts nor his actions are ever abrupt or passional. Extremely rational, he carefully ponders every word he says and every move he makes. Calm, quiet and contemplative, Sǣran always tries to mediate contrasts. In his life, he tries to stay as neutral as he can, seeing in neutrality the wisdom of the sage, not the cowardice of the vile.
① (#2-15)Shades of Ice, Part I: Written in Blood — √ [Chronicle]
② (#2-17)Shades of Ice, Part II: Exiles of Winter — √ [Chronicle]
③ (#2-19)Shades of Ice, Part III: Keep of the Huscarl King — √ [Chronicle][/url]
Gold gained: 0 gp
XP: 0
Fame: 0
Prestige Points: 0/0
Dragonkiller: You defeated Aralantryx, the Shadow Lodge’s enslaved white dragon, and gained special insight into how to kill others of her kind. You may add an extra 1d6 points of damage to a single damage roll made against a true dragon at any time in the future. This damage stacks with other bonus damage such as sneak attack and is not multiplied on a critical hit. When this bonus has been used, cross Dragonkiller off your Chronicle sheet.
Snowmask Introduction: You allied with the Snowmask Clan and returned Jedrek’s Shard to its place of honor beside Ranulf’s body. In thanks, you are ritually inducted into the Snowmask Clan with the title Snowmask Brother or Snowmask Sister. As part of this mystic ceremony, you gain the permanent benefits of endure elements but only in cold and only to temperatures of 0 degrees F and above; you gain no bonuses in extreme heat. This is a supernatural ability.