“Dammit Suekahn!” screamed the diviner. “No more games. What does it mean when the countdown clock reaches null? Why here? Why now? I know that you know!”
Suddenly the creature’s voice changed, falling decidedly soft as though it were actually possible that it knew fear. “It’s when the ringed planet loses its rings. I would not wish to be a mortal on that day.”
* * *
Welcome to the Pact Stone Pyramid game discussion thread!
Lurkers welcome! (But spoilers not so welcome!)
Note: this is not the thread where the PBP game is actually played out. Here is where we talk about that game – usually “out of character” (OOC). Here we chat about whatever we want or need to. Players can plan strategies, ask the GM questions, chat about their PC concepts or even vent.
There will be a separate thread on the “Play by Post” Board where the game takes place. That thread hasn’t been created yet. But don’t sweat it or get too stressed about what goes where. Nobody gets too upset if a post better belongs on one board or another – at least not this beetle.