
Ryvin Morilan's page

45 posts. Alias of Aebliss.

Full Name

Ryvin Altessar


Human (Ebou Dari)


Armsman 1 / Wilder 10







Special Abilities

Armour compatibility, Beware the knife, Elemental affinities (Air, Spirit, Water), Greater overchannel, Improved overchannel, Slow aging, Talents (Elementalism, Traveling, Warding)




The Creator


Ebou Dar dialect, Old Tongue, Trolloc

Strength 11
Dexterity 15
Constitution 16
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 18
Charisma 13

About Ryvin Morilan

CG Medium female humanoid (Human)
Ebou Dari Wilder 10 / Armswoman 1
Init +4 (+2 Dex., +2 Duelist trait); Senses Perception +4

Defense 24 (+1 Dex., +9 Def. bonus, +4 chain shirt)
hp 103
Fort +10; Ref +5; Will +11

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +6
Ranged +8

Str 11, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 13
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD +18


Awaken Lost Talent (Dreaming)
Eliminate Block
Extra Affinity (Air, Water)
Extra Talent (Travelling, Warding)
Esoteric Mastery: You can now take 10 when using your lost talent. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus to all skill checks with it. This bonus increases to +4 if you have 10 or more ranks in the skill
Flame & Void
Tie Off Weave


Acrobatics +12 (7 ranks, +2 Dex., +3 class skill (background skill))
Bluff +3 (2 ranks, +1 Cha.)
Channel +18 (11 ranks, +4 Wis., +3 class skill)
Dreaming +18 (9 ranks, +4 Wis., +3 class skill, +2 Esoteric Mastery)
Intimidate +5 (1 rank, +1 Cha., +3 class skill)
Linguistics +3 (2 ranks, +1 Int.)
Ride +6 (1 rank, +2 Dex., +3 class skill)
Sense motive +19 (10 ranks, +4 Wis., +3 class skill, +2 Gambler)
Sword Forms +10 (6 ranks, +1 Int., +3 class skill)
Weavesight +18 (11 ranks, +4 Wis., +3 class skill)


Duelist: You get a +2 bonus on initiative checks
Gambler: You gain a +2 bonus on all Sense Motive

Languages Common (Ebou Dar), Old Tongue, Trolloc

Armour compatibility: Armsmen benefit more from armor. Starting at 1st level, an armsman's Defense Bonus stacks with the equipment bonus provided by their armor and shield
Beware the Knife: Force enemy to reroll attack once per day
Greater overchannel: At 10th level, a wilder's bonus to Channel skill checks made when overchanneling and their bonus to Fortitude saves when they fail both increase to +4. This ability replaces the bonus granted by Improved Overchannel.
Slow aging: Starting at 3rd level, divide your level by two—the result rounded down is the number of years that must pass before your character ages one year.

Madness points 3

Blade forms:

Forms / day: 13

Forms left: 13

Forms known:
1 - Moon on the Water: This is an attack action which provides a +2 attack bonus against an opponent who has already acted this round. {Requirements - None}

3 - Moon Rises over the Water: This attack action allows a +4 to attack bonus and +2 to damage against an opponent who has already acted this round. Your opponent gets an attack of opportunity against you if he makes a Reflex check and beats your attack roll. Requirements - None.}


Weaves/day 6/5/5/4/3/2/1

Weaves still available 6/5/5/4/2/2/1

Weaves (* - From netbook Under the Dragon's Banner)
Cloud Dancing 0 - 2 only! - Raise Fog
Conjunction 0 - 2 only! - False Trail, Sense Shadowspawn
Elementalism - Arms of Air, Create Fire, Create Ice *, Current, Fiery Sword, Fireball, Freeze*, Harden Air, Kiss of the Storm*, Move Water, Tool of Air
Healing 0 - 2 only! - Cleanse, Delve, Heal, Heal the Mind, Major Healing
Illusion 0 - 2 only! - Folded Light
Traveling - Use Portal Stone
Warding - Aeriform Shield*, Cut Weave *, Deflect Weave *, Dream Shielding, Master Ward, Seal, Shield, Ward against the One Power, Ward against People, Ward against Shadowspawn


In many ways, Ryvin looks like the typical Ebou Dari. She has the dark eyes, the olive skin tone, the buxom figure... What she lacks is the height - she is short for her age - and the sensuous demeanor. Ryvin's movements belie no seduction, only the elegance learned on the practice field. In addition, Ryvin's hair, which she has allowed to grow long, is shot through with ribbons of snowy white despite her youth. They started coming in during her time in the Seanchan kennels, and they have shown no sign of disappearing.


Ryvin was born in Ebou Dar, the youngest of several daughters of a small merchant house. Her mother did the actual business, and her father was in charge of security. Snce Ryvin lacked brothers, her father tried to instill his knowledge about combat into his daughters. Most of them lost interest fairly soon once he tried to progress from daggers to other weapons, but Ryvin persevered. She knew at an early age that she was not likely to get a large share out of whatever business might come the family's way in the future, so she wanted to get in on the security part. This ambition certainly pleased her father, although her mother was less sanguine about the whole thing.

Then puberty struck and, in addition to all the other small inconveniences, Ryvin started having odd dreams and discovered she could light the candles in her room without getting out of bed. Gradually, Ryvin had to accept that she possessed a natural talent for channeling, and she knew it should be her destiny to go to the White Tower and study there. Instead of announcing her gift, she tried to hide it; she had no desire to go to such a far place and be uprooted from the only life she knew. That, and she was hoping to become a great warrior someday. When saidar surged most strongly, she wrestled with it the way she would with any other challenge, and eventually she gained a measure of control. Her block was fear in those days, for her fear or losing her home and family was the first thing on her mind whenever she felt the True Source beckon for her. Her dreams were oddly vivid during those days; she seemed to walk the same city she knew by day, except that it was free of people. Ryvin enjoyed going places she would never be allowed in real life, but did not think much of these dreams.

The bit of balance Ryvin had managed to acquire was brutally shattered when an Aes Sedai came to her parents' place of business one day, hoping to purchase something through them that she had not been able to find anywhere else in the city. She caught one glimpse of young Ryvin, practising the quarterstaff with some of her father's apprentices, and that was that.
A brief discussion with the girl's parents later, she was on a boat headed to Tar Valon and a long apprenticeship.

Tar Valon was magnificent, and Ryvin made an effort in hopes of making her family proud. She found herself intrigued by some of the lessons she was given, especially those dealing with the past and the great prophecies of the future. Had she completed her education, she would probably have entered the Brown Ajah, for its grand storehouse of knowledge. Unfortunately, there were several obstacles on her path.
The first obstacle was Ryvin's block, which only seemed to grow more stubborn the more pressure was applied to break it; her fear of failure and disgrace only grew stronger, the more disapproving people became of her for not overcoming the problem.
In fact, her stress became so bad that she no longer dreamed the odd, enjoyable dreams she had known in Ebou Dar; her sleep was shallow and uncomfortable.
The second obstacle was Ryvin's tendency to sweat out her anxieties. The Aes Sedai definitely did not approve of a Novice who went to the exercize yard to train with dagger and quarterstaff and even spar with the Warders' apprentices instead of meditating on her faults. Ryvin was reprimanded quite sharply several times - and she started to resent it.
After one particularly bad session, aimed at breaking her block, Ryvin exploded when the tutor chastized her for wasting time on martial pursuits that should have been spent overcoming her block. She suggested in no uncertain terms that the One Power was not the be-all and end-all; knowing how to wield a normal weapon could save lives when the One Power was somehow unavailable. So far, she could have gotten off with a few strappings.
But when she suggested out loud that knowledge of normal weapons could be an excellent loophole in the Three Oaths, she made a grave error.

Too set in her ways to learn the proper methods of channeling, her teachers said.
Really too old to be a proper Novice, her teachers said.
Lacking in the moral fibre that was to be expected of a Novice, let alone an Accepted or - the Light preserve us! - an Aes Sedai.
What could you really expect of a filthy Wilder, who actively tried to avoid being trained, her teachers said.
When she managed to touch the Source, she can channel well enough not to hurt anyone by accident, her teachers said. Let alone herself.
Enough people listened, and wheels were set in motion.

Ryvin was formally dismissed from the White Tower and sent home. She was so ashamed that she barely knew what she was doing. She certainly did not dare return home to inform her parents of her disgrace, and so she wandered the land, living off the little bit of travelling money she had been given to go home on. It was in the harbours of Falme that she realized that the very thing she had feared most had happened to her.
And she was still alive.
In a way, it was a revelation, one which almost overshadowed the almost physical sensation of her block crumbling away. On impulse, Ryvin opened herself to the One Power -- and for the first time, she saw ribbed sails on the horizon.

The Seanchan had come, and within a few hours, Ryvin found herself leashed with an a'dam and subjected to the tender mercies of a sul'dam named Alvina. For a time, Ryvin tried to fight. For a time after that, she tried to feign obedience and compliance. For a time after that, she feared that she was either going mad or starting to lose her sense of self.

Then the image of the Dragon Reborn battling Ba'alzamon appeared in the skies over Falme, and the Heroes of the Horn rode to battle against the Seanchan. If Alvina had not dragged her by the accursed collar, Ryvin would have fallen to her knees before the visions. She barely registered the fact that she was dragged onto a ship and taken away from the Seanchan's defeat. That night, she dreamed -- and she Dreamed, walking Tel'Aran'Rhiod. The knowledge that Tarmon Gai'Don, the legendary age of the end, was coming, had awoken her inner eye. The Dreams were her salvation, for no matter how hideous her days were, she was at least free to come and go as she pleased in her sleep. And she could continue to dream of regaining her freedom - and possibly even gaining her revenge on the hateful Seanchan...