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Female Human (Jadwiga) Witch (Winter Witch) 3 | HP: 23/23 | AC: 12 | Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will +5 | CMD: 14 | Perception: +4 | Init: +2

Absalom was awe inspiring to the young witch. Katya had been quick to prepare as the ship finally approached the city, changing out of her warmer clothes and gathering her few things for their departure. It was strange, wearing such light clothes. Not unpleasant, but definitely strange. In fact that seemed to summarize her entire first impression of Absalom. The crowds of people, the ships from every corner of the world, it was just so different from anything she’d ever known before. She wasn’t sure what to think yet.

It was Esfir who actually alerted her to her aunt’s presence. Unfortunately the arctic fox didn’t have the luxury of changing out her fur coat, so she’d just curled up and fallen asleep at her master’s feet. She was immediately alert when the other woman appeared, and her master quickly followed suit.

Katya took a few steps forward, “Of course. This is too important to risk mistakes, aunt.” And it was that fact that had her concerned. She understood the purpose, but why her grandmother had chosen this particular situation to test her was unclear. There had to be a reason that she’d decided it was worth risking in a situation as potentially important, and delicate, as this. Hopefully it would be irrelevant in the end. This facade only had to last a little longer, and then these complex plots could be left in the past.