Quick Summary:
* Rribak is a wiry Grippli with dark green skin covered in Hr'op-Shtavor Tattoos, including a large skull tattoo on his face, which marks him as a member of the tribe.
* His clothing is decorated with numerous small bones tied on with fine string. Most of the bones seem to be from small animals.
* He wears bandoliers full of daggers; these seem to be his only weapon.
Quick Summary:
* Rribak is a devout worshipper of the Great Mother and goes through life as if he is a cleric, even though he has no divine abilities.
* He is rather laconic, and often speaks in cryptic phrases or riddles.
* He believes he was chosen by the Great Mother to be an instrument against the undead and those who create them.
* He is uninterested in the trappings of civilization and disdains what he calls "frippery."
Combat Gear: +1 mithral small chain shirt 2100 gp 6.25 lbs.
Small mithral dagger 250 gp 0.25 lbs.
Small darkwood light crossbow 355 gp, 1 lb.
2 x cold iron small daggers 8 gp, 1 lb.
4 x obsidian small daggers 6 gp, 1.5 lbs.
10 x cold iron small crossbow bolts 2 gp, 0.5 lbs.
10 x flint-tipped small crossbow bolts 0.75 gp, 0.375 lbs.
2 x Acid flask 20 gp, 2 lb.
1 x Holy water 25 gp, 1 lb.
River Rat (regional): +1 to Swim checks and damage with daggers
Corpse Hunter: +1 to attack rolls against undead
Naive (drawback): -2 to AC vs improvised weapons and -2 to CMD against dirty trick
Small Size
20' Swim Speed (alternate racial ability)
Darkvision 60'
Swamp Stride: Move through difficult terrain in swamp without difficulty
Camouflage: +4 to Stealth in forest & marsh
Sneak Stab: 2d8 sneak attack with daggers, 2d4 sneak attack with other attacks
Hidden Blade: +1 on checks to conceal light blades
Evasion: Reflex save results in no damage instead of half damage
Finesse Training: add DEX to damage with daggers in melee
Blade Sense: +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks with light blades
100 gp Masterwork Thieves' Tools 2 lbs.
_50 gp Potion of cure light wounds
_50 gp Masterwork Backpack 1 lb.
__1 gp flint & steel -
__1 gp Wooden Holy Symbol -
_10 gp 2 x Spring-loaded wrist sheath 0.5 lbs.
212 gp
__5 sp Waterproof Bag 0.5 lbs.
__5 sp Bedroll 1.25 lbs.
_10 sp 2 x Bandolier -
__2 sp Mess Kit 1 lb.
__1 sp Fish hook -
(1) Since we're moving away from grippli as tree- or jungle-dwelling folk, yes, feel free to replace the 20 ft. climb speed with a 20 ft. swim speed;
(3) For the sake of keeping the number of class skills changed equal, I think that it'd be better if you replaced Appraise and Linguistics with Knowledge (nature) and Survival.