Gear: freebooter armor, pulsecaster pistol, field rations (1 week), hygiene kit, tool kit (electrician), mk 1 serums of healing (2), everyday clothes, tool kit (trapsmith), society subdermal graft (from #1-01), Star Sugar Heartlove!! album, ring of resistance (mk 1), datajack (in brain with custom rig), 805 credits
Special Abilities
Constructed: For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both humanoids and constructs (whichever effect is worse). They receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.
Custom Rig Rose-5's custom rig is installed as a cybernetic augmentation system in her brain, combined with a datajack. While using this rig, she always count as having the appropriate tool or basic kit for any Computers or Engineering skill check and a Mk I Comm unity. She can use her custom rig to communicate over an encrypted channel with Spinning Falcon to issue commands to its AI or directly control it at a range of 2,500 feet.
Flat Affect: Androids find emotions confusing and keep them bottled up. They take a –2 penalty to Sense Motive checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks attempted against them increase by 2.
Scholar Rose-5 is an expert in the field of astronomy. The DC of skill checks to recall knowledge about her specialty is reduced by 5. She gains a +1 bonus to Physical Science checks. In addition, she gained an ability adjustment of +1 to Intelligence at character creation.
Upgrade Slot Rose-5 has a free armor upgrade slot in her body that she isn't using yet.
Boons Slotted this Adventure
Ally: None
Faction: Dataphiles Champion
Personal: None
Promotional: Promotional Reroll
Social: Faction's Friend
Starship: Enhanced Targeting
Slotless: Marked Field Agent, Digital Presence
Spinning Falcon
Drone 2
Init N/A, Perception +4
EAC 17, KAC 17 (+1 chassis, +1 level, +3 dex, +2 mod)
HP 20
Fort +0, Ref +8, Will -1
Speed 30, fly 30 (average)
Ranged Static arc pistol +6 (1d6 E, arc 2) OR [must spend an hour to switch out first]
Azimuth laser pistol +6 (1d4 F, 1d4 burn)
Skills: Acrobatics +8, Perception +4
Str 6, Dex 16, Con -, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 6
Mods: enhanced armor, flight x2, weapon mount
Feat: Weapon Focus (small arms)
Languages: Beep Beep Bop Boop Boop
Gear: static arc pistol
Special Abilities
Weapon Mount You can affix a small arm or another one-handed ranged weapon on your drone, allowing it to wield that weapon and attack with it. This weapon cannot be disarmed. A weapon mount can hold up to two batteries, two magazines, or two of another type of ammunition for the affixed weapon, provided this ammunition is of light bulk or less. The drone reloads these batteries or magazines automatically, which takes the usual amount of time for the weapon. Spent batteries or magazines are stored within the drone. You can replace all of a weapon mount’s batteries or magazines as a move action. You must purchase separately or already have the weapon and ammunition for use with a weapon mount. You can replace the weapon with any other weapon that meets the criteria for your mount (for example, if you have two weapon mounts, you could replace a longarm with a heavy weapon). Swapping out a weapon in a weapon mount requires use of your custom rig and 1 hour of work. You can select this mod multiple times, each time adding an additional weapon mount to the drone.
Bot Me:
In combat, Rose-5 prefers to spend a move action to grant Spinning Falcon more mobility, and a swift action as well in combats with many foes to let Spinning Falcon attack twice. She uses the pulsecaster by default to allow for nonlethal damage, switching to the azimuth laser pistol against dangerous foes. Falcon usually uses the static arc pistol, but Rose-5 can spend an hour to switch him to the azimuth laser instead.
[dice=Rose-5's attack vs EAC]1d20+5[/dice]
[Dice=Rose-5's damage with pulsecaster]1d4 E, nonlethal [/dice]
[dice=Rose-5's damage with Azimuth laser pistol] 1d4 F, 1d4 burn [/dice]
[dice=Spinning Falcon's attack vs EAC]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Spinning Falcon's full attack vs EAC]1d20+2[/dice]
[Dice=Spinning Falcon's static arc pistol ]1d6 E, arc 2 [/dice]