Rank: Seasoned
XP: 20
5 XP: Vigor D6 -> D8
10 XP: Quick
15 XP: Nerves of Steel
20 XP: Rock and Roll
25 XP:
30 XP:
35 XP:
40 XP:
Rosa Vasquez was born in a lower income family in Los Angeles. Her childhood was fairly uneventful, though she was always a bit lonely, as her parents both spent far more time working trying to make ends meet than they did at home taking care of her or her older brother. Rosa grew up determined to make a difference in the world and leave her meager life behind. Fortunately, she proved to be an apt student and learned very quickly, even skipping her last year of middle school and moving straight on to high school. Considering her limited resources, she was reliant on getting a scholarship in hopes of attending a decent university.
Her hard work paid off and she graduated third in her class, with a full ride to USC. She originally intended to go into an engineering field, but she found that her talents lay more in biological sciences than mechanical ones. She transferred to a pre-med program, hoping to become a doctor. Unfortunately, her plans for another scholarship to a medical program out of state fell through and she was left without the chance to finish her education. She transferred again, moving to a paramedic training course where she could put her education to some use.
The idea of working as an EMT didn’t quite intrigue Rosa the way that she’d hoped. She enjoyed the opportunity to help people, but she felt like she was spending more time reacting instead of helping to protect people. After some consideration, she took a break and went to the police academy, intending to join the LAPD as a medic. She finally joined the LAPD in 2016, where she quickly proved herself skilled in her chosen field. It was only six months until she was transferred to a SWAT unit. She received a medal of valor in 2018, when she pulled one of her comrades from a firefight with a group of hostage takers and saved his life from a bullet wound.