
Rosa.Luminass's page

150 posts. Alias of Johnny_Panic.

Full Name

Rosa Luminass


HP 28/28; Initi+2; Darkvision 60ft; Fort+7/ Re+2/ Will+5; AC 21 / T13 / FF 18; CMB +5; CMD 15; Speed 30ft;


Female - Fighter L1 Cleric L2 - Tiefling Oni-Spawn (Hungerseed)


Acrobat -2, Heal +9, Kn(All) +3/+7, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -2






Olladra, Goddess of Good Fortune


Common + Infernal + Abyssal + Draconic + Celestial.

About Rosa.Luminass

Rosa Luminass LN - Cleric of Law L2 / Fighter L1

Rosa could pass for humans if it was not for the odd looks and height. Standing some 8' tall, dressed in black and silver armor, Long silver hair. She looks at you with her Silver orb eyes. You can see she is a cleric, for on her back is a large black blade, which has as part of its design, the holy symbol of law.

INITI +2, Move 30', Darkvision 60'

AC 17/12Tch/15FI
10+mithral-shirt+1 Dex+2]
Damage reduction 2/cold iron.

HP 32/32 [10+2 8+2 8+2]
FOR +7 [+2 fighter +3 Cleric +2con]
REF +2 [+0 Fighter +0 Claric +2dex]
WIL +6 [+0 Fighter +3 Cleric +3wis]

BAB +2, AM +5, AR +4
CMB +2 , CMD 15/12FI

Cold Iron Great Sword+1 TH +5 DMG 2d6+3 19/20x2
[Cold Iron] / throwing Dagger THR + 5 1d4+3 cr19/20 x2 ri10'
Shortbow THR +5 1d6 20/x3 ri60

Fiendish Heritage

Traits Drawbacks:

Stats [25 points spend]
Str 16 +2[5p+2Race]
Dex 14 +2[5p]
Con 14 +2[5p]
Int 14 +2[5p]
Wis 16 +3[5p+2Race]
Cha 08 -1[0p-2Race]

Race Tiefling [Oni-Spawn(Hungerseed)]
Ability Score Racial Traits:
Tieflings are quick in body and mind, but are inherently strange and unnerving. They gain +2 Str, +2 Wis, –2 Cha

Tieflings are outsiders with the native subtype.
Tieflings are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Tieflings have a base speed of 30 feet.
Tieflings begin play speaking Common and either Abyssal or Infernal. Tieflings with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, and Orc. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Defense Racial Traits
Fiendish Resistance:
Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy, Sense Motive checks.

Racial Traits
Damage reduction 2/cold iron.

Senses Racial Traits
Tieflings can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet.
Other Racial Traits

Pass for Human:
Discrimination against tieflings with horrifically fiendish features is so intense that even tieflings look up to those precious few of their kind who can pass as human. These tieflings have otherworldly features that are so subtle, they aren’t often noticed unless the tiefling points them out (for example, eyes that flash red in the throes of passion, or fingernails that are naturally hard and pointed). Such a tiefling doesn’t need to succeed at a Disguise check to appear to be human and count as humanoid (human) as well as outsider (native) for all purposes (such as humanoid-affecting spells like charm person or enlarge person). The tiefling does not automatically gain his associated outsider language (but may select it as a bonus language if his Intelligence score is high enough), and he may not select other racial traits that would grant him obviously fiendish features (such as the fiendish sprinter, maw or claw, prehensile tail, scaled skin, or vestigial wings alternate racial traits). This ability alters the tiefling’s type, subtype, and languages.


Skill points' working on [12Levels+6BG]
Acrobatics -2 0r [+2Dex]-4
Appraise +2 0r, [+2int]<
Bluff -1 0r, [+1Cha]<
Climb +1 0r, [+2Str]-4A<
Craft +3 0r (+3Int) <
Diplomacy +7[Cha+1+Rank1+Class+3+race+2]<
Disable Device -- 0r, [+2Dex]-4A
Disguise +5 1r,[-1Cha+2race]<
Escape Artist -2 0r,[+2Dex]-4A
Fly -2, 0r,[+2Dex]-4A
Heal +9 1r [+3Wis] [+2item]<
Handel animal +3 1r [-1 Cha]<
Intimidate +2 0r [-1Cha+2race]<
Linguistics +7 1r,[+3int]<
Perception +7 1r, [+3Wis]<
Perform (All) -1 0r [-1Cha]
Profession(all) +3, 0r [+3Wis]<
Ride +3/+6 1r [+3Str]-4A<
Sense Motive +7 1r[+3Wis]<
Sleight of Hand +2 0r [+2Dex]
Spellcraft +7 1r, [+3int]<
Stealth +2 1r, [+2Dex] -4A <
Survival +5 0r, [+3wis] +2Item
Swim -1 0r [+3Str]-4A<
Use Magic Device +0 1r,[-1Cha]

Knowledge (Arcana) +3 0r, [+2int]<
Knowledge (Engineering) +6 1r [+2int]<
Knowledge (Geography) +3 0r, [+2int]<
Knowledge (History) +6 1r, [+2int]<
Knowledge (Nature) +3 0r, [+2int]<
Knowledge (Nobility) +3 0r, [+2int]<
Knowledge (Planes) +6 1r,[+2int]<
Knowledge (Religion) +6 1r, [+2int]<
Knowledge (Local) +3 0r,[+2int]<
Knowledge (Dungeon) +6 1r, [+2int]<

Concentration +10+3+2 +15

< class Skills + other

<Class + other skills

CLASS Fighter L1:
Skill Ranks Per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
The fighter's class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

BAB +1 Saves +2/+0/+0
Bonus feat X1
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields).

CLASS Cleric Olladra L2:
God: Olladra, Goddess of Feast and Good Fortune

Domains-> Good (Agathion, Friendship), Healing (Restoration), Luck (Fate), Travel (Exploration)

Class Skills
Skill Ranks Per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

The cleric's class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Law Domain
You follow a strict and ordered code of laws, and in so doing, achieve enlightenment.
Granted Powers
Touch of Law (Sp): 6/day
You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, infusing it with the power of divine order and allowing it to treat all attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round as if the natural d20 roll resulted in an 11. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Domain Spells:
1st—protection from chaos, 2nd—align weapon (law only), 3rd—magic circle against chaos,

Knowledge Domain
You are a scholar and a sage of legends. In addition, you treat all Knowledge skills as class skills.
Granted Powers
Lore Keeper (Sp):
You can touch a creature to learn about its abilities and weaknesses. With a successful touch attack, you gain information as if you made the appropriate Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 15 + your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier.
Domain Spells:
1st—comprehend languages, 2nd—detect thoughts, 3rd—speak with dead

Channeling: Positive Energy 1d6 2/day


0 Level 4/day (at Will)
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Create Water

1st Level 2+1/Day
Infernal Healing
Shield of Faith

<= used


Starting Gold = 3900gp
mithral-shirt+1 2100gp
Cold Iron Large Great Sword +1 1120gp [Law Blade]
Dagger Iron, Cold x2 8gp
Holy symbol Steel, embedded in sword hilt. 5gp
--On body--
Fine Travelers clothing, 10gp
Sleeves of many garments 200gp
In clothing
Small note-book and Silver point pen 5gp
Signal whistle x2 (--)
Ear plugs
Chalk x1
Spell component pouch 5gp
flint and steel (-),
1 Acid flask,
1 Alchemist's fire,
2 antitoxin (-)
traveling papers
Shield 4/50 30go
QLW 4/50 30gp

Hell Blade Intelligent Items


Empathy (Su):
Empathy allows the item to encourage or discourage certain actions by communicating emotions and urges. It does not allow for verbal communication.

Senses: 30'
Senses allow an intelligent magic item to see and hear out to the listed distance. Adding darkvision or blindsense allows the item to use those senses out to the same range as the item’s base senses.


Five things about her background
1: Rosa was a happy child, mother and father, in a large manner house, walled gardens all around. Nana looking after her, she played with the servants, ordering them around. The only odd thing of her childhood was the fact, in the whole house there was no morrows. But once after a hard rain she has a look at herself in the water of a pool and noted that she unlike the others had horns. When she asked nana about it, she just said everyone is different and not to talk about it with mother. Then one more of her birthdays came but this one was not like the others. Her father was waiting for her deep under the manner house, she was never alowed in but this day nana took her to the door. Telling her to go in, she had her best dress on and wounder if mother would be waiting for her. Was this to be where her party was. She entered and found her father only, standing in-front of a design on the floor. He told her to go stand in the middle of it. She did thinking this was one of her fathers magic ticks she looked so much. It was then the door bust open an her mother rushed in, she was crying and screaming but Rosa could not hear what she was saying. Her mother ran to pick her up but something stopped her, some unseen wall blocked her way and she pounded on it. Rosa started to get upset, to want to cry when the air around her grow hot, her mother pulled away looking at something behind Rosa. Rosa slowly looked behind her and up. There where there had been nothing. There now stood a monster, not looking her her but at her father. He spoke in a deep hard voice.
"You have delivered the child, you contract is complete. sixty more years of life shall be your."
Her mother screamed her farther bowed and the thing reached out for Rosa, and her world went dark. Rosa had been sold to the Hells, when she came to she had a slaves nick chain on and simple clothing. She was ordered to work in the war tent of a great Devil Duke, one they said her very blood was linked to. She just sat and cried, the Slave master snapped her neck. She awake in the pits, her body whole once more and she learned. She learned that death is but a moment away in the hells but death can't save you from torment, each time she was killed, for spilling a drink or being slow, she would rise once more from the blood pits to work endlessly. That was until the day, another slave was slow. She had been waiting to sever wine to a meeting of high ranking Devil officer, when the slave in front of her was too dumb witted to hurry. Rosa and saved her head in with a put and then served the wine.
"This one knows her place and knows what needs to be done, she kills with ease as well. Myricon place her in training see if she can give her life better in this blasted subsection war."
With that he broke her back.She came to in the blood pits of a new place, deep in the hellish hill. Cages and others like her standing about. Above, a master Devil, he throws a single dagger into the cage they where in.
"The one left alive gets to eat better food and not suffer today"
It said. She did not live that day, nor the next, but day after day, she did not die as fast until the day she was the only one left standing. It was that day she was placed in a troop, armed and sent to fight in one of The 9 hell's endless wars. She was a shock trooper sent in 1st often dead before even seeing an enemy. but still she learned to fight, even to start and used the very magics of the Hell's.
Then one day she and others were sent to fight a Rouge Devil, one who had attempted to stand upto the lord of the hells. They can come at it form the front as ordered. And it and smashed them, throwing them about like soul dolls. They did not have any hope of even harming it, but that was not the point, they where just a distraction while another killed it from behind. She lay smashed, hurt so bad blood was blocking her eyesight, but she could just make out a tall figure making its way to the Devil as it killed off the last of her company. It had before it a great black blade, raised ready to strike, it ever got the chance, in a moment it was hold never to move again. By some means, this devil had tuned that form to stone. Then with one swing of its fist it shattered the form. Bits of stone fell down over rosa and also the things black blade.
::"Told that moron to be careful, now what am I to do":: The thoughts came onto her mind,::"Use whats to hand I think, YOU yes YOU, the one I am talking to, reach your hand out and graps me, DO IT NOW"
Rosa with the last of her strength reached out and grabbed the sword.
They found her later, still holding onto the blade but now it was embedded in the dead form of the rouge Devil. The sword had barked and order when they came. [i]"Make her whole again and send her to me, this one is mine now"[/b]
That was the day she become a hound of Hell, a task she has done for countless years, on the Prime and in the Hells.
2:Rosa has a dark sense of hummer and its not always so dower, she fine art very much, it is a weakness of hers.
3:Rosa likes to smoke small cigars and will often be seen with one
4:Rosa has had a number of lovers, one being the father of her child Onix Luminass, a Tiefling - Devil-Spawn Rouge.
5:Rosa when working takes her job very seriously, she is far more Law then Evil.

Two Goals
1. To become a god of law.
2. To have a great art collection.

Two Secrets [One known/one unknown]
1. Rosa is LN now but once she was Lawfull-Evil
2. Caasimolar her patron has plans for Rosa, and the Hounds of Hell, in some great long game of his.

Three People [2 friends 1 enemy]
2. The Gold Dragon Drogondus, she has come to its aid more than once it it her. They have a mutual respect and some kind of friendship.
3.Enemy= The Demon Lord Annarock, Who Rosa has defected more then once, his minions have been the corruption of a number of Devils that Rosa has had to deal with over the years. The lasted being Birimor the Blight, who Rosa put down a century ago, in the last great Blood war.

Three Memories
1. Her 1st weeks in the Hells, losing hope and learning NO ONE is coming to help, it was then her heat froze over.

2. Walking in the center of a battle field on the prime, heading to a Devil that should not be there, that should not have started a war. Her shaving some lesser called Angles aside and confronting the hell spawned. Calling its name and its crime out, as all around the battle stilled and slowed as she and it fight a titanic battle. When at last she lopped of hits head, she stood and looked at the mass of men and arms and calling out for all to hear.


3. Siting with a group of adventures in a tavern, joking about this and that and drinking the night away. The subject of her work and the evil lord they where seeking where one in the same and she felt for once excepted. Even with a few sideways looks, she was one of them for the trip.