Sajan Gadadvara

Kumatao's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Vic could you concoct me a potion that would make it "approximately February 2016".

This is the Class Deck I have been waiting for. When it comes out I will have been waiting for over a year and a half.

The Oracle I became interested in today will not even be coming out till a month before. So I hope the Monk can keep me occupied till that comes out at least.

I am going to try to state this as clearly as possible.

A player I talked to asked me to call them when I get to Adventure 6 in S&S. They want to (re)play it with me when I get there. They want to be able to help me(I am guessing), upgrade their deck, and get their 3 feats(skill, power, and card). They want to do this before the end of November when WotR Adventure 6 comes out to play. They plan on playing this character in that Adventure getting to Tier 8.

By the rules as written. I am guessing a Tier 7 character is allowed to do Adventure 6 series until they complete a whole (previously uncompleted) Adventure 6 or after 4 scenarios if they choose to advance a Tier when they get their card feat. At which time they will be Tier 8(and effectively retired unless their are higher tier adventures at conventions).

While this seems legal. It does seem a little like cheating. Not the replaying S&S 6. But doing both. I understand wanting to carry a character over. I want to do that with my characters who complete an entire adventure path. But in OP that seems a little Over Powered. And if Paizo in all their glory do create a High Tier(6) Adventure for convention play. The Tier 8 Character could not play in it.


Replaying Scenarios
You may replay any Adventure Card Guild scenario as many times as you like, as long as you are of the appropriate tier (see “New Advancement System: Tiers” above.) Your character may only gain the reward from a given scenario, adventure, or adventure path once. However, you may upgrade your deck each time you complete the scenario, and completing the same scenario multiple times counts toward your feat advancement.


*Paizo possibly creating a High Tier(Level 6) Adventure for a convention is pure speculation. I just stated this number as it would allow for the most players possible(Tiers 5-7). Without letting someone bring a character who did one of the things I have previously stated(unless they did not finish the 2nd Adventure 6).

Can a character that completed all of S&S do any of WotR?

I am not sure if there is a Tier 7 or if 6 is the cap.

If there is a Tier 7 then you would only be able to do Adventure 6.

But if Tier 6 is the cap you would be able to do Adventure 5 and 6.