Improved Initiative: +4 to Initiative rolls.
Class Abilities
You gain Culture and Diplomacy as class skills. For each of these skills that is already a class skill for you (or becomes a class skill) from a source other than this archetype, you learn to speak and read a new language.
You can use your Diplomacy skill for Intimidate checks to demoralize a target and your Culture skill for Life Science checks to identify humanoids and monstrous humanoids. When you attempt a Diplomacy check to change a creature’s attitude but you fail the check, the creature’s attitude worsens only if you fail the check by 10 or more.
Aklo, Celestial, Common, Kasathan, Ghibrani, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc
Combat Gear
Carbon Skin (Graphite), Semi-Auto Pistol (Tactical), Pulsecaster Pistol, Hand Axe (Basic), Serum of Healing Mk I x4
Other Gear
Medkit - Basic, Personal Upgrade MK I (Dexterity), Ring of Resistance I, Lingo Serum, Toolkit (Politician), Toolkit (Engineer), credstick (328 credits)
Dream Whispers, Ally: Once per adventure, when I miss an attack or fail a saving throw I can count my roll as 2 higher.
Private Vault, Slotless: Nondetection effect on a 20x20 room.
Promotional Reroll (Goblin IPA): You can reroll a single d20 roll you make during the course of the scenario. Add +1 for my Nova.
Rom grew up on Aklo and left the planet as soon as he could. His way out was the Stewards. He joined up at 18 and never looked back. He spent most of his young adult days travelling with ship caravans, doing what he could do help out. Along the way he learned to wield both his smile and his authority to get things done. On shore leave at Absalom Station, he heard of the Starfinder Society making a big impact on his community. He went to the Lorespire Complex to investigate, and never turned back.