About Rodok HeavenswatcherRodok Heavenswatcher, The Sky's Eye
3rd: +1 Resistance Bonus to all Saves
Casting Tradition:
Spheres & Talents:
Base Atk +3; CMB:+3 CMD: 15 Feats
+13 Perception (4 ranks, +5 Wis, +3 class, +1 competence-ioun)
Background: 8 ranks = 2/lvl x 4
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Orc
Gear & Equipment:
------------------------------------------------ Gear ------------------------------------------------ Masterwork Chain shirt (+4/+4/-1) 400 gp, 25 lb Heavy Pick 8 gp, 6 lb Javelin x5 1 gp, 2 lb each Campfire Bead 720 gp Backpack/Bedroll/Outdoors gear, &c. 10 gp 10 lb Cold Weather Gear 8 gp (free at lvl 1), 7 lb Cracked Scarlet & Blue Ioun Stone (+1 comp. to one INT-skill) 200 gp
Gold on Hand:
Rodok works his magic as he does all things, through the blessings and workings of the celestial bodies. Even as a young dwarf, he felt the calling to gaze at the stars, planets, and everything else working its way through the sky each night. While his peers spent their free time socializing or devoted to more traditional crafts, Rodok found himself drawn the sky, and as such, made pilgrimage each night outside, to the top of the clan's fortress, to look out over the Fangwall and into the heavens. The connection Rodok felt only grew with time and he grew strangely close to the celestial bodies, thinking of them as strange friends and powers to be understood. Abandoning the family tradition of steelwork, he sought a life where he could use his bond to the stars and planets, eventually creating and taking up the role of Chief Astrologer. And while many scoffed at his chosen profession at first, as his talents grew, they were harder to ignore, until ultimately, when Rodok's dedication to the heavens was rewarded. Years of careful research and commitment to the skies culminated in Rodok's pioneering of his own style of magic. Drawing on his supernatural awareness of the celestial bodies and their hidden power, he found himself able to manipulate forces previously unknown to him. "Life...Death...Fate..." Sometimes when he was star-gazing, he heard the stars and planets speaking these words to him. And while he didn't always understand exactly how he could do the things he could do, he was determined to keep learning more, until he did. His most recent choice, leaving the confines of the Fangwall and seeking out sources of knowledge from other cultures in the North, has drawn a small amount of ire from some of the more traditional members in the Clan.
Personality & Appearance:
Height: 4' 2" || Weight: 170 lb Hair: Red; Eyes: Dark Standing average height, for a dwarf, Rodok stands out in a crowd not only for his particular choices of hair and ink --his head is bald save a tall mohawk and tattooed with what appears to be a celestial map-- but also for the cloud of ioun stones constantly in orbit around him. While some find the stones distracting and others might be tempted to grab one --not a wise move, as Rodok is very protective of his iouns-- he personally finds them comforting, and reminiscent of actual celestial bodies. Rodok is a relatively quiet man, who tends to observe rather than interact. He's not biased 'against' action, nor is he shy, but prefers to know, understand, and learn rather than interrupt. Still, he's clever, and not much gets by him. If an opportunity so make a joke or point out something funny comes up, especially in a familiar setting or with friends, Rodok will seize the chance, happily. He's a dwarf, after all, and their propensity for joyful celebration has earned its reputation honestly.
A Note on Casting Traditions/Magic:
Rodok, with the 'Daysense' trait, can always tell the positions of stars,
planets, etc. I like the flavoring of all his magic coming from the bodies in the sky in some way. Clearly there's a lot he doesn't understand (See: Wild Magic Drawback) but there's a strange comfort in it, for him. When he casts, he draws lines between certain bodies depending on which effects he wants to create (See: Somatic Casting Drawback). Few recognize this, unless they've a remarkable talent for Astrology, though Rodok would be willing to teach what he's learned to anyone interested. Whether or not someone without 'Daysense' would be able to replicate his style, is a fair question, the answer to which Rodok suspects is "no", because as he knows, failing to align the somatic components of his spells with the proper celestial body more often than not results in wasted effort. |