Rockhopper |
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He's a combat specialist (high BAB) that optionally has a horse (animal companion) which isn't necessarily with him at all times or ideal for battle (-3 levels); he's athletic and good at a variety of talents and odd jobs (lots of class skills/ranks).
If you can't tell, I'm sizing him up as a Ranger. There might be a good archetype to drop Favored Enemy for something more appropriate, unless you wanted to take it for Moblins (orcs?) or Evil Outsiders or something. One problem, though, is that he's generally pure of heart and quite courageous (courage is kind of his 'thing') so his Will should be high. I'd give him Iron Will and Improved, at the very least, on top of a good Wis.
Link tends to fight alone, and he's not the type to prance around with his ocarina during battle, so Bard isn't quite the right fit. He rarely works directly for any deities, and he sometimes defies major established orders/engages in mischief, so Paladin wouldn't fit.
As for his race, I'd say half-elf. He doesn't demonstrate the frailty of an elf and seems to have a rather human build. Human would work if it's implied that "Hylians" are "humans" and other races are adjusted accordingly.
He should have a fairly even Str and Dex, light armor, and amass plenty of thrown and ranged weapons for beating DR or fighting enemies at various ranges. Fighter, or a dip in Fighter levels, could work if you really wanted to capture his diversity of weapon skills (or pick up Courage). Cha could optionally be a dump stat (silent hero, tends to have to do errands/quests to win people over rather than charming them) or a high stat (performance ability, tends to make a wide network of friends and supporters over time).