
Robert Lazzaretti's page

Contributing Cartographer. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Contributing Cartographer

Good looking map reference here upon first glance.

There is a compass rose and scale present on the map.

Good use of page space.

Plenty of details and the key helps to give enough information to make a finished map with only a few questions.

This would be a challenging location for players to map.

I like it, seems unique and different for a location.

I do recommend this map to progress to round 3

Contributing Cartographer

Great looking map reference here, everything is here needed to complete a great looking map.

Again, I do really like hand drawn map references, so this one gets extra points from me.

Drawing this map would be fun for me, especially the different types of vegetation.

Great Work!

Contributing Cartographer

Good looking map reference, pretty clean line work for the most part, and the use of some simple color helps break down what is really going on.

I actually do prefer hand drawn map references in most cases. This map would be fun for me to draw, I can imagine already all the details I would put into this one.

Great work overall.

Contributing Cartographer

Good looking reference here, everything is clearly plotted out and labeled which minimizes any confusion.

This would be fairly easy to complete in a short amount of time based on the information given.

Contributing Cartographer

Good looking map reference, everything is on the reference needed to complete a good finished product.

The frozen pond is a cool hazard to have here and the mutilated corpses are always fun to draw :)

This one would be fairly easy to finish in a short amount of time, I would enjoy getting into the smaller details on this map.

Contributing Cartographer

Good reference, pretty standard at first glance. The inclusion of the legend is always great.

The only thing I would be more specific about is that the little skulls=bones, are a bit hard to see but that is really not a big deal.

Otherwise great work, no real concerns here. The map would be fairly easy to complete in a short amount of time.

Contributing Cartographer

Good reference here, very realistic building floor plan design. Everything is on the map reference needed to complete the finished product.

I don't have anything I would change about this map reference, very well done.

Contributing Cartographer

Really the most creative map submission I have seen here in the competition. Very cool unique setting for an adventure.

Everything is very clean and well labeled on the reference. The inclusion of the notes for the cartographer is nice and helps to give those extra visual details.

This map would be the most challenging creatively to draw, I really like all of the different features on this one, it brings back some memories of "Planescape" for me.

Contributing Cartographer

Good looking map reference sketch here. Everything is very clear and makes sense at the first glance. Nice clean linework, and simple colors really make it easy to understand what is going on.

There is not really anything I would change here. It would be fairly easy to start work on this immediately without any re-plotting or anything.

The hedge maze is a nice change of pace from the usual dungeon maze or cavern complex.

This map would be fun to draw, great work!

Contributing Cartographer

I would give this map reference a grade of B.

Nicely done, very clear and maybe too much detail?

I would narrow down what is an actual terrain feature and remove some of the extra details in each room for a less cluttered look?

Nice work!

Contributing Cartographer

I would give this map reference a grade of B.

Good map reference, everything is here on a single page to describe what is needed on the map.

Text is a bit small and hard to read.

Contributing Cartographer

I would give this map reference a grade of B.

Nice clean vector color map reference. I think too much use of color is sometimes a bad thing.

Are the solid grey areas walls?

I think this plan seems a bit too modern in design.

More description and less vivid color would help.

Contributing Cartographer

I would give this map reference a grade of B.

This location could be cool, but the sketch itself is poorly realized.

More details are needed.

Why no effort made to show the interior of the buildings?

Also the lay of the land is somewhat ambiguous.

Good, unique idea for an adventure location. I would include a side view inset for increased interest.

Contributing Cartographer

I would give this map reference a grade of A.

Very nice reference sketch! The addition of room furnishing details is great.

Well laid out and detailed, but also leaves enough room for the cartographer to produce a unique looking map.

This map will be very easy for any skilled cartographer to produce.

I wish all of my references were at this level.

Great Job!

Contributing Cartographer

I would give this map reference a grade of C.

There are too many views. Narrow the views down to a 3/4 and a plan view.

Hmmm, lavender is an interesting choice of a background color.

The use of a legible font is nice versus the usual illegible scrawl.

The maps themselves are pretty basic and bland. Some notes with room descriptions will help make the finished map look more interesting.

Overall, nice but more details on the actual rooms and less multiple views of the ziggurat.

Contributing Cartographer

I would give this map reference a grade of B.

This is a perfect example of a good map reference. Everything is clear and easy to see. The isometric map view is a reminder of all the of the Ravenloft and DragonLance maps I have drawn.

Maybe, instead of the isometric view, a before and after view would be more useful?

The map key is clear and concise, and the map sketch has all of the information needed to produce a finished map with minimal effort on the part of the cartographer.

Nice work!

Contributing Cartographer

I would give this map reference a grade of D.

I always find it amazing how many map references I have received like this over the years of my map drawing career.

The main problem for me is the lack of a grid, if there was a grid in place with a few minimal details written in this map would be better to work from. The overall written description helps fill in the blanks somewhat but not enough individual room details for me.

I don't ever expect artistic perfection from a map reference sketch, that is my job : )

On first view, I had no feel for this as a winery. For all I knew it could have been a realtors floor-plan for a MLS home listing sales flyer.

To improve this, add more detail and use a grid. Research what a medieval winery would look like.

Contributing Cartographer

Christopher West wrote:

I'd love to collaborate with you on a project someday! It would be interesting to see what we could create.

Hey you know I was just thinking the same thing recently. We could really do something amazing in a collaborative effort! Hmmmmmm.......Big giant Map of Mystery or something like the map a week.

Contributing Cartographer

Thank you Mr West!

I have really enjoyed watching your progress as a professional cartographer. The works you produce continue to amaze and inspire. I am proud to be able to work with you in this great industry of games!

Take care


Contributing Cartographer

Just noticed this thread, a little late, but anyway.

Nice work Ashenvale, I really like the 3-D cathedral!


Contributing Cartographer

I have always been a big Castlevania fan, Symphony of the Night is my favorite! I started working on a big map somewhat inspired from the game series. I had planned on releasing it for map a week a few years ago but decided to wait until it was more fleshed out. What do you think Erik?