Robert Hawkshaw's page
Organized Play Member. 1,852 posts (1,861 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.
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Comrade Anklebiter wrote: Robert Hawkshaw wrote: running around, causing trouble. Vive le Galt! Basically.
Socialists won in Alberta by the by.
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Comrade Anklebiter wrote: And how is dear Charlotte? Has it been a year yet? Is she teething? Sleeping through the night? Other baby questions, etc., etc.? Bed time is still a battle. Otherwise, doing fine, running around, causing trouble.
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Fell down into the deep dark hole that is finishing a thesis and having a kid at the same time.
But I'm back now! Ish.
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Andrea1 wrote: If this was part of a collection then the pacing would be fine but we're looking at another week of waiting. Even if this is ended next strip we're looking at 3+ denouncement pages and that is far too much for having to look at pycho-dad yet again magically thwomp the order with Miss unlimited PP. Yeah, and we are paying good money....
Oh wait. It's free :)
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Heh I was just about to post, but I see I was beaten to the punch.
Those town guard are going to make nice a nice "sherrif of nottingham's goon-squad".
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pres man wrote: Yeah, I did catch that they said that it was 3-6 weeks (so counting next week 4-7 weeks) to get to our docks, not to get to the warehouse. So an additional x weeks on top of that for customs. "Our dock" means their warehouse loading dock.
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Orthos wrote: VM mercenario wrote: BigNorseWolf wrote: They're definitely playing pathfinder, not 3.5
- The world is a prison for a giant world eating abomination
- There are nut cases trying to let that thing out (Blackflame adept/holey brotherhood)
- and no one can make concentration checks! I don't think that what Roy did in that last fight was about concentration checks, maybe Roy just has been training to get Mage Slayer feat from Complete Arcane. AKA eff your defensive casting, eat my AoO. I thought it was just a well-timed and well-rolled series of readied actions. Undead-bane sword that pierces the lich's DR (despite slashing not normally doing that) wielded by a two-handed fighter with a decent strength, probably loading on the Power Attack, and a series of "I ready an action to attack him when he casts", and it seems like a reasonable outcome to me.
** spoiler omitted ** He was training for taking a feat with his grandfather up in heaven:
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A second season of the show has been commissioned.
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I wasn't sold on it in the first episode but it is getting better and better. Especially when compared to other shows that are on, such as Defiance.
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Congrats! Mine came at christmas.
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That's the Dominion of Canada to you gobbo! Or the Dominion for short.
Since we are becoming an oil-ocracy we've got to dust off the older more sinister sounding name.
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:) Also a bit rich to be talking about meddling westerners setting up or tearing down governments while at the same time advocating for revolution based on a government system conceived of by westerners and developed in the colonial powers (UK, France, especially). Marx and Engles were old white dudes in England after all.
Clearly intervention leading to government overthrow has been accepted as a solution (worldwide worker's socialist revolution), so are we complaining about the end state, or the means, or both?
Okay, back to the thesis.
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Back up to birth weight, sleeping all day and partying all night. We've even managed to put her in the stroller and wheel her up to the grocery store / pub.
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So do you think the OP went away from this thread all reassured about cultural marxism? Haven't heard from them in a while.
Just feel like posting that.
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Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote: What about the pacifists? The tricksy Society of Friends is trying to brainwash america through oatmeal, hot cereal, and lunchtime granola bar snacks.
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Hiding in a crawlspace and waiting until the guy finds you is trigger happy now?
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Samnell wrote: meatrace wrote: Samnell wrote:
That's the general counterargument against social justice for every disadvantaged group, ever.
What I hate being told, over and over, is damn my eyes for having a penis and thus, by my very existence, being an oppressor. Eff that.
What can I say, when I hear complaints I look for solutions. The only solution being proffered is simply "stop being a man". Not workable. You could stop participating in the system they object to like you are doing right now. Seriously, privilege denial is the first weapon in the arsenal.
Lay 'stop particpating' out for me in practical terms.... do I quit my job? Remove all pink from my daughter's wardrobe? Vote NDP?
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Lord Dice wrote: Robert Hawkshaw wrote: She might not have mentioned it, but there was queer theory stuff happening in the 70s and 80s. There can be / is a deep divide between LGBT folks and feminists, depending on your flavour of feminist. Pornography/eroticism/BDSM are issues that separates a lot for instance, mainstream feminism rejects them as oppressive, queer theory can embrace them. On the other hand, I, as a scion of the Patriarchy, spend a good deal of my time listening to Patti Smith while perusing Robert Mapplethorpe photos.* I'm not saying you're wrong, but the smartest of my gay friends had to take Women's Studies in college, because they hadn't even renamed it Gender Studies at that point. (Late eighties, early nineties.)
*Yes, the garden parties at the Dice Estate are totally rockin', but not for the timid of any persuasion. Re Mapplethorpe: My great uncle got busted by the cops (well, a busy body photo developer) for photos taken at one of his parties - http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/1986/1986canlii68/1986canlii68.html. But he didn't punch nazis all through world war 2 to put up with that s$!& at home so he fought it to the supreme court and won.
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On the one hand, it's hard to change society when you go out of your way to alienate at least 50% of it. And no concrete vision about what you will replace the current society with other than, it will be better, and not patriarchy.
On the other, it gets you lots of citations, which helps with tenure.
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I wasn't being too serious either, which is why I mentioned les mis, just forgot to add the smilies.
The list is from some newspaper articles Marx wrote detailing Napolean III's coup d'etat. I don't know why porters are on their either, maybe he had his luggage stolen one time or perhaps the porters in Paris were notorious criminals or something.
Re being at the sentencing: I don't know how it is done down in the states, but around here sentencing involves something called 'speak to sentence'. You and / or your lawyer tell the judge about yourself and about the circumstances around the crime. It's a little mini trial where the judge figures out whether or not you are a scumbag
Having children and dependents are mitigating factors that could reduce time spent in prison (or convert a prison sentence into a conditional discharge) so that you can work to support them. Having family that cares enough to actually show up for the sentencing also helps - the end goal is rehabilitation and having responsibilities and family ties helps with that.
It could also help deciding where the guy ends up doing his time.
So it sucks that she has to miss work, but she's doing the correct thing for her family (provided its one of those once in a life time type crimes and he's not a career criminal).
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As of christmas day I am officially part of the patriarchy.
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You should find gramsci's work interesting - he was a journalist and a marxist in Italy. He was considered so intelligent and dangerous that at trial his prosecutor said that "For twenty years we must stop this brain from functioning".
So, he gets thrown into jail by Mussolini, he's sick and dying, and looking back on his life, trying to make sense of why the worker's revolution he was a part of failed and why the Fascists rose to power instead.
It is exactly the thought processes of a marxist grappling with how to change society the next time around.
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You'll want to know your enemy.
I'd start here: http://davidharvey.org/reading-capital/ - Capital is quite dense and it helps to have a guide. This is the underpinning of the whole marxist way of thought.
You'll then want to read Gramsci's work on cultural hegemony- how society is manipulated culturally to accept things. It's a bit trickier to track down, I'll try to find you a link.
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Hey someone on the show had the idea to go to the coast and find an island!
And then she was veto-ed by an idiot.
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They should really be making more of an effort to understand the zombies.
Do they go by sight, smell, sound, or all three. If you confuse one, which will they rely on (smell like a zombie, walk like human, vs smell alive but walk like zombie) - they used this trick in one episode and never repeated it.
Why are they clumping up, are they shoaling, or full on schooling. Can a large herd be broken up into smaller groups (so they can't magically push down a fence, and then the smaller groups herded into following a ditch, fence or netting into a kill zone or just diverted away from the camp.
Will they walk up hill naturally, or do they follow the path of least resistance.
Why do some wander, why do some burst down barriers while others just sit still in an area they could get out of.
Are zombies susceptible to a head-smashed-in buffalo jump type scenario where you just keep feeding zombies into a canyon or off an elevated bridge etc...They seem to at times stampede.
Do they freeze over winter (easy to clear an area then), what is the decay rate.
Do they swim, how does water affect them. Presumably a large sail boat or yacht would be a zombie proof way of moving up and down the coastline scavenging. The group is in Georgia right? A state with a lot of coastal islands?
And..... No protective gear what so ever, until the third season when someone picks up a riot shield. If zombies bite and the bite is fatal, make yourself bite proof. Find some chainsaw proof clothing, stab resistant clothing, wear some gloves and proper boots etc... Even if the relevant gun stores / wal marts were sold out / looted immediately the fact that almost everyone who got that equipment is now a walker means that there should be stuff lying around for the taking. Just look for a diesel pick up truck with the gun rack and cammo gear or other signs of a prepper who got stuck and killed.
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The show is like one of those safety posters where they show the guy not wearing his hardhat, lifting with his back, about to be hit by the forklift. I think it's meant to be instructional.
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Is there a point where a republic gets to big to work?
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Tiny Coffee Golem wrote: Robert Hawkshaw wrote: thejeff wrote: A Man In Black wrote: This is contempt of court. You don't have the right to refuse to testify when subpoenaed. If you refuse to testify (and you're not one of several exempt cases, such as refusing to incriminate yourself, revealing privileged information, etc.), then that's contempt of court. This doesn't have anything to do with President Obama, and as she's said, she's choosing prison in lieu of testimony.
Comrade Anklebiter wrote: I know that whenever the FBI goes looking for black clothes and books by Bakunin, my spider sense starts tingling. Mine too, but it fades when I see that someone is willing to go to prison rather than testify against someone. If her testimony weren't condemning, then she'd be happy to exonerate the people she was being asked to testify against. Depends on what they're asking. If, for example, they're not asking questions that could exonerate people, but just want the names of all the people she knows in anarchist circles, then not answering is a principled act. Think the McCarthy hearings. Yeah there is a big difference between asking "Did you see X toss a molotov cocktail at the hockey riot" and "have you ever seen X with a copy of Atlas Shrugged" or "who do you see at the hipster organo/vegan/wheatfree anarchist lounge/whole foods on a regular basis". Beware of pissing off vegans. They've got psionic powers. I'll take that risk, if we mundanes don't stop them now, they'll eventually form the Psi Corps and try to take over the Earth Alliance.
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It's a civil contempt of court charge for refusing to testify before a grand jury after being given immunity correct?
They should count themselve lucky, up here you don't get the immunity :P
Seriously though, what is going on here? Hipsters aren't that great at blogging about the legal system in an informative way. What does the grand jury system have to do with Obama's time as el presidenté?
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Sean K Reynolds wrote:
a "phlemf" that looks like a flumph
a "wail snail" that looks like a flail snail
Instead of creating something based on (public domain) mythology or something entirely new, you chose to sculpt a bunch of miniatures copied from well-established monsters that were created by Wizards of the Coast. Whether or not they try to stop you doesn't matter, whether or not a court would agree that this is a copyright violation doesn't matter. You've copied someone else's idea instead of creating something that's your own. What's so wrong about a sculpt of a flumph or a flail snail that isn't also wrong about a painting of one?
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It is encouraging to see the quick turn around time and faithful recreation of the concept art.
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I try to do as much painting as I can with a number 2 or number 1 and only break out the tiny brush for awkward angles. The point on an expensive sable brush is just as fine on a big one as it is a small one.
The folks at Reaper recommend:
Reaper's The Craft wrote:
Having the right brush will make learning to paint a much more enjoyable experience. Trying to paint with a bad brush will make painting a more trying and frustrating one.
Even if you are just learning to paint, I recommend getting at least one (if not two or three) of the highest grade of brushes: Kolinsky Sable brushes. A good Kolinsky Sable brush will form a very fine point, last a long time, and have good spring and good snap. I prefer Winsor and Newton Series 7 brushes (in normal size), though the Reaper, Da Vinci, and Raphael brushes are also good. Note that not all "Kolinsky Sable" brushes are of the same quality: even if the brand has two "Kolinsky Sable" lines, the more expensive line will likely have a different feel and performance than the cheaper line. A Winsor & Newton Series 7 #2 brush will cost $28 at an artist supply house, but Dick Blick sells them for about $10, so shop around a bit.
If you want to economize a bit, you can buy a Golden Taklon or "White Sable" brush at an arts and crafts store or artist supply house. These synthetic brushes will work fairly well, but won't last as long before they splay and hook at the tip. Even if you buy a set of Kolinsky Sable brushes, you will probably want to pick up one or two synthetic brushes for mixing colors, applying paint over rough surfaces, when you are in a hurry, doing dry brushing, or when you need to reach a tight, highly recessed part of a mini. Look at spending about $3-8 per synthetic brush.
In terms of sizes, I recommend getting at least three to start: a #2 (or a #1), a #0, and a #3/0. The #2 will be useful for basecoats, and if you get a good Kolinsky Sable brush, it will have a fine enough point that you can use it for most of your painting. The #0 will be useful for details and for working on shading or highlighting. You will probably only use the #3/0 for the tiniest details.
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Good on you for letting her watch Zim.
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Matrixryu wrote: So many people are getting in on this Kickstarter that I'm starting to wonder how many people will be left to buy the minis at normal price when this is all over. 11k people is a drop in the bucket as far as mini war gamers go.
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Terronus wrote: I've been doing a lot of searching online over the past few weeks on the matter, but have had a fair amount of difficulty.
Reaper Miniatures have two minis listed as colossal, but I can't find any product dimensions, and since neither come with a base, am uncertain if they are actually colossal by PF standards.
McFarlane Dragons seem to only come in the 6" (tall) variety... Safari LTD doesn't have any dimensions I can find, nor does Horrorclix, Mage Knight or Privateer Press.
All I really want is a mini that is approx. 6x6 on the grid, no specific type or creature. I would really prefer not to resort to cardboard scraps or bath & body candles >.< Does anyone own one of the Reaper minis (or other brand), or own a figure that is the right size?
Suggestions? Comments? Your help is appreciated!
Some size comparisons of reaper's bigger minis:
Frost Wyrm
Spirit of the Forest
Projected scale of the new dragon (nethermaul vs wotc colossal red)
Projected scale of the new dragons2
Gauth next to a human mini
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Seems to be working for me (firefox, mac osx). Are you using the android app? Apparently it is buggy.
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Iron Maiden has always struck me as anti-albatross.
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Beer and paint mix well. Do a coat, drink some beer, do another coat, drink some beer, repeat as necessary.
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Another happy change is "simple green". Non toxic non smelly cleaner that will strip paint off of models without damaging the plastic.