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BTW Rastaf, I Love the LG half-orc cleric of Sarenrae, not what one would expect from a follower of Sarenre! You were a beast today (in game reference of course) thanks for keeping us alive. Maybe we can work on having our character histories inter-twine. I'm thinking of Amzu's history revolving around growing up in the puddles of Absalom and constantly being persecuted and pre-judged because of my demon blood (that was no fault of my own given my mothers rape by a demon). Only to discover the pathfinder society as a group that welcomes all without judgement (so long as they help the societies charge). ![]()
What a great time and great time and great group!!!. . . So glad I was able to make it out this morning! I'm kinda reluctant to post about the session becuase Irish202 is such a great GM and the PCs around the table were such nice people and good players, I hate to risk messing up the dynamic at the table. Thanks again Irish202 for running and spearheading the game! You are a stellar GM. If there was a player/ session issued GM review rating, you would get 5 stars from me! Hopefully I can make it out in 2 weeks if the family calendar is open. Thanks again! Had a great time. Rob D.
Crap out of town Oct 6th too!!! Sigh... I hope you guys keep this up I will make it out as soon as I can. As For making new characters I sprung for hero labs right before GenCon and man does it speed things up! Should we make a SBPFS Facebook page or a shared google callendar email list or something as a way to keep everyone informed of the next session? Or do you think just best to post here to eliminate e need of cross posting? After I get a few more games under my belt I will be willing to give GMing a try if the PFS at the Griffon starts to grow and we have a need for another GM. (i've always wanted to try GMing) ![]()
Yeah I figured scanning would be laborus. We all have scanners and i have more free time than him, if we lived closer I might do the scanning. But I also don't want to spoil the adventure for myself by having a preview of the battlemaps. Good advice on the image extract tool I will check that out and tell him about it. Does anyone know if the Rise of the Runelords map folio is complete with all the encounter/ battlemaps? If so I will just buy that. If not I suppose I need to buy the PDF of the whole AP for him (since he just spent the money on the hardcover). ![]()
My GM just bought the hardback at Gencon, and now our group is super excited to run it. . . problem is we are Virtual Table Top (VTT) because we all live in different places. Does anyone have advice or suggestions on how to get the maps from the hardcover into digital format for use in a VTT (we use I-tabletop). I'm thinking about getting the map folio for him in pdf but reading the reviews it does not seem to be a complete map pack for the adventure path. He is really busy so would rather not make him scan all the images from the book. Would it make sense to purchase the pdf of ROTHRL for $40 even though he has already purchased the hardback? (sure wish Paizo would allow you get add the pdfs to your downloads for free (or at least discounted) if you buy the hardback) Any suggestions or advice would be very appreciated. Thanks! Rob ![]()
Nebelwerfer41 wrote:
I would play in SB. Might GM albeit I'm inexperienced at GMIng but willing dive in and get my feet wet. Especially after playing PFS for the first time at Gencon this week, man I had a few crappy GMs. I'm pretty sure I can do at least as well as they did, hopefully better. I have been playing since 2nd edition and pathfinder the last 3 years (not frequently enough though) just never had to GM. ![]()
Jeff Mahood wrote:
Hey guys I live in South Bend and just got back from Gencon where I participated in my first few PFS sessions. I would be interested in playing (or gm ) at the Griffon. I could probably play once possibly twice a month. That is a problem with the Griffon is that their game room is hidden so you don't get the people walking by and saying "what is that?" so it seems less likely to grow there. (as much as the store has a place in my heart). Please let me know if you guys end up getting a game together. I would do what I can to help, and join. ![]()
Lisa Stevens wrote:
I hope that what ever it is set at that it is a HUGE success. I for one look forward to giving you guys money in order to keep supporting the development team on this! I vote for free use of uploading our own stuff for home brew and put it under the gamemastery line and pay for the high res map access, token pack access etc. Our group is planing to run rise of the Runelords (starting with i-tabletop and hopefully switch to paizo gamespace asap!). . . I'd suggest to have free scan and upload available for folks that don't have spare change. For those of us that don't have the time, we pay for the connivance of having the whole adventure pre-loaded with high res maps etc. I would say that our gaming group would pay $10-$20 for access to all the digital content pre-loaded and ready for our GM to step in and run it, per adventure in an adventure path. (Although might be hard to swallow after already purchasing all the physical stuff). I can't wait to play rise of the rune lords for the first time. Hopefully this will be a simple and easy solution for my GM to use (who lives 300 miles away) so we can play more often! ![]()
I would love to see something like what Wizards was doing with their Character Builder. For the brief moment I played 4e before discovering (and getting hooked on) Pathfinder I really liked the Character Builder. I think what I liked best is that it was provided by the publisher so I felt more comfortable that the information was accurate and it was doing the calculations correctly when I leveled etc. That tool was very polished and worked great.
I REALLY wish Paizo had something like this for sale or even a web app for building and maintaining characters. Rob. |