Baby Chimera

Rizaidym's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

So my group is going to have a PvP session in a few days, and I'm currently in an argument with another player about Detect Hostile Intent. There are two issues.

Range 30 ft.
Area 30-ft.-radius emanation centered on you
Duration 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw None; Power Resistance No
Power Points 3
"While the duration of this power lasts, you become aware of the presence of any creatures with hostile intent within 30 feet of you, and their direction from you (but not their specific location). The power detects active aggression, as opposed to vigilance. In addition, while this power is active you cannot be surprised or caught flat-footed by creatures that are susceptible to mind-affecting powers.

While under the effect of this power, you can make Sense Motive checks as a free action against anyone within 30 feet of you.

The power can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of stone, 3 inches of common metal, 1 inch of lead, or 6 feet of wood or dirt blocks it."

He's arguing that the bolded section would mean that he cannot be surprised by any creature susceptible to mind-affecting effects no matter how distant they are. I'm of the opinion that a spell that uses an emanation to read hostility from a creature's mind wouldn't be able to warn him of an attack from outside its range. He argues that the power would read the creature's intent off the attack itself.

Second issue id Barred Mind:
The subject is protected from all devices, Powers, and spells that gather information about the target through divination powers or magic (such as detect evil, locate creature, scrying, and see invisibility). Barred mind also grants a +8 resistance bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting powers, spells, and effects. Barred mind even foils bend reality, limited wish, miracle, reality revision, and wish spells when they are used in such a way as to gain information about the target. In the case of remote viewing or scrying that scans an area the creature is in, such as arcane eye, the effect works but the creature simply isn’t detected. Remote viewing (scrying) attempts that are targeted specifically at the subject do not work at all.

Augment For every two power points spent, the resistance bonus increases by 1

I want to say that first line could allow someone to take a person with Detect Hostile Intent by surprise, but he brought up a good point. What the heck is a divination power? In terms of psionics, what does Barred Mind protect against?

Grand Lodge

Specifically, how does the Poison package of the Alchemy Sphere interact with the Unchained poison rules? Does it interact at all? Given that specific trumps general, and ever-helpful logic, I assume the toxin talents wouldn't use the new tracks. That would get out of hand quickly. But does the sphere poison deal poison damage? Or does it only deal damage if you use Painful Venin? Do the poison modifying talents, such as Lasting Application or Billowing Poison, only apply to the sphere poison, or do they also apply to poisons created via Craft: Alchemy? (That's a more general question, I just realized.)

Here's a couple links for reference:

Grand Lodge

Our DM has been throwing some crazy stuff at us in our last two sessions, and both times my Cleric has been brought one point away from death. So I decided to make a backup character in case I really do croak. All of my characters to this point have been casters, so I decided that I wanted to to try my hand at a martial class. As I am a player who prefers fluff to crunch, I decided to go with a duelist.

Our game is a 20 point buy, incredibly low magic world. So low magic, in fact, that if a wizard takes a bonded item, they aren't allowed to enchant it. At all. The only magic items we are allowed are those that the DM rewards us with. We are allowed an item at character creation that costs between 20,000 and 25,000 gp. We are level 8. As a note, I refuse to lower any stat below 10.

My current build:

Fighter (Weapon Master) 5 / Monk (MoMS, Hungry Ghost) 2 / Duelist 1

Elf, Alt racial traits: Fleet-Footed, Envoy

Fencer, Warrior of Old

Chosen Item: +1 Dueling, Keen, Mithral Scimitar (Cutlass, really, but whatever. Mechanically they're identical aside from Dervish Dance)

Str 13 Dex 18 (15 +2 Race, +1 Bump) Con 10 (12 -2 Race) Wis 14(13 +1 Bump) Int 16 (+2 Race) Cha 10

AC: 18 (22 after Mage Armor. I have a deal set up with the local Greed Mage for Mage Armor every day.)
Init: +8 (+12 w/ Dueling Scimitar)
Fort: +7
Ref: +9
Will: +6

Level Breakdown:

Level 1 - Fighter 1:
Feat - Dodge
Combat Feat - Wpn Finesse
Racial Bonus: Run

Level 2 - Fighter 2:
Combat Feat - Dervish Dance

Level 3 - Monk 2:
Feat - Crane Style
MoMS Feat - Crane Riposte
Monk Bonus: Imp. Unarmed, Punishing Kick

Level 4 - Fighter 3:
+1 Dex

Level 5 - Monk 2:
Feat - Snake Style
MoMS Feat - Snake Fangs

Level 6 - Fighter 4:
Combat Feat - Mobility

Level 7 Fighter 5:
Feat - Crane Wing

Level 8 Duelist 1:
+1 Wis

To be honest, I wanted to use a Rapier, but with the lack of magic items, I thought Dervish Dance would be the best way to get Dex to damage. If I did use a rapier, I'd likely replace Dervish Dance with Elven Weapon Training for an extra AoO. I plan on taking Spring Attack at 9.

What do you think? Should I drop the Monk and go full fighter till level 6 and enter Duelist at 7? Should I keep it as is? If something is unclear, I'll be happy to clear it up.