Hallo friends and fellows of Skyreach Following! Booms a giant of a Kellid - nearly 7 feet tall - in a think Hallit accent, grinning widely. Ees good that you have called upon serveeces of Reevik, mightiest of Skyreach Leader Valsin's forces. the man proudly thumps his chest at that.
Long have my peeple known that Worldwound ees source of vile theengs called Mahgic Item Rivik nods sagely.
I huv dedeecated life to stopping all mahgik item spread, and storing them een vault under Following Leader Valsin's expert protection. he continues, seemingly oblivious to the numerous items of obvious arcane make he currently wears.
Meession calls for rat skull, da? He continues, not waiting for an answer and unaware of the odd looks exchanged between his fellows, Crushed rat skulls stop demon from getting eenside gear, makeeng magic. Very eemportant. he looks to the two venture captains, as if he had been speaking of the most obvious matters.
Skyreach Following ees providing skulls, or do we bring our own?