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![]() Hey everyone. So I may be playing a Magus in an upcoming game, and I just want to be sure that I have the Spellstrike/Spell Combat rules down pat. I read this: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2nler?A-Guide-to-Touch-Spells-Spellstrike-and-S pell#1 and I got this from it: Spellstrike lets you discharge a touch spell with a melee attack with a weapon instead of a melee touch. Spell combat is two weapon fighting with a weapon and a spell, could be offensive or defensive. Using the two together results in a full attack with the melee weapon and a melee touch spell that gives a free melee attack to discharge the touch spell. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I've read MULTIPLE different explanations on these abilities melding! ![]()
![]() Hey everyone! I'm looking at making my first Society character, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what class to play. I want to play a class that specializes in martial combat, but also has a decent amount of skills. I have access to the Core, Advanced Race Guide, Advanced Class Guide, Ultimate Magic, and Ultimate Intrigue. Thanks ahead of time! ![]()
![]() Hey all! So, I'm currently in the midst of a move, and that will take me away from my usual playgroup which is NOT part of PFS. I AM looking to get involved with a game shop near me that currently runs some PFS games, but I've heard that I need the actual physical books in order to participate. I do no have any physical books other than the core and the Advanced Race Guide. In addition to those, I have a bunch of other books in PDF form that were gifted to me by friends in my current group. I was wondering if those PDFs would suffice and be legal for use in PFS ![]()
![]() Hey all! So I've been playing Pathfinder/DnD for a while now, and I'm about to start a new campaign. Trying to think of a new character to play, but I can't. I have access to all source books as long as they come directly from Paizo themselves, with the addition of the Psionic classes. I've almost ALWAYS played martially focused characters, the only exception being a Magus that I played around 2 years ago. With that in mind, I'm thinking of throwing a caster together, but I'm not too sure. Any suggestions? ![]()
![]() Hey guys! So I know I just posted about a Kineticist, but I'm also going to be in another game with a different group, and I was thinking of rolling up a Ley Line Guardian Witch. We'd be starting at level 9, and the stats I rolled are 14; 11; 9; 9; 8; 18, which I put together as Str 10 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 20 Wis 10 Cha 9 after level and race increases. I was also thinking of using the new Mind Patron, but I'm open to suggestions. So...any ideas on hex choices and feats? ![]()
![]() Hey all!
![]() Hi all. Wacky question...I'm looking at the Druid, and I was wondering...if I were to take a domain (say the Air Domain) that had two subdomains that replace different abilities (as the Wind and Cloud subdomains do) could I choose both of those instead of the default abilities? Or am I stuck with only one subdomain and the other normal Air Domain ability? What I'm looking to do is take BOTH subdomains, making the "Air" Domain look like this: Wind Blast (Su): As a standard action, you can unleash a blast of air in a 30-foot line. Make a combat maneuver check against each creature in the line, using your caster level as your base attack bonus and your Wisdom modifier in place of your Strength modifier. Treat the results as a bull rush attempt. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Thundercloud (Su): At 8th level, you can, as a standard action, summon a storm cloud. This power functions as fog cloud except that creatures inside the cloud are deafened and take 2d6 points of electricity damage each round from the flashes of thunder and lightning. Once created, you can concentrate on the cloud to move it up to 30 feet each round. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. I may not be taking this SPECIFIC combo, but would the IDEA work under RAW? Thanks guys! ![]()
![]() Hey all!
![]() So my group recently found 5th Edition, and will be starting a campaign very soon. I have elected to go the route of the Arcane Trickster. I am confident in my ability outside of combat, but I am unsure of whether I should go Two-Weapon Fighting with two short swords, or if I should stick with a single rapier. What do you guys think? ![]()
![]() Hey all, so I've been thinking about different character builds for a gestalt character, and I think I've come up with ideas that are sorta interesting. First up is the Paladin//Ninja: The Ninja side would provides a lot of skill points, sneak attack, ability to turn invisible and use other Ninja Tricks, etc, while the Paladin side gives his martial capabilities, Charisma to all saves, Smite Evil, some light spellcasting ability, and so on. Together, it gives the character good saves all around and full BAB. Second, is the Arcane Duelist Bard//Ninja This idea would be based around using the Dirge of Doom performance and the Shatter Defenses feat to make all your attacks grant your sneak attack bonus. A bit less fleshed out in my mind, but it would also give all good saves as above, but only a 3/4 BAB. I'm looking for some other interesting Gestalt ideas...not "Wizard//Cleric" or other things like that. I'm talking cool interactions, interesting combos, or combos that emulate a character in popular media, BONUS POINTS to anyone coming up with cool Bard or Skald gestalt ideas. Feel free to post any builds or just ideas you have sitting around, and to help me flesh out these two I have posted above. Thanks, guys! ![]()
![]() Hey all. So, my group likes to speculate a lot about builds and their potential. One of my friends brought up an Abyssal Rageshaper Bloodrager and the weird interactions with its natural weapons being increased by size while raging as well as the Rageshaper ability. That ability states: "At 4th level, whenever a rageshaper gains a natural attack through the use of a polymorph spell, he can increase the damage done by that attack by one die. If the spell grants multiple natural attacks, the rageshaper must choose one kind of natural attack for the ability to enhance. At 9th level, if the rageshaper's altered form grants him a new mode of movement, that movement's base speed increases by 10 feet. This is an enhancement bonus. If the rageshaper's bloodrage powers already grant natural attacks or alternate modes of movement, then the bonuses granted by bestial aspect also apply to these bloodrage powers." We wanna know how that interacts with the Abyssal bloodline's increase to size, and thus increase to damage for the claw. What order does it happen in? It normally wouldn't matter, but it says "one die," not "one die STEP." Any input is welcome! ![]()
![]() Hey all, so the Eldritch Scion Magus Archetype gets access to a Bloodrager bloodline and its abilities, but there is one thing that confuses me. The line for the class ability states: "An eldritch scion gains a bloodrager bloodline. The bloodline is selected at 1st level, and this choice cannot be changed. An eldritch scion's effective bloodrager level for his bloodline abilities is equal to his eldritch scion level. He does not gain any bonus feats, and he gains bonus spells from his bloodline at different levels (see the bonus spell class feature below). To use any ability that normally functions when in a bloodrage, an eldritch scion must spend a point from his eldritch pool (see below). If an eldritch scion takes levels in another class that grant a bloodline, the bloodlines must be the same type, even if that means that the bloodline of one of the classes must change. Subject to GM discretion, an eldritch scion can change his former bloodline to make them conform. This ability replaces spell recall." It says that the Eldritch Scion gets the abilities that a Bloodrager would get while bloodraging if he spends a point from his eldritch pool. Does that mean that something like the movement ability an elemental bloodline bloodrager gets would function without spending the point? ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, so I will be playing in a game where we gestalt two random classes, and I drew Bloodrager and Inquisitor. I was wondering, if I use the Untouchable Rager archetype for the bloodrager to give up spellcasting for spell resistance, would that spell resistance still allow for the fast healing from the healing judgement? ![]()
![]() Ok, so I took a look at the Fast Healer Feat, which reads: "Prerequisites: Con 13, Diehard, Endurance. Benefit: When you regain hit points by resting or through magical healing, you recover additional hit points equal to half your Constitution modifier (minimum +1)." Now...if an Inquisitor used the Healing Judgement with it... "Healing: The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels she possesses." Would that mean he would heal half his Con mod in addition to his fast healing each round?? ![]()
![]() Hey guys! So I've been searching the boards, and I see a lot of people asking about builds for different Avengers and other comic book characters. BUT...a LOT of people want to make Iron Man as a Synthesist Summoner, something my group outlaws.
![]() Hey all,
![]() So my group is very indecisive on campaigns (as some of you may have seen from my abundance of posts here on character concepts). We may be playing a game using a 10 point buy...now, I have no experience with 10 point buys, so I'm at a loss. I can use any Pathfinder source book, but I am restricted to Core Races plus Orc, Goblin, Dhampir, Fetchling, Oread, Ifrit, Samsaran Sylph, and Undine. Any ideas what would be good on a 10 point buy? ![]()
![]() Hey guys. So: "Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus with selected natural weapon. Benefit: Choose one of your natural weapons. While using the selected natural weapon, you can apply the effects of feats that have Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite, as well as effects that augment an unarmed strike. Special: If you are a monk, you can use the selected natural weapon with your flurry of blows class feature." and "What does “with” in the Special line for Feral Combat Training mean for monks making a flurry of blows? Normally a monk who has natural attacks (such as a lizardfolk monk with claw attacks) cannot use those natural attacks as part of a flurry of blows. Feral Combat Training allows you to use the selected natural attack as if it were a monk weapon—you can use it as one of your flurry of blows attacks, use it to deploy special attacks that require you to use a monk weapon, apply the effects of the natural weapon (such as a poisonous bite) for each flurry of blows attack, and so on. The feat does not allow you to make your normal flurry of blows attack sequence plus one or more natural attacks with the natural weapon. In other words, if you can flurry for four attacks per round, with this feat you still only make four attacks per round... but any number of those attacks may be with the selected natural weapon." This means that Monks with Flurry, Natural Weapons, and this feat may use a selected natural weapon with Flurry. What is your recommendation for use with the Brawler and his flurry? ![]()
![]() Hey everyone. I want to look into making an arcanist that would spend combats invisible. He would be using the ability granted by the Occultist Archetype to summon monsters, and buff his summons and his allies. I am just unsure what spells and actions would cause me to break invisibility. Could someone provide me with some spells that would let me remain invisible while casting? Thanks in advance, guys ![]()
![]() Hey guys! This has been a huge question in my group, and I want to put it to rest now. Is it possible to take two archetypes in which one archetype modifies a feature, and the other changes it? Take, for example, the Winter Witch and the Scarred Witch Doctor. The former modifies the familiar, while the latter replaces it. Half of my group believes this shouldn't stack, while the other half claims it should, as they don't both replace the feature, so it is still there to be replaced by the second archetype. Is there a ruling on this?? ![]()
![]() Hey everyone. I just wanted to start a thread where we could compile all the weirdness in the ACG that we've found, because I KNOW we've found a great deal as a community. Maybe errata and FAQs will be pushed out quicker if everything were to be compiled into one concise thread. I really am sorry if this thread exists elsewhere, and if it is, I completely understand it being closed. If it does exist, however, I would love to be linked to it. Anyway, I'll start: The Bolt Ace archetype of the Gunslinger doesn't replace the proficiency with firearms with proficiency with crossbows, which completely invalidates the class unless you house rule or take a feat for proficiency. In addition, the archetype maintains its gunsmith feat. The feat is completely out of place, as this archetype should not be affiliated with firearms in the slightest. Finally, one of the archetype's level 11 deeds is invalidated by a feat that can be taken at level 5, which is completely uncalled for, and honestly just plain dumb. I now open the floor to other concerns with the new book! ![]()
![]() Hey everyone. So, I'm about to start a campaign with a new group, and I'm having a really difficult time deciding what class to play. Right now we have a two-handed (no, not two-weapon) rogue, and a ranger archer with his falcon companion. I will be the third and final player, and I have no clue what to play. We need a flanking buddy for the rogue, but we could also use a healer pretty badly. I was thinking about using a Sacred Fist Warpriest, but I'm not entirely sure about it. I have access to all Pathfinder material at my disposal, but I am not allowed to use an Aasimar or Tiefling (which is fine, because I kinda want to use a Half-Elf with the drow features). Any advice is more than welcomed and appreciated! ![]()
![]() Hey everybody! So as we all know, generally GMs decide to use either a 15 or 20 point buy for their player characters...my GM has decided to have us use 10 point buys...which I regard as a mistake, as does one other player. Either way, I am stuck on my class choice, as I cannot choose a MAD class, and the other two players have chosen their classes: we have a fighter, and an alchemist. What I'm asking is what everyone thinks a good class for a VERY low point buy game would be. Thanks in advance!! ![]()
![]() Hey so I have a friend playing a paladin in his campaign with his other friends. He's getting frustrated because most of the enemies he's been fighting have been neutral, so his smite evil has been absolutely useless. Is there anything he can do with the smite uses he has other than wasting them everyday? ![]()
![]() Hey guys! I've been absolutely obsessed with Fire Emblem as of late, namely Sacred Stones and Awakening. With my group closing in on the starting date of our next campaign, I have decided that I kinda want to play a character either like the myrmidon class, or a build close to Prince Chrom...that said I have absolutely no idea where to start. Does anyone have any advice on the matter? ![]()
![]() So, I'm in a homebrewed campaign and my friend who WAS playing a Cavalier decided that it would be a FANTASTIC idea to charge at an enemy who was hovering over a cliff edge...he missed the charge...DM rolled percentage die (stating that on a 1-5 he would run off the cliff, 6-100 he was fine)...well...he needs to bring a new character into our game -_-. He showed me his build. A Cruoromancer. First impression: Aw sweet! I really wanted to see one in action!
Needless to say, he needs help, so he asked me, and I am asking you. I have his sheet in front of me right now (because I told him he wasn't allowed to use this, and my DM thanked me) Suggestions in any way, shape or form are welcome and BEYOND appreciated. ![]()
![]() So...I'm about to get started with a campaign (will be balancing it with my other campaign) with two other players and a DM. Our Bard has decided that she will NOT engage in combat...AT ALL...our other PC is a Rogue...so, I must choose a class. I'm having a hard time deciding between a martial class to pick up our slack on melee damage (or go archer) and a spellcasting class. Help...? ![]()
![]() So, I realized that my character in my current campaign has been using a lot of dirty tactics (punching enemies in the gut, below the belt strikes, throwing and kicking sand, etc) both in and out of combat. I wanted to try to incorporate more tactics like this into my style of play, so I started taking levels in the Cad Fighter Archetype, but I wanted to know what else people would consider a "dirty trick." Any suggestions on what kind of stuff would be interesting for me to do? ![]()
![]() Ok, so I'm trying to figure out a way to get a Pathfinder Inquisitor to become playable to a DnD 3.5 game. I need some help. My stat array is 18, 14, 14, 12, 16, 10. I'm trying to decide between archery with a composite longbow or going two-handed in melee. All books are available, although I prefer to keep it primarily DnD material, the only PF stuff being the actual class. Any help is greatly appreciated. ![]()
![]() Ok, so I've messing around, and i think I may have come up with something pretty cool. My group is using the interpretation of the pistolero that it DOES NOT over ride gun training and that I DO get Dex*2 to damage at level 5. So, here we are:
Now...as for race, I was thinking either a Strix for the flying and the +2 to Dex, or a Garuda-Blooded Aasimar for the +2Dex, +2 Wis. The Aasimar would be great for the bonuses and the elemental resistances but the flying is BEAUTIFUL for full attacks with a double barreled pistol. Basically, I'd be using the aforementioned double barreled pistol, with rapid reload its a move action to reload one barrel, and with alchemical cartridges its a free action. I need some advice for spells and the like. Any and all advice is BEYOND welcome! Thank you in advance! ![]()
![]() Level 1: Ranger-Point Blank Song
This character would be chilling out in the sky for most of the time in order to take advantage of some better shots. Greater Manyshot would provide for an extra attack for a standard action, both getting skirmish damage. With Splitting, Flaming and Shocking enhancements and skirmisher boots, (when I move 10 ft I can get an extra attack 2/day, and +2 to skirmish damage) the average damage when moving 20 ft would be 1d8+7d6+2...so 31 per arrow. With 2 arrows its 62, then throw in splitting its 124. If I use one of the uses per day of the skirmisher boots, I get 155 damage as an average. With Flyby Attack, I can move 20 ft, shoot with Many Shot and skirmish, then retreat 10 ft. Let me know whatcha think about it. All suggestions will be considered, and are welcomed with open arms. Also, if you have any ideas for furthering the build as I continue to level it up, go ahead and tell me that too. looking forward to hearing from you guys! ![]()
![]() Ok, so I'm playing in a one-day "campaign" which will be almost completely combat. I have to build a level 6 character, and I just found the Sohei class from Oriental Adventures and thought I'd give it a try. This is basically to give us a time to test characters out to see if we like them...well...stats are 10, 13, 14, 15, 15, 16. The block I was looking at as a test (after level advancement at level 4) is Str: 16, Dex: 15, Con: 16, Wis: 14, Int: 13, Cha: 10.
The proficiency with the Katana makes the crit range become 18-20, which is nice. Throw on keen (crit range is now 15-20) and shocking burst and it's great. Make it large with Monkey Grip and you're dealing 3d6 a round guaranteed (2d6 from the katana, 1d6 from shocking) and you have a 3/10 shot in getting an extra d10. Not really optimized, but just fun to mess around with. One question I have is if this will work at all...if it's viable. Another is if I should just abandon the TWF route and hold the katana in two hands for the x3 crit modifier. Some help would be appreciated. If any build advice is given, please be advised that all books are fair game in this "campaign." I thank you in advance for the help ^_^ ![]()
![]() Ok, so I'm going to be joining a 3.5 campaign soon, and I wanted to play a very Thor-like character. My DM may let me have the Hammer of Thunderbolts, I just need to come up with a build that would complement Thor. One of my ideas was to play a Paladin of Thor, and attempt to go for a comicbook version of Thor for the character, but I'm not entirely sure. Has anyone tried something like this at all? Either way, all suggestions are welcome! ![]()
![]() Ok, so I came up with this build, hoping it does decently. Any suggestions at all are welcomed with open arms!
lvl 1 Soul Lion Totem Barbarian: For the Pounce attack, which will be great later on with my natural attacks. Feat: Extra Shifting Trait: Longtooth
![]() Ok, so my friends and I are about ton start a 3.5 game, and the DM decided to say that each of us should designate someone else in the game to make the character they will use. So, we each rolled our stats, chose who will make our character, and gave them a small guideline...well..not being very familiar with 3.5, I'm not sure what to do. All books are fair game, which...is is scary to me. My friend says he wants to be a monster in melee, and kinda hinted that he wanted to have a lycanthrope template...another issue...I have no idea what's up with the template system. Just wondering what you guys think I should do for him. Like I said, all books with 3.5 materials are fair game. Only stuff compatible with 3.5 that are NOT allowed are anything specifically for Pathfinder. We're starting at level 8, and the stats for this character are: 16, 16, 15, 14, 14, 11. I thank you for any help you can offer me! ![]()
![]() OK, so I'm a little strapped for time. My group and I are going to start a pathfinder campaign in the eberron setting, and I was originally doing a shifter barbarian...but we realized that I was doing some stuff that seemed a little outlandish, so my DM and I decided that I should pick something else. So, I decided to go soul knife. He is allowing me, if I wish, to take one level in Spirit Lion Totem barbarian. Other than that,m I would want to go full soul knife and focus on TWF...but I'm not entirely sure how I would build him. We would be using the pathfinder version (located here: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife). I know I would need a high dex score, but I'm not entirely sure where to go from there...any suggestions? For clarification, I don't want you to completely build the character for me. I just want to know the order of importance for the ability scores. Any suggestions are welcome, and appreciated! ![]()
![]() Hello all! Well, my group and I are about to start a Pathfinder campaign in the Eberron setting, using a conversion we found. In this conversion, there is a feat called Weretouched Master. This gives the ability to shift as if using the spell beast shape. Another feat, called reactive shifting (in the core eberron book) allows shifting as an immediate action as opposed to the normal move action. THEN, there was easy shifting, allowing for infinite shifting. Accompanied with shifting savagery to increase my natural weapons by two die sizes while shifting and raging simultaneously, I was good to go, as in beast form (tiger) I'd have 2 claws (with grab), a bite, a rake, and a pounce. Now..questions: Would I be able to maintain a rage while in tiger form (it counts a beast form/wild shape)? Would improved natural weapons apply to the claws while I'm in tiger form? Would I be able to have unlimited shifting, as my DM and I have gotten from reading it? Would I be able to shift into tiger form as an immediate action as if it was regular shifting? I'm really sorry for all of the questions, but I just wanted to make sure that I was reading it correctly, and not derping all over the rules here. Thank you in advance for any help here, guys. I really appreciate it. For reference, here is the conversion wiki: http://pf-eberron.wikidot.com/ ![]()
![]() So, I was looking through the core rule book when I was making my sorcerer, and noticed that there wasn't a vampiric bloodline. There also wasn't one in the APG. So, I began work on my own bloodline...keep in mind this is just a first draft, and could have some balancing or flavor issues. Any and all feedback on this is welcome, and PLEASE do NOT be afraid to be critical...just do so in a friendly matter. Class Skill: Diplomacy Bonus Spells: Chill Touch (3rd), Command Undead (5th), Vampiric Touch (7th), Fear (9th), Dominate Person (11th), Eyebite (13th), Finger of Death (15th), Horrid Wilting (17th), Energy Drain (19th) Bonus Feats: Endurance, Die Hard, Persuasive, Iron Will, Improved Iron Will, Dodge, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Toughness Bloodline Arcana: Whenever an enemy is affected by a Necromancy spell you cast, gain 1d6 of HP per dice rolled. Bloodline Powers: Vampiric Teeth: Starting at 1st level, you can grow vampiric canines as a free action. You can use these teeth as natural weapons, using your full attack bonus. The attack deals 1 d6 damage plus your charisma modifier. At 5th level, if the attack is successful, you gain ½ the amount of damage dealt in HP, rounded down. This attack is now considered a touch attack. Your teeth can be used for a number of rounds per day equal to your Charisma modifier plus 3. Paralyzing Grip: At 3rd level, you can use the spell Ghoul Touch as an ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. At 9th level, you can use Detect thoughts a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier plus 2. Creatures of the Night: At 9th level, you can call forth a massive swarm of bats to attack all enemies in a 20-foot radius burst. All enemies in the burst take 2d6 damage, but those closest to the center (between 1 and 5 feet) are also fatigued for one round. (A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a –2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.) You can use this ability once per day at 9th level. At 17th level, the blast radius increases to 30 feet. All enemies between 1 and 10 feet of the center of the blast are fatigued, while all enemies in the blast are dealt 2d6 damage. You can also use this ability twice per day. At 20th level, the radius is increased to 60 feet. 3d6 of damage is dealt to all enemies, while those between 1 and 15 feet from the center are also fatigued. Manipulation of the Mind: At 15th level, any succeeding touch attack you make causes the target to become confused for 1 round per every 2 Sorcerer levels you possess. Confusion:Roll on the following table at the beginning of each confused subject's turn each round to see what the subject does in that round. Metamorphosis of Darkness: At 20th level, vampiric strength flows through your body. You receive a +4 bonus to Charisma and Intelligence, as well as a +2 bonus to Dexterity. You gain immunity to non-lethal damage, paralysis, and critical hits. Once per day, you may enter a state of blood healing. During this time, you may heal back to your maximum HP and cure yourself of all negative conditions. As previously stated, please be critical. Feedback on ALL aspects of the bloodline--bonus spells, bonus feats, flavor, etc.--are welcome in every capacity. Thanks in advance, and I REALLY hope you guys like it. ![]()
![]() So, my friend is joining my Pathfinder campaign, and he told me to brew him up a character...any character that seemed weird or funny. I decided on a White haired Witch. However, I'm really not sure how to go about it. Could I have some suggestions on spells, feats, what familiar and patron and the like? It'd be really appreciated. ![]()
![]() I am making a draconic bloodline sorcerer that will be prestiging to Dragon Disciple in the future. I am not allowed to multiclass or cross blood. At any rate, my stats are
I would like to know what feats would be good for a build of a sorcerer who casts, but is ready to go out on the front lines. Maybe some buffs and other things of the like... I already have Great Fortitude, Iron Will, and Toughness listed, but I would like to know some more feats. For spells, right now I have Spark, Acid Splash, Flare, Ray of Frost and Disrupt Undead in terms of cantrips, and Color Spray and Magic Missile for 1st level spells. The draconic bloodline bonus spells are also included. I have access to pretty much any book for Pathfinder specifically. Any and all help is welcomed with open arms!