Trinia Sabor

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Ok so say I got this scroll, scroll of Touch of Idiocy. And I move up to this Wizard and ready an action to cast it on him if he starts casting a spell. So say he starts casting a spell in his turn; then I immediately start casting my scroll -- then does he get an attack of opportunity while he's casting a spell? If he does, does that disrupt his spellcasting?

I'm interesting in messing around with spell-casting traps, but I can't garner all I want in the SRD, and I'm already flooding my DM with emails so I want to cut that down as much as possible.

What is involved in resetting a 'manual reset' magic device trap? Disable Device, gold cost, spell to cast...? I'm seeing this gold cost but it may just be for creating, I don't see how reset would have gold cost (excluding components). Or do you even need to cast the spell yourself? I was thinking spell-like abilities and scrolls.

Can you generally buy existing traps wherever?

Also how long does it take to set a trap? Quick Trapsmith rogue talent lets you set lesser traps as a fullround action, that's all I can find.


SRD: Shadow Conjuration wrote:

You use material from the Plane of Shadow to shape quasi-real illusions of one or more creatures, objects, or forces. Shadow conjuration can mimic any sorcerer or wizard conjuration (summoning) or conjuration (creation) spell of 3rd level or lower. Shadow conjurations are only one-fifth (20%) as strong as the real things, though creatures who believe the shadow conjurations to be real are affected by them at full strength. Any creature that interacts with the spell can make a Will save to recognize its true nature.

Spells that deal damage have normal effects unless the affected creature succeeds on a Will save. Each disbelieving creature takes only one-fifth (20%) damage from the attack. If the disbelieved attack has a special effect other than damage, that effect is only 20% likely to occur. Regardless of the result of the save to disbelieve, an affected creature is also allowed any save that the spell being simulated allows, but the save DC is set according to shadow conjuration's level (4th) rather than the spell's normal level. In addition, any effect created by shadow conjuration allows spell resistance, even if the spell it is simulating does not. Shadow objects or substances have normal effects except against those who disbelieve them. Against disbelievers, they are 20% likely to work.

Ok so like everyone who witnesses it gets a save... so either a single save (and 80% chance) makes your Dimension Door totally fail; or ANYONE WHO FAILS THE SAVE (or hits 20%) THINKS YOU'RE OVER THERE, AND ANYONE WHO MAKES IT THINKS YOU'RE REALLY OVER HMYAH! The former is underpowered, the latter is kinda overpowered cause it, like, wouldn't end and they'd forever think you were either a) 20ft to the North-Notheast of where you 'really' are, or b) always in that same spot you teleported to all those years ago and never moved away from. Or you could work out some boring lame compromise :(

I wish my lesser Shadow Conjuration caught D Door :(

Aw hell IMA RESEARCH A LVL 3 LESSER DIMENSION DOOR AND MAKE MY DM LET ME SCREW AROUND WITH SHADOW CONJURATION! New save each round... limited duration.........? I don't know that's all I got. :D

Ok so Shadowdancer's Shadow Conjuration/Evocation Spell-Like Abilities tap into some pre-existing repitoire of arcane spells, yah? My question is, can you increase this 'repitoire' wherever or however it may exist, by researching and 'creating' new spells? Does creating a new spell bring it into existence in the Plane of Magic or something? What of spells others have created? At what point would it enter your ability's repitoire? Or are some spells more 'core' and only these can be subject to Shadow magic?

Are these just 'questions for the DM'? Cause that would be boring :(

SRD: Animate Rope wrote:

You can animate a nonliving rope-like object. The maximum length assumes a rope with a 1-inch diameter. Reduce the maximum length by 50% for every additional inch of thickness, and increase it by 50% for each reduction of the rope's diameter by half.

The possible commands are "coil" (form a neat, coiled stack), "coil and knot," "loop," "loop and knot," "tie and knot," and the opposites of all of the above ("uncoil," and so forth). You can give one command each round as a move action, as if directing an active spell.

The rope can enwrap only a creature or an object within 1 foot of it - it does not snake outward - so it must be thrown near the intended target. Doing so requires a successful ranged touch attack roll (range increment 10 feet). A typical 1-inch-diameter hemp rope has 2 hit points, AC 10, and requires a DC 23 Strength check to burst it. The rope does not deal damage, but it can be used as a trip line or to cause a single opponent that fails a Reflex saving throw to become entangled. A creature capable of spellcasting that is bound by this spell must make a concentration check with a DC of 15 + the spell's level to cast a spell. An entangled creature can slip free with a DC 20 Escape Artist check.

Ok so here's the deal. I want to entangle a b##~# from an inert rope as a standard action. What say you? Do I get a 'free go' of the effect at the initial casting like concentration spells and charge spells? Conceptually I can see it both ways. For me wording leans towards 'lame' :( but I want to see what you think.

Also it's not a rope it's a ninja wire :D

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Shadow Illusion wrote:
When a shadowdancer reaches 3rd level, she can create visual illusions. This ability functions as silent image, using the shadowdancer's level as the caster level.
Summon Shadow wrote:
This shadow has a number of hit points equal to half the shadowdancer's total. The shadow uses the shadowdancer's base attack bonus and base save bonuses.

Is this referring to the Shadowdancer as a character; or just the Shadowdancer portion of the character? I always thought it only counted the strictly Shadowdancer levels, but I saw people discussing it as though it referred to the entire character in question, and all their class levels and everything. But then I thought of Rogue magic talents and how it would be strange if a few Rogue levels let you cast those spells at max power, more than you can do multiclassing a spellcaster.

SRD wrote:

Alchemical Power Components

An alchemical power component is an alchemical item used as a material component or focus for a spell in order to alter or augment the spell’s normal effects. What follows is a sample of these effects; your GM may allow other combinations.
Spells followed by an (M) expend the alchemical item as a material component;
Spells followed by an (F) use the item as a focus and do not expend it.
In both cases, the alchemical item does not have its normal effect and does not affect any other parameters of the spell. You cannot use the same item as both a focus and a material component at the same time.

Can I incorporate this into a scroll/wand?

If I'm using Use Magic Device to use a scroll and need to make a concentration check against an attack or to cast defensively or something, can I use UMD to make a concentration check? If I have levels in a class with 'caster levels' but which cannot use that scroll, can I use those levels for a concentration check? (And if so, how about a class that only casts from spell-like abilities, Shadowdancer? They probably know how to cast defensively with their own spell-like abilities using their caster level, but don't read scrolls)

or is my concentration check +0 :/

Oh I just retried my google search and someone said your caster level is the scroll's caster level, which kinda makes rules-sense but is also kinda fracking rediculous when you think about it for 1 second. Is this 'right'?

UMD would tend to be a little high compared to caster levels but... it's casting from a scroll--it's kinda the right skill for the job. Believable enough that it can potentially make it a bit easier for a specialized user to cast from (read: 'read') a scroll than a magician going through the motions of casting a spell.

So I'm looking at the Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Monster) feat in combination with a level 10 Shadowdancer's Silent Image. What are the exact limitations of "duration: concentration"? Can I divide my attention at all, moving; and/or perhaps even initiating, or simply passively continuing Stealth?

If I use it at the very very end of my turn, is the image a viable target during the enemy's coming turn? If so I guess it's just standing still? I don't know, if you use up your last action casting Silent Image normally, you likewise don't really have time to move it around do you?

And can you cast spell-like abilities without disrupting stealth? If I'm stealthed in a shadowy area then Shadow Jump to another, can I attempt to maintain my stealth there, unbroken?


So I'm looking at the Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Monster) feat in combination with a level 10 Shadowdancer's Silent Image. What are the exact limitations of "duration: concentration"? Can I divide my attention at all, moving; and/or perhaps even initiating, or simply passively continuing Stealth?

If I use it at the very very end of my turn, is the image a viable target during the enemy's coming turn? If so I guess it's just standing still? I don't know, if you use up your last action casting Silent Image normally, you likewise don't really have time to move it around do you?

And can you cast spell-like abilities without disrupting stealth? If I'm stealthed in a shadowy area then Shadow Jump to another, can I attempt to maintain my stealth there, unbroken?


Oh, also, can I store it in a Ring of Spell Storing with its augment? Scribe it on scrolls?