
Riley Gibbs's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Suppose you're a wizard, and you find some half-plate. Is there a good reason not to put it on? Your proficiency modifier to AC goes down, but this is more than made up for by the +5 item bonus from the half-plate. At all levels, it seems that the proficiency modifier drops by -2, for a net gain of +3 to AC for taking the half-plate.

I don't see any other penalties for characters wearing armor in which they are untrained, including spellcasters. Is this by design, or am I missing something? This is not a complaint, but it's potentially a pretty big change, so I want to make sure I have it right.

Am I correct in reading that two-weapon fighting does not require a full attack action? My friends and I always played that you needed to take a full attack action, but as I'm reading the rules more carefully, I suddenly realize I can find nothing to support this.

Specifically, can I use two-weapon fighting for an extra attack with a standard attack action?

How does this interact with the charge action? Can I charge, make my "single melee attack" (with a +2 bonus), then make my extra attack with my off-hand without the bonus? I am inclined towards "no" on this one.

To give credit where it is due, I got started on this formula earlier this evening after reading Kaizoku's post and the subsequent thread. So thank you to those guys, both for the lost sleep and for their discussion of the variables that need to be considered. I think I've covered all of them, but please correct me if there are any I have left out.

Incidentally, I ran my formula with Kaizoku's numbers (which were themselves copied from elsewhere), and got slightly higher results than he did: 38.76, 38.76, 38.76, 34.68, and 24.48, for a total of 175.44 average damage per round. I haven't tried yet to account specifically for the discrepancy.