Rhenthyl's page

Organized Play Member. 28 posts (32 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

I'm looking to pick up the Adventure Card Game, but i'm not sure where to start. What's the best place to off?

I was also looking at adding the subscription but noticed there's two for the ACG, do i need to get both?



I updated the details for my order but it's still sat at pending. Any idea when it's going to be processed?


So with the Adventure Path's you also get the interactive maps, only for me, no matter what i do, they don't seem to work.

My main tool is my iPad, and absolutely nothing shows up:

Click for Image on TinyPic

I try to use them on my macbook air, and while the map now shows up, none of the interactive stuff works, so i can't hide the labels or grid. I've tried downloading the files again (5 or 6 times now on 2 different machines) and nothing seems to work

Any advice please

So i currently have 3 subscriptions and when the print books are shipped i get the PDF for free.

My question is if i buy a book not in the subscription do i still get the free PDF if i buy it's print version?

For example i'm looking to get the Adventure Path Hells Rebels 4-6, if i buy the print version will i get the PDF's as well

Just had an email saying my card was declined for the above order. I've just triple checked and the money is there, i've even rang my bank and they've said there's not been any attempt by you to take a payment.

Would you please double check my order and try it again, i've tried pressing the button but it tells me i need a valid payment method, which it is


I received an email saying there was a problem with my order, i immediately checked and realised i'd put the wrong card down. Quickly changed it and pressed the button to retry and nothing has happened since.

I'm growning a bit concerned since it said if it wasn't sorted by monday the order would be cancelled. Could some one tell me it's all good, or all bad and how to fix it please :D

I'm loving the looks of the Adventure Path and Roleplaying Game Subscription, but while the cost of the books looks great, the postage is a killer (to the UK) do you offer a similar subscription but for the PDF's? If so where do i sign up?

If i've read the subscription right, it being a monthly thing, that means it's going to cost me around 74£ a month, which is way beyond my means sadly

Title says it all, it's now over a day since i bought my packs but still can't download them. Sits on personalising indefinitely. I've tried at various hours for the day, including 3am, and still nothing.

Come one guys this is aggravating to say the least