
Rhen's page

23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hi all, I'm starting up a new campaign in the Tangled Web Community. The game is based in the world of Greyhawk and will center around the module "Return To The Temple of Elemental Evil."

Here's a link to the forum:

If you're interested, register for the forum and post a reply in the recruitment thread.


Apologies if this has been discussed before (I used the search feature, but didn't find anything relevant to my question).

My question is this: Is there something other than the Draconic template from Draconomicon going on with these kobolds? I applied the draconic template to the standard kobolds from MM (changing them from warrior to rogue) and my math doesn't quite add up to the stats posted in the adventure. Any advice would be helpful here.

