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To cast any offensive spell (touch, distante touch, any) Do I need to roll a d20? If yes, what do I add as bonus? caster lvl? base attack? dex?



In Core Rules, about Multiclassing, it says if you want to choose another class, you can do it, just choose another class and up 1 level to it. So, for example, a lvl 7 character can be a lvl 6 fighter and lvl 1 sorcerer. I can call this a Classic Multiclassing.

Reading about Variant Multiclassing, I found that you just change 1 of your normal feats (at level 3, 7, 11, 15, 19) for 1 of the secondary class feature. But, how exactly does it works?

I'm confused. So, if I have, for example, this character fighter lvl 7, if I choose to be sorcerer too, this means that I got 2 sorcerer class feature instead 2 feats, but, Can I cast spels like a level 7 sorcerer with just 2 features of the class? Do I keep the numbers (BAB, Saving throws) of the Fighter class?

Talking about the grow in the character, which method does more impact? Which one is "more legal"?

Thanks for your comments.

I'm getting confused with this. According with the class tables, some classes reach +6/+1 BAB at lvl 6. But what does this means?

As I understand, this allow the character to make two attacks as standard action: the first with +6 and the second with +1.

Is this correct?

Somewhere I read that this numbers are applied only when you make an attack as full-round action (like two-weapons attacks).

Thanks for the comments.

I'm still learning stuff of Pathfinder (never played a game like this before). So, a dude wanna have a full armor made of mithril.

As I understood in the Core Rules Book, the steps I need to follow are:

1.- Set the price in silver (1500gp of full armor and 9000gp of mithral). So, in silver pieces we need 105000

2.- Check the DC, which is 19

3.- Pay 1/3 of the cost

4.- Do the craft.

As I understood, every week the player needs to make a die roll and check the 19. If he success, multiply the roll with 19 and the result is added to the total amount in silver (in this case 105000).

For example. If we consider the roll having a total of +12 bonus (various bonuses applied here), and every dice result of 15 (a total of 27), so 27*19=513. This is added to total in silver.

With this maths, to reach that number we need almost 205 weeks = almost 51 months = almost 4 years

...Is this ok? Did I understand good?

I mean, this time is enormous O.O

Any idea or advice?

Thanks a lot for your time guys.


So, one of the players (a fighter) wanted to have a dragon familiar (pseudodragon to be specific). The thing is, he want to take care of this creature and use it to attack and interact in a very wide way with the environment, and grow it like a pokemon or something like that.

I checked the core rules (the book I have) and found that familiars are like crows, cat, dogs; a variety of small animals or creatures with a very limited interaction and low stats. This player wanted to have one creature with a very high stats and actions in comparison with another "standard" familiars. I think that is very powerful.

My doubt is, can he have a familiar like this? Must I have some considerations to the familiar so he can keep it? How can I treat it?

Thanks a lot for your answers.

Hi. I'm kinda new playing games like this. Recently I took the GM role and so far my friends and I just have some basic quest sessions. I consider that the party is very well distributed so the adventures goes balanced.

I'm thinking now that the party will reach a good level, and I wanted to have a quest or session where the team must take part in a war, defending one of the wall/fort in a castle.

Is not so clear to me how or what is the best way to achieve this. I like to manage it like hordes, first a group of goblins, next a group of orcs, next some catapults and other menaces, until comes a couple of ettins or a dragon (I don't know yet).

I have some questions and I don't have much clear how I can handle. First thing, it will be a lot of enemies to control. Last weekend I tried this with a nest of kobolds (the party defeated about 20 kobolds and a big lizard). They really liked it, but for me was a bit complex, it was a moment when the turns are not very balanced (first the fighter, the wizard and the rogue, then 15 beasts and then the cleric, then another 5 monsters). How can I distribute this in a very balanced way?

Second, I try to implement some catapults. I think that the enemies can bring their own, and also the party can build their own (one is a Transmutation Wizard, and he like build things), and the rogue can sabotage it. How likely is this?

In general, I want to make a fight a large scale but I'm not sure how to have the control of this.

So far, any advice or comment you do, I'll appreciate.



This may be a dumb question but I really need to have this clear.

First. Where or how I can take or calculate the Base Attack for a character?

I know that each class has its own table with the ammount of Base Attack/level, but, can be also modified for another effect or formula?

I've read that this Base Attack is given by the table, and this number is added in a d20 roll in order to make a successful attack; then, the Base Attack plus Str. Mod. are added to the Hit Die and we have the final damage (in close combat).

For example: I have a lvl 2 Fighter, so he have a +2 Base Attack, and a Str. Mod. +4 with a sword with 1d6

If he want to make an attack, he first will roll 1d20 + 2; if he success, then make a 1d6 + 6 roll. Is this correct?


Now. I bought the beginner box. This have some characters sheets, in specific Valeros (fighter).

He has +1 to Base Attack, +3 for Str. Mod. and 1d8 sword. In the character sheet, in G section this says:

Attacks and Weapons:
Initiative: 4 + 2 = 6
Attack C/C 1 + 3 = 4
Range Attack 1 + 2 = 3

Weapon: Sword
Base attack +5; Damage 1d8 + 4; and more stuff...

How He has the +5 to Base Attack? In this way, I understand that he first add the Base Attack with the Mod (to get the 4) and then add the Base Attack AGAIN to this number to get the 5?

This situation is very confusing for me and my friends.

I'll appreciate your answers

PS: Please sorry for my english, I'm spanish speaker.


So, I check the Table 3-1 from Core Rules book. I see that I need 2000XP to grow up from level 1 to level 2. Then, it says that I need 5000 XP to reach level 3.

My question is, this means that I need to earn another 5000 XP (a total of 7000XP), or taking the initial 2000 I just need another 3000XP to get 5000 ?

Thanks for your answers, I cannot find this pretty clear in the book.


I'm new in this world, just started last week. So, reading the Core Rules find the Assassin Class very interesting but says that I need to kill somebody to become an Assassin as a prerequisite.

Who I need to kill? An NPC, a Player's Character, a friend, a dog...?

Thanks for your answers.