Reverendfresh |
I'm pretty new here as a poster and signed up for the advanced guide playtest but now I have a serious need for help.
A friend of mine (rogue/fighter dex) and me (vanilla strength build magus) play the first adventure of skulls and shakles.
We don't want more players because our working times are pretty lousy.
So our gm seems not to understand that it's pretty hard for us to go through this path just as a duo and give us a very hard time, I die every session (negativ hp but not really dead)
Please give me some advice how I can help her that we feel like the heroes in the path not like the cannon fodder. She isn't really the changing-the-dice type.
I do not ask for spoilers I don't want to ruin my session but we die a lot and I think she don't have an idea how this bugs us and how to change the enemys or the path.
Thanks in advance