Gnoll Slaver

Rett the Unbreakable's page

17 posts. Alias of Cydrius.

Strength 20
Dexterity 12
Constitution 18
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Rett the Unbreakable

Rett the Unbreakable
Male Gnoll (Civilized) Chosen of Sheela (Variant Paladin)
CG Medium Humanoid (Gnoll)
Init +1; Senses Perception +0, Darkvision 60 ft


Age : 11 (or about 17 in human years)
Size : Medium, 6'9", 245 lbs.
Type : Humanoid (Gnoll)

Tall and strong, even by gnoll standards, and a giant to most races, Rett does not fail to make a strong impression. Combining the bestial appearance of his gnoll kin with a slightly more savage take on the armor and weapons of a paladin, he is a colossus all of metal and pelts.

When he grins, from amusement or from the glee of combat, Rett provides friend and foe with an interesting display: The left side of his jaw, broken in his youth from a warhammer strike, and repaired by divine magic, bears sharpened teeth of solid silver.

In disguise, he is no less of a sight. Adorning his armor with the banners of a diabolist enforcer, he passes for one of House Thrune's enslaved gnoll enforcers, counting on his intimidating appearance to keep curious souls from prying too deeply.

AC 19, Touch 11, Flat 18;
HP 17 {19} (1d12 + 3) d12 with class upgrade
Fort +6; Ref +1; Will +2 (+3 vs. Mind Affecting) {+4/+5}
Speed 20 ft
BAB +1
• Longbow +1 (1d8)
• Lucerne Hammer +6 (1d12+7) {+8 (1d12+9)}
• Greatsword +6 (2d6+7) {+8 (2d6+9)}
• Spiked Gauntlet +6 (1d4+5) {+8 (1d4+7)}
CMB: +6
CMD: 17
Str 20; Dex 12; Con 18; Int 8; Wis 10; Cha 18

• Intimidating Prowess
• Power Attack

• Omen (+1 to Intimidate, Intimidate is class skill, Demoralize as swift action 1/day)
• Inspiring Rush (+1 to charge attack and damage, also ally charges before next turn)
• Fed-Up Citizen (+1 Disguise, Disguise is a class skill, HD counts as 4 lower for Aura, +1 to saves vs Mind-Affecting)[/i]
• To Protest the Government (+2 to Bluff, Intimidate during protest)
Racial Traits:
• Darkvision 60 ft
• +1 Natural armor
• Weapon Familliarity: Flails, dire flail, any 'gnoll' weapon.

Class Features
• Aura of Good (Hidden)
• Detect Evil
• Smite Evil 1/day
• Rage 8 rounds/day (+2 to attack, will saves, -2 armor, +2 HP per HD)

Trained Skills: +2 with class upgrade
• Diplomacy +11
• Disguise +9
• Handle Animal +8
• Intimidate +14
• Perform(Dance) +5

Spoken Languages: Common, Gnoll


Weapons and armor

• Lucerne Hammer
• Greatsword
• Spiked Gauntlet
• Longbow
• 20 arrows
• Banded Mail

Adventuring Equipment

• Charcoal (2 sticks)
• Backpack
• Bedroll
• Belt pouch
• Cheap holy text (The Light of Hope, Milani, Sheela's worship is too young to yet have holy texts)
• Flint and steel
• Holy Symbols of Sheela (2, Iron, Wood) (A chain torn apart by the wicked thorns of a blooming rose)
• Iron pot
• Journal
• Mess kit
• Pocket Mirror
• Rope, Hemp
• Rope, Silk
• Sacks (4)
• Soap
• Soldier's Uniform (Gnoll Enforcer of House Thrune)
• Torches (10)
• Trail rations (5 days)
• Waterskin


14 gp, 4sp

The Blood Flag:

Some years ago, on the sea bordering Katapesh, a tribe of seafaring gnolls led a terrifying bout of slave trade, living like kings on such a business. An invitation once came to them from a powerful lord of House Thrune, offering them riches beyond their wildest dream in exchange for a full complement of strong slaves.

The gnolls, misjudging the lord’s intention, sailed to the coasts of cheliax, their ships full of terrified captives.

True to his word, the lord desired slaves. He had, however, omitted a point : When the gnolls set into port, they were ambushed and taken captive themselves. "I will take these slaves," the ignoble man had announced, as they walked in chains. "… and you will join them."

The gnolls of the Blood Flag, reduced to their terrible fates, toiled for years in various Chelish colonies and cities. As they passed away from age and exhaustion, their pups were left to take their place, and so forth.

Thus, history passed its course, and the gnolls eventually forgot their tribe, and anything outside of their life of toil. They were slaves, and slaves they would remain…

The Dreamer:

…or so most of them believed. On the outskirts of Kintargo, exhausted from a day of hard labor, an old gnoll named Garosh had a dream. A mysterious figure spoke to him as he slept.

She appeared as a curvaceous female gnoll of lustrous pelt, bearing crimson warpaints and a wreath of thorny roses, and he knew her name to be Sheela.

Sheela spoke to him of freedom and bravery, and of the role he and his brothers could play in ending not only the corruption of House Thrune, but one day bringing their savage race to a noble redemption. In the morning, he sneered at this foolish idea, but still, he spoke of it to his brethen.

Though they too thought it a foolish dream, circumstances would prove them wrong.

Not a day later, a squad of warriors acting in Milani’s name raided the manor. Though they were eventually repulsed by the houseguards, they succeeded in liberating two dozen slaves, including a half-dozen of the gnolls.

The gnolls were taken captive by the Milanese group, as they were perceived as a potential danger, but the leader of their Milanese liberators, the priest known as Bishop Arston, saw potential in the gnoll’s predicament.

He spoke to Garosh, the gnoll’s de facto leader by age, and learned of Sheela and her words. Believing the figure to be an aspect or herald of his deity seeking to influence the gnolls for the better, Bishop Arston made an offer to Garosh and his pack: The gnolls would help Arston and his men liberate the rest of the slaves, and in exchange, Garosh and the other gnolls would be given their freedom and a ship to return to Katapesh.

The ensuing raid was fierce, and many were killed on both side. The gnolls, however, proved a powerful asset. Animated in a frenzy of combat, and leading their escaped brethren into battle with great bravery, they seemed animated with divine power not unlike that of Milani’s own paladins.

With this the first Chosen of Sheela had taken up arms. When the time came to claim their prize, the Gnolls chose otherwise. The long years of slavery had dulled their savage fangs and their hunger for power. Slavery had snuffed out the flames of cruelty and greed. Liberation had lit the brazier of revolution.

The Becoming of the Unbreakable:

Amidst the liberated gnolls involved in the melee stood Garosh’s grandson, a pup by the name of Rett. He was a rambunctious youth who’d dreamt of freedom all of his young life. Seeing one of the house’s guards approaching his distracted grandfather from behind, a warhammer in his hands, Rett had picked up a fallen club and shattered the man’s right knee.

In a furious haze of pain, the man had struck the pup in the jaw, shattering most of the teeth on the left side of his face, and sending him sprawling onto the ground in a puddle of his own blood.

To the surprise of everyone involved, moments after Garosh had ended the man’s life in revenge, the pup had stood up on shaky legs, and managed to reach one of the Milanese priests for healing.

Thus was the first brave deed of The Unbreakable, earning him his nickname.

Now unmistakeably marked by a half-jaw of silver teeth, Rett grew into a proud warrior, following in the tradition of the Chosen of Sheela. They would have to lay low for some time following this raid, but rumblings of revolution brewed within the city itself, and, now a proud adult, Rett would see to it that he not miss partaking in the festivities.

Sheela, the Fangs of Freedom:

Believed to be an aspect or herald of Milani come to guide them, Sheela first appeared to the freed gnoll slaves of Kintargo as a dream given to the tribe's patriarch, Garosh the Dreamer. Since then, fellow tribemates also claim to have had such visions, though the veracity of such claims remain difficult to prove. The Chosen of Sheela, as the gnolls have come to call themselves, hold her signs and believed existence as a sign of greater powers supporting her cause. Opinions are mixed amongst the church of Milani, with some folk welcoming the herald as a proof that Milani's cause can turn even the more vile race to their side, and others rejecting the idea, theorizing that some fiend is attempting to corrupt their cause through infiltration.

The views of Sheela's faithful align somewhat with those of Milani's own. The gnolls' natural instincts towards violence and conquest has nevertheless colored these views. Though Sheelanites have been taught the virtues of good from their saviors, they hold radical ideas of freedom and revolution. Malcontent with quietly working against tyrants and unjust rulers, they believe that tooth and blade are the true path to freedom, and that the world will stand free when, and only when, tyranny has been well and truly slain in the field of battle.

Sheela's faithful hold no more than the gnoll clan currently living hidden in Kintargo, whether protected by hidden Milanese groups, or living undercover in the guise of enslaved House Thrune enforcers. Her worship amongst their number is unanimous.

Though no formal holy text in Sheela's name exists, her ideals align quite obviously with Milani's own, and Sheela's faithful have come to appreciate The Light of Hope in respect to their parent faith. Sheelanites hold Milani and her worshipers in great respect, seeing them as saviors and liberators. Her holy symbol portrays a chain torn apart by the wicked thorns of a blooming rose.

The Chosen of Sheela - Code of Conduct:

• Accept neither king nor vassal. A leader leads through example and inspiration, not through rule of law. Be a guide, not a ruler.
• Tolerate no evil act, least of all tyranny. Show no mercy to those who would exploit others.
• Show the good word of Sheela to your misled brethren. If they refuse to listen, show them your weapons.
• Live and die by your brothers in arms. Be the first to battle, and the last to flee.
• The existence of the Chosen must remain secret to the tyrants of House Thrune. Trust none but your closest allies with the knowledge of Sheela’s guidance.

Hiding in Plain Sight:

The Chosen of Sheela are distinctive figures. Gnolls do not go unnoticed amongst humanfolk, particularly in the wake of a slave breakout. Thankfully, House Thrune now has offspring of the former Blood Flag working as enforcers in various places, providing the Chosen with a simple disguise. Donning diabolist imagery, they can pass for enforcers and brutes in the House’s service without too much trouble. Few people give such gnolls a second look, regarding them as undesirables and pests. Fewer actually dare confront the ‘savages’.