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So I've look through a bunch of topic about the Swashbuckler's Precise Strike Deed. I get that with higher BAB scores this could add an additional +12 damage at level 6. However, I can't seem to find an answer for what happens when a player chooses to spend a Panache Point.

For simplicity, lets assume a level 6 Swashbuckler with no additional bonuses and a simple rapier. If both attacks hit and a Panache Point was spent, is the damage now 1d6+6, 1d6+12?

At level 11, is the damage 1d6+11, 1d6+22, 1d6+11 or is the damage 1d6+11, 1d6+11, 1d6+22 or is it the player's choice?

Lastly, is spending the Panache Point only usable when multiple attacks with the same weapon is possible such as with higher BAB scores or with a haste spell?

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So this is a chain of questions that all start with: if a player gets the Grit ability from the Gunslinger (or archtype) class, does he/she still get the Amateur Gunslinger awarded feat from another class even if the prerequisite isn't met? E.g. Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger archtype at level 1 gives Grit and then Holy Gun Palidin archtype gives the Have Gun ability which grants the Amateur Gunslinger feat. If both are awarded,does the Amateur Gunslinger feat allow the player to select the Quick Clear deed even if it is replaced by the Focused Aim deed for the Mysterious Stranger archtype? Also, if both Grit and Amateur Gunslinger are allowed, does the Amateur Gunslinger feat give an additional grit point?