Renraku 573's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Renraku.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I just wanted to say thanks,

While running a convention and between events, you took the time to dump a ton of information and sneak peeks on online. Not being able to attend, It was nice to see stuff happening as it was unveiled.

Beyond that, more than one of you answered my dumb and impatient questions about Starfinder in twitter, which... I'll be honest I wasn't expecting given how busy you had to be.

One last thing

Whoever had the keys to the Paizo twitter account needs a raise, you were a machine during the banquet and ridiculously fast on the responses.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Are the class abilities in the Pathfinder campaign setting (IE Hidden Reserve sorcerer power) considered left overs from 3.5? is it too much to allow a Pathfinder built character to use those class bonuses?

I assumed these were left over from 3.5 but I considered allowing the "Hidden Reserve" bonus. In light of the changes made to classes for Pathfinder it just seemed too much... any thoughts?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My group and I recently switched back to 3.P and after reading about the Kingmaker AP I am itching to run it. The problem being, now I have a pack of ravenous PC's that want to start playing this month. Anyone have suggestions on what I could do to sate their thirst for adventure while I "patiently" await the print of Kingmaker?

Primarily I have three concerns

1. Appropriate starting location

2. Not throwing a curve ball to get them into the Kingmaker storyline.

3. Not giving them too much xp/loot before the AP ships while still giving them something.

I had an idea of just having them deal with some bandits/monsters from the "low level adversaries" thread in a hodge podge of encounters around their village/city leading into their involvement of the main storyline.
