
Renoir du Galt's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Le Petite Mort.

Dark Archive

I was looking through my player sessions, and I noticed that the number of played sessions was greater than the number of physical chronicle sheets for this character.

In the year 2012, I played Slave Pits of Absalom, which would have been the 13th (lucky number 13 heh) chronicle for the character. However, the character has played an additional 16 scenarios, one of which would have been illegal had the chronicle sheet for Slave Pits of Absalom been filled out and kept with the character.

What should I do?

Dark Archive

On December 14th, Pathfinder Society has two games lined up @ Oakdale Branch Library. Both are starting at 11am.

For those craving one of the newer scenarios, PFS 5–08: The Confirmation (levels 1-2) will be run. PFS #5: Mists of Mwangi (levels 1-5) will be run as well.


Please check both sites often!

Grand Lodge

From the void in space...

Total TPK:
I can't believe I'm in here... My fellow pathfinders died one by one before I could come up with a good wish in time... If he got banished from the material plane for the rest of his existance, or wished the demon to turn himself into a tadpole with no intelligence forever, for example... So now I'm just floating in this void, lifeless. The cleric Kyra got b*#@! slapped in the face... Pardon for the French... The fighter Veleros got thrown into the pool of some kind of water... And the wizard Ezrindalf? He died too. How he died, I forgot... If I left that circle where the demon (he was not as he seemed at first) alone, then we could have jumped into the circle where Kal (short for Kalkemeties [or something to that extent]) was near by (the angel's circle) then we would have completed the mission. But oh my goodness, the journey there was tough on us all, because Kal kept sleepwalking into potential deadly areas if we had not acted fast enough to stop him.

My Advice:
Don't do this particular mission with all pregens, or in my case, three pregens and a level three monk without ranks in specific skills that would have helped the party more to complete the mission. Although I rolled four natural 20's in a row and the GM had to check to see if my dice were "loaded". Unfortunately for the GM they were just plain dice that I happened to get very lucky rolls from them, but then failed my will saving throw when I really needed it to prevent myself being teleported to the void of space.

Well... That's that. Maybe I can find my enlightenment here... Oh wait... I'm dead. Never mind... Sorry Pathfinders that I can't be more help to you.

Dark Archive

Hi all... I am wondering if the Animal Archives book (if any part of it) is going to be legal for PFS play. Please let me know.

Dark Archive

Hi everyone. Just wondering...

Since I am taking an Oracle Level at Level 3, I am thinking about taking the Lame Curse and having Mystery of Metal (Dancing Blades) with Extra Revelation Feat (Armor Mastery).

I know that in the Mystery of Fire there is a Revelation similar to Dancing Blades (Cinder Dance) that you can't take Lame as your curse. However, it does not state I could not take Lame Curse while taking Dancing Blades.

I already move at 30 ft (with my armor, 40 without). When I go through this route I would move at 40 ft with or without armor.

I am not sure if it is considered "cheesy" but please feel free to express your opinions and/or pointers for me.