About Rennai BarzanslagBackground:
Rennai was raised in Five Kings Mountains, but is currently disgraced and in exile. Her parents, both prominent social figures, were secretly leaders of a cult of Urgathoa, seeking transformation into powerful undead forms. Rennai and her siblings were the final step of their plan. One night, the children awoke to find themselves being shepherded into the dining hall of their home. Each child was attended by a supplicant, but Rennai, as the oldest, was held by her father. When she saw the knife flash in each cultist's hand, she shrieked, but she could do nothing to forestall the horror that followed. The supplicants' hands darted back and forth, and with each stroke, the flesh of their victims parted in another gruesome wound, their clothing torn to ribbons by the blades. Rennai could feel herself weakening as her life's blood flowed freely, and as the necromantic energy suffused her body, she gathered herself for one last act of desperation. The blade in her father's hand descended again, and Rennai took the only chance she had left. With a strength borne of despair, Rennai reached for her father's hand, wrested the knife away. His now-empty hand went for her throat, and she ducked away, swinging the knife above her downturned head and praying to all the gods for a stroke of luck. A warm spray covered her, and she looked up to see the knife lodged in his chest. She turned immediately to the others, but it was too late. The supplicants completed their ritual with a powerful stab through each victim's heart, and began to twist and writhe in their dark transformations. She ran, and was found sobbing in a corridor, still holding the blood-covered knife. The ones performing the ritual had vanished without a trace - all that was left in the family home was the corpses of her father and siblings, each bearing knife wounds. Rennai's pleas of innocence were ignored, her wounds assumed to be the product of her father's last fruitless defence; she was cast out from her home, with her name changed as a sign of her disgrace. Forced to learn to survive outside society, Rennai quickly learned from a human trapper who took her in and taught her hunting, tracking, and bowmaking. She has one constant companion - a wolf named Conri she befriended as a cub and has the makings of a formidable ally. She still nurses a special hatred against the undead, and hones her skills so that she may stand a chance one day of avenging her siblings' deaths. She has heard stories of strange necromantic occurrences surrounding the town of Harper's Bay, and she comes to town hoping for the next clue in her search - she has her father's blood on her hands already, so why not add her mother's?
Appearance and Personality:
Rennai has been exiled for over twenty years. Being on the fringes of society for so long, social niceties are no longer her strong suit. The deaths of her brother and sisters continue to weigh on her as well, giving her a dour countenance even for a dwarf. She is still essentially kind, however, if a bit gruff. Of all her isolation-induced oddities, however, the strangest to most is her almost-obsessive adherence to the religious rituals of the gods of the dwarven pantheon. She has worked holy symbols and etchings of historical narratives into her bow; she invokes this god or that in conversations nearly constantly; she observes the holy days with fervor. Her faith is the one thing she still has from home; she does not even know if her gods still listen to her in her exile, but no one can stop her from reaching toward them. Rennai stands four feet tall and weighs 169 pounds. Her hair is dark red and roughly shorn just below her shoulders, as if cut with a dagger and not a whit of concern or caution. Her prize possession is an intricately worked composite longbow with symbols of each of the many dwarven gods worked into the design.
Name Rennai Barzanslag Basics Female Dwarf Ranger 3 Alignment, Size, Type N Medium humanoid (dwarf) Speed 20 feet Senses:
Initiative +5 (+3 DEX, +2 trait) Perception +7 (1 rank, +3 class skill, +3 WIS; +2 for stonework; +2 v. undead Special senses: Darkvision 60 feet Defenses:
AC 10 (touch 10, flat-footed 10) (+3 dex, +6 armor, +1 natural) HP 34 (10+6+6 class, 3+3+3 CON, 1+1+1 favored class) Fortitude +6 (+3 class, +3 CON; +2 v. poison/spells/SLA except necromancy; -2 to saves v. undead) Reflex +6 (+3 class, +3 DEX; +2 v. spells/SLA; -2 to saves v. undead) Will +4 (+1 class, +3 WIS; +2 v. spells/SLA except necromancy; -2 to saves v. undead; +2 to saves v. fear) Offenses:
Melee attacks Dwarven dorn-dergar +6 (+3 BAB, +2 STR, +1 MW); 1d10+2/x2
Ranged attacks Composite longbow +7 (+3 BAB, +3 DEX, +1 MW); 1d8+2/x3 Statistics:
Strength: 14 STR +2 Dexterity: 16 DEX +3 Constitution: 16 CON +3 Intelligence: 10 INT +0 Wisdom: 16 WIS +3 Charisma: 8 CHA -1 Base Attack Bonus: +3 Combat Maneuver Bonus: +5 (+3 BAB, +2 STR) Combat Maneuver Defense 18 (+3 BAB, +2 STR, +3 DEX) Traits:
Once Bitten, Twice Shy: +1 to Fortitude saves, +1 natural armor, -2 to saves v. undead Reactionary: +2 to initiative Abject Belief: +2 to saves v. fear Overprotective (drawback): when ally is unconscious from hit point damage, take -2 to attacks and skill checks when further than ten feet from them Feats:
Point-Blank Shot: +1 to attack/damage on ranged attacks within 30 feet
Spell Vulnerability (major drawback): -2 on saves v. necromancy spells Skills:
(6+2/level; 6 class, 0 INT, 0 race, 2 background) Climb* +8 (3 ranks, +3 class skill, +2 STR)
Armor check penalty: -3 * denotes ACP-affected skill Languages:
Common, Dwarven Racial Characteristics:
Slow and Steady: speed 20 feet, never modified by armor or encumbrance
Special Abilities:
Favored Enemy (undead): +2 to Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, attack, damage v. undead
Conri (wolf animal companion):
Background One night, soon after her exile, Rennai made camp in a thick wood. While sitting at her fire, Rennai heard a faint whimper. Following the noise, she found a small wolf, barely more than a pup, with several bleeding bite and claw wounds and no other companions in sight. From the tracks, Rennai figured out that the wolf had gotten into a fight and come off the worse for it, left behind by his pack mates. Rennai reached out for the canine, and when he offered no resistance, she carried him back to her camp, tending to his wounds and offering him part of the small stag she had managed to shoot that afternoon. Since then, the wolf has been Rennai's constant companion. Appearance and Personality Conri stands about three feet tall at the shoulder, and still has the oversized paws and gangly limbs of a pup quickly growing into its adult body. His fur is a dark grey tinged with black, and his eyes are dark and intelligent. Basics Name Name Placeholder Basics Female Human Commoner 1 Alignment, Size, Type N Medium humanoid (placeholder) Speed 0 feet Senses Initiative +0 Perception +0 Special senses: Sense placeholder Defenses AC 10 (touch 10, flat-footed 10) (+0 dex, +0 armor, +0 shield) HP 0 Fortitude +0 Reflex+0 Will+0 Offenses Melee attacks Weapon +0 (damage/critical range) Ranged attacks Weapon +0 (damage/critical range) Statistics Strength: 10 STR +0 Dexterity: 10 DEX +0 Constitution: 10 CON +0 Intelligence: 10 INT +0 Wisdom: 10 WIS +0 Charisma: 10 CHA +0 Base Attack Bonus: +0 Combat Maneuver Bonus: +0 Combat Maneuver Defense 10 Feats Feat name: (feat description) Skills (0/level; 0 class, 0 INT, 0 race, 0 background) Skill name +0 Languages Common Special Abilities Ability name: (ability description) Gear/Possessions Light load maximum: 33 lb Medium load maximum: 67 lb Heavy load maximum: 100 lb Lift off ground maximum: 200 lb Drag maximum: 500 lb Current weight carried: 80 lb Exotic pack saddle (15 gp) (20 lb)
Light load maximum: 58 lb Medium load maximum: 116 lb Heavy load maximum: 175 lb Lift off ground maximum: 350 lb Drag maximum: 875 lb Current weight carried: 93 lb
Money: 208 GP 5 SP 0 CP Always on person:
In pack: