Taergan Flinn

Renia the Traveler's page

18 posts. Alias of karlprosek.

Full Name

Mierdarel "Mede" Nailo-Merryweather, aka Rook, Kalagh, Ryzhie




Synthesist Summoner//Sylvan Sorcerer 7 (HP 66/66 | AC:12 (16 w Mage Armor) | T:12 | FF:10 (14) | CMB: +6 | CMD:18 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+5 | Will:+9 | Init:+7 | Perc: +10 (Low-light Vision) | Speed 30)












Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Iobarian, Kelish, Sylvan, Tien

Strength 13
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 16
Charisma 22

About Renia the Traveler

M CG Half-Elf Summoner (Synthesist)//Sorcerer (Sylvan), Level 7, Init +7, HP 66/66, Speed 30, AC 12 (16 w/ Mage Armor), Touch 12, Flat-footed 10 (14), CMD 18, Fort 2+2+1, Ref 2+2+1, Will 5+3+1, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus +5, Abilities Str 13, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 22, Conditions None

Morningstar +6 (1d8+1, x2) B/P
Quarterstaff +6 (1d6/1d6, x2) B

Sling +7 (1d4, x2) 50 ft. B

M Cooshee Animal Companion (reskinned Warcat) 6 HD, Init +1, HP 72/72, Size Large, Speed 40, AC 23 (27 w/ Mage Armor), Touch 15, Flat-footed 22 (26), CMD 22, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +4 (+8 vs Enchantment), CMB +10, Base Attack Bonus +4, Abilities Str 23, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 5, Conditions None

Bite +10 (1d8+9 x2, 1d6 Elec)
2 claws +11 (1d6+9 x2 +1d6 Elec/1d6+9 x2 +1d6 Elec) plus Grab, Pounce, Rake (1d6+9)

Bull's Strength (1 min/lvl) +4 Str
Enlarge Person (1 min/lvl) +1 size category, +2 Str, -2 Dex, -1 AC, Space 10, Reach 10
Haste (1 round/lvl) +1 atk on full attacks, +1 to atk/AC/Ref saves, all mvmt increases by 30 ft.
Magic Fang (1 min/lvl) +1 atk/dmg to 1 Claw
Magic Fang, Greater (1 hour/lvl) +2 atk/dmg to 1 Claw or +1 to all Claws

Mage Armor (1 hour/lvl) +4 AC
Mirror Image (1 min/lvl) 1d4+3 images
Protection from Evil (1 minute) +2 to AC and saves, allows second save against Enchantment effects with +2 morale bonus, prevents physical contact from evil summoned creatures


From Cordelon (elf-friendly kingdom in south River Kingdoms), raised by Rostlander father and Cordelian mother among many other half-elves alongside humans and elves.

Traveled far and wide, to Tian Xia via Taldor, Qadira, and Kelesh and back through Casmaron.


Curious to a fault. Loves traveling. Has spent the last 25 years away from home and is glad to be back but things seem strange to him now.

He is friendly and outgoing, always happy to meet strangers and make them friends. Perfers talking to fighting, does not like having to use his war form.


Power armor suit made from insectoid chitin, bioluminescent panels, and glowing crystal. (Bionoid/Bio-Booster Armor Guyver inspired)

Has a crow tattoo on both shoulders. Crows are meaningful to people from Novoboro, a settlement in Cordelon.

Does not cast a shadow.

SKILLS (2+2 Int)x7=35
Bluff +8 = 0 +6 Cha +2 item
Craft (Alchemy) +8 = 1 +2 Int +3 class +2 item
Diplomacy +20 = 7 +6 Cha +3 class +2 trait +2 item
Fly +10 = 5 +2 Dex +3 class
Handle Animal +10/+14 = 1 +6 Cha +3 class +4 w Animal Companion
Intimidate +8 = 0 +6 Cha +2 item
Kn: Arcana +6 = 1 +2 Int +3 class
Kn: Dungeoneering +6 = 1 +2 Int +3 class
Kn: Geography +6 = 1 +2 Int +3 class
Kn: History +6 = 1 +2 Int +3 class
Kn: Local +10 = 4 +2 Int +3 class +1 trait
Kn: Nature +6 = 1 +2 Int +3 class
Kn: Planes +6 = 1 +2 Int +3 class
Kn: Religion +6 = 1 +2 Int +3 class
Perception +10 = 3 +3 Wis +3 class +2 race
Perform (Oratory) +8 = 0 +6 Cha +2 item
Spellcraft +17 = 7 +2 Int +3 class +5 item
Survival (get along in the wild) +5 = 0 +3 Wis +2 item
Survival (to not get lost) +5 = 0 +3 Wis +2 item
Use Magic Device +10 = 1 +6 Cha +3 class

Concentration +18 = 7 +6 Cha +5 item
Cast Defensively: DC 15 +Spell levelx2
Continuous Damage: DC 10 +1/2 dmg dealt
Damaged While Casting: DC 10 +Dmg dealt
Non-damaging Spell: spell DC +Spell lvl

Languages: (Common, Elven) Draconic, Sylvan; ring: Giant, Iobarian, Kelish, Tien


Counts as Elf and Human
Kindred Raised +2 Cha/Wis
30' mvmt
Low-light vision
Immune to Sleep effects, +2 vs Enchantment
Skill Focus feat
+2 to Perception checks
2 favored classes: +1 spell known/lvl; +1/4 Evolution point/lvl


Trait: Illuminator
Trait: Valashmai Veteran
Camp. Trait: River Lander
Drawback: Umbral Unmasking (does not cast a shadow)

Class Abilities:


Spellcasting (Arcane, 6 lvl caster)
Fused Eidolon
Fused link
Summon Monster I-IV, 3+6 Cha/day
Bond senses
Shield Ally
Shielded Meld
Maker's Call
Maker's Jump

Sorcerer, Fey-Sylvan:

Bloodline power 1, 3
Bloodline spell 3, 5, 7
Bloodline feat 7

Class Skill: Knowledge (nature).

Bonus Spells: entangle (3rd), hideous laughter (5th), deep slumber (7th), poison (9th), tree stride (11th), mislead (13th), phase door (15th), irresistible dance (17th), shapechange (19th).

Bonus Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge [nature]).

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the compulsion subschool, increase the spell’s DC by +2.

Bloodline Powers: You have always had a tie to the natural world, and as your power increases, so does the influence of the fey over your magic.

Animal Companion (Ex): At 1st level, you gain an animal companion. Your effective druid level for this ability is equal to your sorcerer level – 3 (minimum 1st).

This bloodline power counts as your bloodline arcana and also replaces laughing touch.

Woodland Stride (Ex): At 3rd level, you can move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at your normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect you.

Fleeting Glance (Sp): At 9th level, you can turn invisible for a number of rounds per day equal to your sorcerer level. This ability functions as greater invisibility. These rounds need not be consecutive.

Fey Wings (Su): At 15th level, you can grow insectlike wings from your back and become one size category smaller (as if you had used reduce person), gaining a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. You can maintain this form for 1 minute per level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.

This bloodline power replaces fey magic.

Soul of the Fey (Su): At 20th level, your soul becomes one with the world of the fey. You gain immunity to poison and DR 10/cold iron. Creatures of the animal type do not attack you unless compelled to do so through magic. Once per day, you can cast shadow walk as a spell-like ability using your sorcerer level as your caster level.

Free: Eschew Materials
1: Boon Companion
3: Power Attack
5: Craft Wondrous Item
Sorc 7: Improved Initiative
7: Weapon Focus (Claw)

Sorcerer spells per day:
0 (DC 15): At will
1 (DC 16): 6+2
2 (DC 17): 6+2
3 (DC 18): 4+1

0 (6+3): Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Touch of Fatigue
1 (4+2+b): Blood Money, Charm Person, Endure Elements, Infernal Healing, Silent Image, Vanish, (b) Entangle
2 (2+2+b): Alter Self, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Resist Energy, (b) Hideous Laughter
3 (1+b): Haste, (b) Deep Slumber
Cast today:

Summoner spells per day:
0 (DC 15): At will
1 (DC 16): 4+2
2 (DC 17): 3+2
3 (DC 18): 1+1

0 (6): Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Guidance, Mending, Message, Resistance
1 (5): Enlarge Person, Mage Armor, Magic Fang, Protection from Evil, Rejuvenate Eidolon (Lesser)
2 (4): Bull's Strength, Create Pit, Resist Energy, Summon Eidolon
3 (2): Fly, Magic Fang (Greater)
Cast today:

CAST EVERY DAY: Mage Armor (Extended w rod to 14 hours)

SLAs/Spells from items:
Dimension Door 1/day
Light at will
Summon Monster 3 +6 Cha/day (not at same time as Eidolon)


BAB +6
Melee +12
Ranged +8

Good saves +5
Bad saves +2
Armor bonus +6
Str/Dex +3
Evolution Pool 10 +1 (+1/4 per Summoner lvl)
Max Attacks 4

Share spells

Medium size
Spd 30'
AC +2 natural armor
Fort +5
Ref +2
Will +5
2 claws (1d4)
Str 16->22
Dex 12->15
Con 13
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11
Free evolutions: Claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs).

Ability Increase (2) Str+2
Claws (1)
Improved Damage (Claws) x2 (2) 1d4->1d6->1d8
Improved Natural Armor x2 (2)
Limbs (Arms) (2)
Rend (2)


A huge dog, almost as big as a pony at a height of 4 feet at the shoulder, built on the same scale as a tiger but taller and shorter. It has giant paws, bigger than a man's hand and sporting long, curved claws. He has a thick green coat of fur with brown spots. He has intelligent, curious eyes and triangular ears that point straight up. Its tail is curved, held high always held high over his hindquarters.

HD 6 (d8)
BAB +4
Fort +5
Ref +5
Will +2
Skills 6
Feats 4
Nat AC +4
Str/Dex +2
Bonus Tricks 3

Share Spells

Items: Amulet of Mighty Fists (Shock 1d6)

Warcat (fluffed as Cooshee/Elven Hound)
Size L; Speed 40 ft.; AC +8 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8), 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str 23, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 5; SQ low-light vision, scent; Special Attacks grab, pounce, rake (1d6).

Str 23
Dex 13
Con 18
Int 3
Wis 11
Cha 5

HP 72
AC 23 (27) = 10 +12 armor +1 Dex (+4 vs AoOs for moving thru threatened squares)
CMD 22 = 10 +4 BAB +6 Str +2 Dex
CMB +10 = +4 BAB +6 Str

Fort +9 = +5 +4 Con
Ref +7 = +5 +2 Dex
Will +4/+8 vs Enchantment = +2 +0 Wis +2 feat +4 vs Enchantment

BAB +4
Melee +10
Bite +10 (1d8+9+1d6 Elec)
2 claws +11 (1d6+9+1d6 Elec/1d6+9+1d6 Elec) plus Grab, Pounce, Rake (1d6+9)

Feats: Blind-Fight, Iron Will, Mobility, Weapon Focus (Claws)
Tricks: Combat Training (attack, come, defend, down, guard, heel), Second Attack, Flank, Track

Acrobatics +5 = 1 +1 Dex +3 class
Climb +10 = 1 +6 Str +3 class
Perception +4 = 1 +0 Wis +3 class
Stealth +5 = 1 +1 Dex +3 class
Survival +4 = 1 +0 Wis +3 class
Swim +10 = 1 +6 Str +3 class



Belt of Mighty Constitution +2
Campfire Bead, 360
Cloak of Resistance +2, 2k
Gloves of Elvenkind, 3500
Field Scrivener's Desk, 2700
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2, 2k
Handy Haversack, 1k
Metamagic Rod (Lesser - Extend), 3k
Ring of Eloquence, 3.5k
Sleeves of Many Garments, 100gp
Sustaining Spoon, 2.7k
Wayfinder w Cracked Dusty Rose Prism, 1k

(Amulet of Mighty Fists, 2k)


Handy Haversack 5lbs.
MW Survival kit (higher quality gear and a guide to identifying flora and fauna) 50gp
Pathfinder's kit (a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a clay mug, a dagger, two fishhooks, a flint and steel, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, a waterskin, a week’s worth of trail rations, and a whetstone) 12gp
Summoner's kit (a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin) 8gp
Skeleton Slayer's kit (three flasks of acid, a club, a sling, 10 sling bullets, two flasks of holy water, a tanglefoot bag, 50 feet of hemp rope, a crowbar, and a wooden holy symbol) 120gp
Vampire Slayer's kit (This small, latched wooden case contains numerous tools and devices used in hunting and slaying vampires. It contains 10 cloves of garlic, four masterwork wooden stakes, a hammer, a silvered mirror, 4 vials of holy water, 1 application of silversheen, and a masterwork holy symbol. It also contains numerous regents and powders used for treating wounds and making wards, salves, and other concoctions. In addition to its general usefulness, when displayed, a vampire slayer's kit grants its owner a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made to investigate or seek out vampires.) 500gp
Hammock .1
Medium tent 15
Hanging tent 20

(Acid x3
Holy water x6
Tanglefoot bag)

Acid x7 35gp
Alchemist's Fire x10 100gp
Alchemical Glue x10 100gp
Alchemical Glue Accelerant 25gp
Alkali Flask x4 30gp
Ambrosia 100gp
Antiplague x4 200gp
Antitoxin x4 200gp
Holy water x4 100gp
Soothe Syrup x8 50gp

Command Undead x2, 300
Comprehend Languages x4, 100
Crafter's Fortune x8, 200
Expeditious Retreat x4, 100
Hide from Undead x8, 200
Mount (lvl 4), 100
See Invisibility x2, 300
Stone Call x4, 600

Cold-weather, 8gp
Explorer's, 10gp
(Cold-weather, animal companion) 15gp
Courtier's, 30gp +50gp for jewelry
Hot weather, 8gp

Total weight: 50 lbs.
-without pack: 45 lbs.

Light load 50 lbs.
Med. load 100 lbs.
Hvy. load 150 lbs.
Lift (over head) 150 lbs.
Lift (off ground) 300 lbs.
Push or drag 750 lbs.

514.9 gp