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About Remy Vermillion

HP: 206 / 240 (12d8+5d10+51+9)+34 in suit
AC: 54* =10 + 8 DEX + 8 ARMOR + 3 ENHANCEMENT + 15 Natural - 1 SIZE + 5 DODGE + 5 DEFLECTION + 1 INSIGHT +X (1-8) from Defending Psychic Staff
Init: +11
Resist: SR 31; DR7/-; Fast Healing 10; Fortification 75% + Legendary Fortification on Legendary Item; Energy Resist (Fire/Cold/Electricity/Sonic) 30; Altered Defense (Deflect); Improved Evasion; Glimpse Beyond (mental stuff)
Immune: Acid, Fear

F: +21 =|9 BASE +5 CON| +5 RESIST +1 INSIGHT +1T (Stalwart)
R: +25 =|11 BASE +8 DEX| +5 RESIST +1 INSIGHT (Imp. Evasion)
W: +23 =|12 BASE +5 WIS| +5 RESIST +1 INSIGHT (Stalwart)
MISC: +16 vs confusion, maze
CON checks: see Invigorating Suit
+2 vs Fear
Roll Twice vs Mind-Affecting, take better result
+3 Insight to Will saves vs Mind-affecting or Compulsion

8 (+5) Tentacles, +27 melee each, 1d6+0+2d6 acid, 10ft 15ft in suit, crit x2 see Acid Burn Racial Ability for subsequent turns DON'T FORGET BRANDING PATTERN
Enhanced Disruption, +22 ranged touch, 8d6+16 damage +8 vs Active Type, 30ft, crit x2 only 1d6+INT is multiplied on crit
+4 Defending Psychic Parrying Transformative Staff of Hoarding and Speed, +26/+26/+21/+16 melee, 1d6+4 damage, +atk/dmg for Psychic level, melee +5ft in suit, crit x2

Conditional Attack/Damage Modifiers:
See: Talents: various ways to modify Disruption.
DON'T FORGET: Disrupted Healing, Explosive Pattern, Bleeding Pattern
See: Push Suit Customization in melee
See: Astral Suit Customization: Crystallized Weapon

BAB: +14
CMB: +15 (BAB 14 + STR + Size)
CMD: 33 (10 + BAB 14 + STR + DEX + Size + Defl/Dodge)
+3 CMD vs Grapple per arm not holding anything while in suit

Racial Abilities:

  • Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 +4 +2 +12 +6 +6 in order
  • Size: Large, become Huge at 20HD
  • Base Speed: 10ft +10ft in suit, Fly 20ft (perfect), Swim 30ft Teleport 50ft as a standard action (See: Talents)
  • Languages: Undercommon, Telepathy 1 mile
  • Bonus Feat: Sense Quintessence
  • Skills: +8 Swim/Fly; Diplomacy +4; Spellcraft +4, Intimidate +2

  • Darkvision 60ft
  • Fast Healing 10
  • Immune to Acid, Fear
  • SR 26 (+1 per HD over 12)
  • SLAs at CL 15 (+1 per HD over 12)
    - At Will: Charm Monster, Detect Magic, Detect Thoughts, Mage Armor, Plane Shift, Suggestion
    - 3/day: Dominate Monster
  • Dual Action (Ex): A Thoon elder brain is a creature made up of multiple minds, all touched by the unreality of the Far Realm. Make two initiative checks for the creature. The higher result represents a mental action turn, and the lower result is used for a physical action turn. This means a Thoon elder brain can do more in a single round than most creatures. For example, it could perform an overmind blast (a purely mental action) on initiative count 17, then move and make a tentacle attack (a physical action) on initiative count 12. These initiative counts can change if a Thoon elder brain readies an action or delays to let its other half go first.
  • Acid Burn (Ex): The acid delivered by a Thoon elder brain’s tentacles continues to burn in the round after the Thoon elder brain hits. At the beginning of each of a Thoon elder brain’s physical action turns, the acid deals 4d6 points of acid damage to any creature the Thoon elder brain hit with a tentacle attack during the previous round. The damage is always 4d6 points, regardless of how many times the Thoon elder brain hit the creature.
  • Confusion Sphere (Su): A Thoon elder brain can scramble the thoughts of nearby creatures. This ability functions like a confusion spell (CL 20th, Will DC 23 negates), except that all creatures (except for creatures of Thoon) within a 10-foot radius centered on the Thoon elder brain are subject to the effect. The effect lasts 15 rounds, but it cannot end for an affected creature when that creature is still within 10 feet of the Thoon elder brain. At the beginning of each affected creature’s turn, roll on the table below.
    % Roll: Effect
    01–10: Attack the Thoon elder brain with melee or ranged weapons, or close with the elder brain if attack isn’t possible.
    11–20: Act normally.
    21–50: Do nothing but mutter “Thoon . . . Thoon . . .”
    51–70: Flee from the Thoon elder brain at top speed.
    71–100: Attack nearest creature.
  • Overmind Blast (Su): A Thoon elder brain can project the horror of its consciousness against a single foe within 100 feet. That target must succeed on a DC 23 Will save or take 2d6 points of Wisdom damage. Though overmind blast isn’t a fear effect, a creature that has immunity to fear or a save bonus against fear receives a +4 bonus on the saving throw. The save DC is Charisma-based. A creature that is reduced to 0 Wisdom by an over mind blast is unconscious, but its body mutters, “Thoon... Thoon...” repeatedly until consciousness returns.

  • Favored Class: +17 Skill Pt
  • Class Abilities:


  • Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Cryptics are proficient with all simple, plus the rapier and shortbow. Cryptics are proficient with light armor but not with shields. Armor does not interfere with the cryptic's class features.

  • Power Points/Day: A cryptic's ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points she has available. Her base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: The Cryptic. In addition, she receives bonus power points per day if she has a high Intelligence score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points). Her race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.

  • Powers Known: A cryptic begins play knowing one cryptic power of your choice. Each time she achieves a new level, she unlocks the knowledge of a new power.
    Choose the powers known from the cryptic power list. (Exception: The feat Expanded Knowledge does allow a cryptic to learn powers from the lists of other classes.) A cryptic can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than her manifester level.
    The total number of powers a cryptic can manifest in a day is limited only by her daily power points.
    A cryptic simply knows her powers; they are ingrained in her mind. She does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though she must get a good night's sleep each day to regain all her spent power points.
    The Difficulty Class for saving throws against cryptic powers is 10 + the power's level + the cryptic's Intelligence modifier.
    The lost mind gains know direction and location as a talent at 1st level.

  • Maximum Power Level Known: A cryptic begins play with the ability to learn 1st-level powers. As she attains higher levels, she may gain the ability to master more complex powers.
    To learn or manifest a power, a cryptic must have an Intelligence score of at least 10 + the power's level.

  • Pattern Designs (Su): Unlike normal manifesters, a cryptic manipulates the world around her by creating tattoos and patterns that alters reality in different ways. Cryptic powers show up on the cryptic's body in the form of tattoos. The cryptic's known powers can be identified via Spellcraft checks with a DC equal to 10 + double the power's level. These tattoos do not count against the number of psionic tattoos that the cryptic can safely wear.
    When a cryptic manifests one of her powers, it creates a visual pattern of energy during the action taken to manifest the pattern. While the cryptic's powers have the normal displays for psionic powers – auditory, mental, and the like – this visual pattern unique to the cryptic cannot be suppressed as normal displays can be suppressed.

  • Altered Defense (Su): A cryptic learns early on to modify the patterns around her to grant her protection as a swift action. The cryptic chooses from the options below and may only have one such effect active at any given time. The cryptic can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Intelligence modifier. The cryptic can maintain this ability as long as she wants as long as she has rounds available, or dismiss it at any time as a free action.
    - Absorb: The cryptic gains DR 1/-.
    - Deflect: The cryptic gains a +1 dodge bonus to his AC.
    - Retaliate: The cryptic gains a +1 bonus on his attack rolls against any opponent that successfully hit him since his last turn.
    Every four cryptic levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (to 2 at 5th level, 3 at 9th level, 4 at 13th level, and 5 at 17th level).

  • Disrupt Pattern (Su): All cryptics are able to disrupt the patterns they can perceive, although the potency of this disruption is based on the cryptic's focus. When a cryptic gains psionic focus, she selects one creature type as her active type (she does not need to select a subtype). As a standard action, the cryptic can make a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet, firing a ray of black energy at the target. If the attack is successful, the cryptic deals 1d6 points of damage + additional damage equal to the cryptic's Intelligence modifier. This attack deals half damage if the target's type is not of the cryptic's active type. Like some other rays, if the attack roll of this ability would indicate a critical hit, the damage is doubled. This ability can only be used once per round, even if an item or other effect would duplicate it.

  • Lesser Insights: Cryptics learn minor powers they can use at will to aid them in a variety of ways. The cryptic gains 2 talents from the cryptic talent list.

  • Scribe Tattoo: At 1st level, cryptics receive Scribe Tattoo as a bonus feat. A cryptic can scribe tattoos of any power she knows (up to 3rd level). The power must be one that can be made into a tattoo. The cryptic does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat.

  • Insight of the Madman: The lost mind’s thoughts grant him unusual intuitive ability. He gains a bonus to Perception and Sense Motive equal to 1/2 his class level (minimum +1). This ability replaces trapfinding.

  • Decipher Secrets: The lost mind’s glimpse into the void has allowed him to see the patterns in all writing, granting him a bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher a writing equal to his class level. This ability replaces trapmaker.

  • Protection of Insanity: At 10th level, the lost mind’s glimpse into the insanity of the void grants him a protection against effects that would otherwise alter his mind. The lost mind gains a bonus equal to his Intelligence modifier on any saving throw to avoid being confused or on the Intelligence check to escape a maze or similar effect. This effectively means the lost mind adds his Intelligence modifier twice on the Intelligence check or maze (once for a standard Intelligence check, once from protection from insanity). This ability replaces hide in plain sight.

  • Insight (Su): Starting at 2nd level, and then again every 2 levels thereafter (up to 18th level), a cryptic learns a unique ability related to her perception of the patterns in the world around her.
    In addition to the normal insights available to the cryptic, the lost mind can choose the insights on the void insight list, detailed below.
    Lose one Insight at level 12

  • Enhanced Disruption: At 3rd level and every two levels thereafter, the cryptic's disrupt pattern deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike, but it is halved if the creature struck is not of the cryptic's active creature type.

  • Evasion (Ex): At 3rd level and higher, a cryptic can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the cryptic is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless cryptic does not gain the benefit of evasion.

  • Rapid Defense (Su): Starting at 4th level, a cryptic can use her altered defense ability as a free action by expending her psionic focus. The cryptic may even do this when it is not her turn.

  • Enduring Defense: A cryptic of 14th level can choose any option from the altered defense ability and always be under that effect. The cryptic can still change the effect as a swift action, but she is no longer limited to how many rounds per day she can have Altered Defense active.


  • Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Aegii are proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Aegii are proficient with light armor and shields (but not tower shields). Armor does not interfere with the aegis's class features.

  • Power Points/Day: An aegis's ability to manifest some of his abilities is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: The Aegis. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Intelligence score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points), treating his manifester level for the purposes of bonus power points as equal to his class level. His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.

  • Astral Repair (Ps): An aegis is capable of repairing mundane items, restoring 2 hit points of damage to the touched item as a standard action usable at will. If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original hit points. All of the pieces of an object must be present for this ability to function. This ability has no effect on objects that have been warped or otherwise transmuted, but it can still repair damage done to such items.

  • Form Astral Suit (Su): Every aegis learns to draw forth ectoplasm and form an astral suit around their form. The aegis can select from three different types when forming his astral suit— skin, armor, or juggernaut. An aegis is always considered to be proficient with his astral suit, even if he does not have the appropriate armor proficiency. The amount of time forming this astral suit takes depends on the type of suit being formed. Different astral suit forms grant different free customizations. These free customizations never count against the aegis's total number of customization points spent on his astral suit.
    The aegis chooses the appearance of his astral suit, although its shape must reflect the selections the aegis has chosen: astral skin would cover the aegis like a psychoactive skin, astral juggernaut would appear to cover the aegis like plate armor, etc.
    An astral suit can be dismissed as a free action.
    An astral suit does not function in areas where psionics do not work, such as a null psionics field. Dismiss ectoplasm can be used against an astral suit; treat the manifester level as the aegis's class level, although the aegis can simply form his astral suit again on his next turn.

  • Craftsman: Beginning at 2nd level, an aegis gains a +1 bonus to any one Craft skill of his choice. At 6th level and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1.

  • Damage Reduction: Starting at 2nd level, when an aegis is wearing his astral suit, he gains damage reduction 2/?, regardless of what type of astral suit he is wearing. At 5th level and every three levels thereafter, this damage reduction improves by 1.

  • Invigorating Suit (Su): An aegis of at least 3rd level wearing his astral suit gains a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks made to hold breath; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation.

  • Reconfigure: Starting at 3rd level, an aegis can reconfigure up to his Intelligence modifier in customization points on his astral suit once per day as a standard action. Every two levels thereafter, he can use this ability an additional time per day.

  • Augment Suit (Su): An aegis learns how to infuse his astral suit with his psionic power, augmenting the capacity of his suit. Beginning at 4th level, the aegis may spend up to one power point per four class levels to customize his Astral Suit, gaining one temporary customization point for each power point spent.
    This ability, activated as a standard action, lasts for a number of rounds equal to the aegis' Intelligence modifier.
    Activating this ability again, while already in use, immediately causes the previous duration to end.
    An aegis may end the duration as a free action at any time.

  • Master Craftsman: At 5th level, an aegis gains the Master Craftsman feat as a bonus feat. He must still meet the prerequisites of the feat in order to gain its benefits.

  • Mythic Abilities:

    Tier 3 Mythic Archmage (modify as necessary to suit Psionics)

    +9 HP
    Base Mythic Abilities

  • Ability Score: (INT) Upon reaching the 2nd mythic tier, an ability score of your choice permanently increases by 2. At 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th tiers, another ability score of your choice permanently increases by 2; this can be an ability score you've already increased or a different ability score.
  • Mythic Feat: Select one mythic feat or non-mythic feat as a bonus feat. You must qualify for this feat normally.
    You gain another mythic feat at 3rd tier, and again every 2 tiers thereafter.
  • Hard to Kill (Ex): Whenever you're below 0 hit points, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check. If you have an ability that allows you to act while below 0 hit points, you still lose hit points for taking actions, as specified by that ability. Bleed damage still causes you to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, you don't die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score.
  • Mythic Power (Su)(9/day): Mythic characters can draw upon a wellspring of power to accomplish amazing deeds and cheat fate. This power is used by a number of different abilities. Each day, you can expend an amount of mythic power equal to 3 plus double your mythic tier (5/day at 1st tier, 7/day at 2nd, etc.). This amount is your maximum amount of mythic power. If an ability allows you to regain uses of your mythic power, you can never have more than this amount.
  • Surge (Su)(1d6): You can call upon your mythic power to overcome difficult challenges. You can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 roll you just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using this ability is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed. This can change the outcome of the roll. The bonus die gained by using this ability increases to 1d8 at 4th tier, 1d10 at 7th tier, and 1d12 at 10th tier.
  • Amazing Initiative (Ex): At 2nd tier, you gain a bonus on initiative checks equal to your mythic tier. In addition, as a free action on your turn, you can expend one use of mythic power to take an additional standard action during that turn. This additional standard action can't be used to cast a spell. You can't gain an extra action in this way more than once per round.
  • Recuperation (Ex): At 3rd tier, you are restored to full hit points after 8 hours of rest so long as you aren't dead. In addition, by expending one use of mythic power and resting for 1 hour, you regain a number of hit points equal to half your full hit points (up to a maximum of your full hit points) and regain the use of any class features that are limited to a certain number of uses per day (such as barbarian rage, bardic performance, spells per day, and so on). This rest is treated as 8 hours of sleep for such abilities. This rest doesn't refresh uses of mythic power or any mythic abilities that are limited to a number of times per day.

    Mythic Attacks

  • Arcane Surge (Su): As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one arcane spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. If you prepare spells, this spell must be one you prepared today (even if you have already cast it); if you're a spontaneous caster, this spell must be one of your spells known. If the spell requires a saving throw, any non-mythic creatures affected by the spell roll twice and take the lower result.
    If you must attempt a caster level check for the spell to overcome a creature's spell resistance, you can roll your caster level check twice (adding your tier to each) and take the higher result. You can't add a metamagic feat to a spell you cast using this ability.

    Mythic Path Abilities

  • Mythic Ability (GM Granted): Legendary Item (Ex): You gain a legendary item. This item grants a number of abilities equal to your tier (maximum 3). At 3rd tier, you can select this ability again, increasing the maximum to six abilities and causing the item to become a lesser artifact. At 6th tier, you can select this ability again, increasing the maximum to 10 abilities; the item then becomes a greater artifact.
  • Mythic Ability 1: Longevity (Su): Upon taking this ability, you can no longer die from old age. If you have penalties to your physical ability scores due to aging, you no longer take those penalties. You still continue to age, and you gain all the benefits to your mental ability scores.
  • Mythic Ability 2: Flash of Omniscience (Ex): Your ability to recall information is astounding. When you take 10 on any Intelligence-based skill check, add your tier to the result. As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to ask one question as if using divination. The base chance for a correct answer is 70% + your highest arcane caster level + your tier (maximum 100%). The answer doesn't come from a divine agent, but from your own native understanding; therefore, the answer is never cryptic. If you don't get a correct answer, it's like failing a Knowledge check, and you can't use this ability on this question again.
  • Mythic Ability 3: Many Forms (Su): You can alter your appearance at will as if using alter self. You can expend one use of mythic power to change shape as if using polymorph, with a duration of 1 minute per tier. Your caster level for this ability is a number equal to 10 + your tier. At 6th tier, the duration of the polymorph ability increases to 10 minutes per tier.

    Mythic Feats

  • Mythic Feat 1: Detect Expertise (Mythic)
  • Mythic Feat 3: Extra Path Ability (Mythic) (Used to power up Legendary Item by taking it a second time)

    Legendary Item

  • Legendary Fortification: When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored against a creature wearing an item with this ability, the wearer can expend one use of legendary power to negate the critical hit or sneak attack and instead take normal damage. Only armor, shields, and worn items can have this ability.
  • Upgradable: This ability grants the bonded creature the ability to more easily increase the non-mythic magical power of the legendary item. If the base magic item has a version with a higher bonus or greater version (such as a +1longsword, a +2 light steel shield, a cloak of protection +3, an amulet of might fists +4, or a minor ring of inner fortitude), the bonded creature can improve it by performing a special ritual. She must spend a number of gold pieces equal to half the difference between the cost of the legendary item's current, non-mythic base item and the greater version she wishes to upgrade the item into. For example, she would pay 3,000 gp to upgrade a +1 longsword into a +2 longsword. This ritual takes 8 hours. When it's completed, the bonded creature transmutes the item's base version into the desired version. When upgraded in this fashion, the legendary item retains all legendary item abilities it had before the transmutation.
  • Shape Change: The item can change its shape into one other form of the same size.


    Feats and Traits:

  • Scribe Tattoo
  • Point-Blank Shot
  • Precise Shot
  • One Pattern: disruption dmg not halved on wrong type; bonus on active type + 1/die
  • Detect Expertise
  • Weapon Finesse
  • Mindsight
  • Combat Reflexes
  • Student of the Astral Suit: +4 Aegis level for customization points and customization requirements
  • Student of the Astral Suit: +4 Aegis level for customization points and customization requirements
  • Glimpse Beyond (Story)
  • Master Craftsman

  • Dangerously Curious (Magic)
  • Resilient (Combat)
  • Skills:
    4+INT (11) +17 FC
    Acrobatics (Dex) +8 =r+c +8 DEX
    Appraise (Int) +27 =8+3 +16 INT
    Autohypnosis (Wis) +25 =17+3 +5 WIS
    Bluff (Cha) +26 =r+ +5 CHA +17HB
    Climb (Str) +0* =r+c +0 STR +3 per arm not holding anything while in suit
    Craft (Int) +26 =1+3 +16 INT +4Cl; +2F
    Diplomacy (Cha) +26 =r+ +5 CHA +4R +17HB
    Disable Device (Dex) +8 =r+c +8 DEX
    Disguise (Cha) +5 =r+c +5 CHA
    Escape Artist (Dex) +21 =9+3 +8 DEX
    Fly (Dex) +20 =1+3 +8 DEX +8R
    Handle Animal (Cha) +5 =r+ +5 CHA
    Intimidate (Cha) +24 =r+ +5 CHA +2R +17HB
    Know Arcana (Int) +36 =17+3 +16 INT
    Know Dungeon (Int) +40 =17+3 +16 INT +4F
    Know Engineer (Int) +36 =17+3 +16 INT
    Know Geography (Int) +36 =17+3 +16 INT
    Know History (Int) +27 =8+3 +16 INT
    Know Local (Int) +27 =8+3 +16 INT
    Know Nature (Int) +36 =17+3 +16 INT
    Know Nobility (Int) +27 =8+3 +16 INT
    Know Planes (Int) +40 =17+3 +16 INT +4F
    Know Psionics (Int) +36 =17+3 +16 INT
    Know Religion (Int) +40 =17+3 +16 INT +4F
    Linguistics (Int) +44 =8+3 +16 INT +17Cl
    Perception (Wis) +37 =17+3 +5 WIS +8Cl
    Perform (Cha) +5 =r+c +5 CHA
    Profession (Wis) +5 =r+c +5 WIS
    Ride (Dex) +8 =r+ +8 DEX
    Sense Motive (Wis) +33 =17+3 +5 WIS +8Cl
    Sleight of Hand (Dex) +8 =r+c +8 DEX
    Spellcraft (Int) +40 =17+3 +16 INT +4R
    Stealth (Dex) +8 =r+c +8 DEX
    Survival (Wis) +5 =r+ +5 WIS
    Swim (Str) +8* =r+c +0 STR +8R *+4Cl (See Invigorating Suit)
    Use Magic Device (Cha) +26* =17+3 +5 CHA +1T, +4 while in suit


    Lv2: Gaze From Beyond: By expending his psionic focus, the lost mind reveals the true depth of his insanity, inviting all those that meet his gaze to screamingly follow his path. For 1 round, the lost mind’s disrupt pattern becomes a gaze effect and allows a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the lost mind’s level + the lost mind’s Intelligence modifier). Those that make the save are shaken for one round, while those that fail the save take damage from the disrupt pattern effect and are confused for one round.
    Lv4: Branding Pattern (Su): As a swift action, the cryptic can manipulate the pattern of one enemy to “mark” them as a ranged touch attack. Until the cryptic’s next turn, each time the cryptic makes a successful attack against that enemy, she deals an additional amount of hit point damage equal to her Intelligence modifier.
    Lv6: Disrupted Healing (Su): When a cryptic with this insight uses her disrupt pattern ability, if the creature struck is of her active type, any healing that creature receives for a number of rounds equal to the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier is reduced by half (minimum 1).
    Lv8: Bleeding Pattern (Su): A cryptic with this insight can choose to make her disrupt pattern ability deal bleed damage. This attack causes the target to take 1 additional point of damage each round for each die of the cryptic’s disrupt pattern (e.g., 4d6 equals 4 points of bleed). Bleeding creatures take that amount of damage every round at the start of each of their turns. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage. Bleeding damage from this ability does not stack with itself. Bleeding damage bypasses any damage reduction the creature might possess. A cryptic must be at least 6th level before selecting this insight.
    Lv10: Explosive Pattern (Su): A cryptic with this insight can cause her disrupt pattern ability to explode upon impact. If the cryptic’s disrupt pattern attack successfully hits, it causes splash damage to nearby creatures. The splash damage is equal to the minimum damage of the disrupt pattern. A cryptic must be at least 6th level to select this insight.
    Lv14: Throw Pattern (Su): The cryptic learns how to throw a link to her own pattern, giving her the ability to teleport up to 50 ft at will as a standard action. A cryptic must be at least 12th level before selecting this insight.
    Lv16: Join Patterns (Su): The cryptic links two creatures touched (or herself and another creature) as if affected by affinity field for a number of rounds equal to the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier. A cryptic must be at least 14th level before selecting this insight.

    Power Points per Day: 228 = 92 Class + 136 INT
    Talents: Far Hand, Missive
    1st, 1 pp: Call to Mind, Defensive Precognition, Offensive Precognition + Know Direction and Location (bonus)
    2nd, 3 pp: Body Adjustment, Natural Linguist, Resist Toxin
    3rd, 5 pp: Dispel Psionics, Ectoplasmic Grapnel, Ubiquitous Vision
    4th, 7 pp: Disrupting Strikes, Energy Adaptation, Slip the Bonds
    5th, 9 pp: Adapt Body, Pierce the Veils
    6th, 11 pp: Barred Mind (Personal), Hypercognition

    Symbols of the Void: can manifest the following spells as if they were powers at the listed cost:
    9pp – Symbol of Sleep, Symbol of Pain
    11pp – Symbol of Persuasion
    13pp – Symbol of Stunning
    15pp – Symbol of Insanity, Symbol of Death

    Power Points per Day: 135 = 31 Class + 104 INT
    To use Aegis PP, see Augment Suit

    SLAs at CL 15 (+1 per HD over 12)
    - At Will: Charm Monster, Detect Magic, Detect Thoughts, Mage Armor, Plane Shift, Suggestion
    - 3/day: Dominate Monster


    Astral Suits

    Customization Points: 32
    Base Form: Astral Skin
    Free Customizations: Nimble, Speed x2, Evasion, Improved Evasion

    0 pts Speed (x2): The aegis’s base land speed is increased by 5 feet. This customization can be selected up to five times. Its effects stack.
    0 pts Nimble: The aegis gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity while he is wearing his astral suit. This customization can be selected a second time beginning at 5th level, and a third time starting at 10th level. Each subsequent time it is taken, the enhancement bonus to Dexterity is increased by +2.
    0 pts Improved Evasion: As long as the aegis is wearing the astral suit, if the aegis is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex save for half damage, he takes no damage if he makes a successful saving throw and only half damage if the saving throw fails. The aegis must be at least 12th level before selecting this customization.
    3 pts Reach: The aegis’s reach increases by 5 feet. The aegis must be at least 7th level before selecting this customization.
    1 pts Extra Arms, Lesser: The aegis’s astral suit has an extra pair of arms with limited function. Each arm can hold, but not use, any one item that can normally be held in one hand. Items held in this way count toward the aegis’s carrying capacity. The aegis can retrieve any item held by his extra arms as a swift action. The aegis does not gain any mechanical benefit from items held by these arms, such as a shield bonus to armor class.
    2 pts Extra Arms: The extra arms on the aegis’s astral suit gain improved functionality. The aegis gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Climb checks and CMD against grapple attempts for each extra arm that is not holding anything. In addition, one of the arms can wield and use a light or one-handed weapon, a shield, or any other item that can be used with one hand. Attacks made with this additional arm suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls in addition to any penalties for using two weapons. These extra arms do not grant any additional attacks, only alternate arms with which to make the standard attacks. The aegis must be at least 5th level and have the Lesser Extra Arms customization before selecting this customization.
    3 pts Extra Arms, Greater: The extra arms on the aegis’s astral suit function at nearly the same capacity as his normal arms. Each arm can now wield or use a light or one-handed weapon, shield, or any other item that he could normally use. Alternatively, the aegis can use one or both arms when wielding a two-handed weapon, possibly allowing him to wield a pair of two-handed weapons. The circumstance bonus on Climb checks and CMD against grapple attempts increases to +3 per extra arm that is not holding anything. The aegis must be 8th level and have the Extra Arms and Lesser Extra Arms customizations before selecting this customization.
    2 pts Unlock Psionics: The astral suit is able to emit energy that resonates with psionic items, helping the aegis use them. The aegis gains a +2 bonus to Use Magic Device checks while wearing his astral suit. If the aegis has 10 ranks in Use Magic Device, this bonus increases to +4.
    4 pts Nimble (x2): The aegis gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity while he is wearing his astral suit. This customization can be selected a second time beginning at 5th level, and a third time starting at 10th level. Each subsequent time it is taken, the enhancement bonus to Dexterity is increased by +2.
    6 pts Fortification (x3): The aegis gains 25% chance to negate critical hits or sneak attacks (so damage is rolled normally instead). This does not stack with armor with the same special ability. This ability can be selected again starting at 8th level and at 12th level, increasing the chance to negate critical hits or sneak attacks by an additional 25% for every additional time it is taken.
    4 pts Hardy (x2): The aegis gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution while he is wearing his astral suit. This customization can be selected a second time beginning at 5th level, and a third time starting at 10th level. Each subsequent time it is taken, the enhancement bonus to Constitution is increased by +2.
    4 pts Energy Resistance (x4): (cold, electricity, fire, sonic) The aegis gains resist 5 against his active energy type. This resistance increases by 5 for every 5 levels the aegis possesses, to a maximum of 15 at 10th level. This customization can be selected multiple times. Each time beyond the first, the aegis selects an energy type (cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) to gain resistance to, in addition to his active energy type. If the aegis’s active energy type is the same as one he has selected, the effects do not stack.
    2 pts Energy Resistance, Improved: The energy resistance gained from the Energy Resistance customization doubles. The aegis must have the Energy Resistance customization and be at least 6th level to select this customization.
    1 pts Push: The aegis gains the ability to push creatures away with a successful attack. Whenever the aegis makes a successful melee attack, he can attempt a free combat maneuver check. If successful, the target of the attack is pushed 5 feet directly away from the aegis. This ability only works on creatures of a size equal to or smaller than the aegis. Creatures pushed in this way do not provoke attacks of opportunity. If there is insufficient room for the target to be pushed away, the attempt automatically fails.

    When formed through Crystal Spaulders, add the following:
    1 pts Stalwart: As long as the aegis is wearing the astral suit,if the aegis is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Fortitude or Will save for a reduced or partial effect, he ignores the effect if he makes a successful saving throw. The aegis must be at least 2nd level before selecting this customization.
    2 pts Crystallized Weapon: The aegis’s astral suit envelopes his melee weapon. The weapon is treated as if made from deep crystal. This treats the weapon as a masterwork weapon if it was not already, and the aegis can pay two power points to charge the weapon with psionic energy which deals 2d6 additional points of damage on its next hit. The weapon stays charged for 1 minute or until it successfully hits, whichever comes first.


    Armor: +3 Crystal Spaulders
    L+R Hand: Glove of Storing
    Headband: Headband of Vast Intelligence +6
    Neck: Amulet of Mighty Fists +5
    Ring 1: Scholar's Ring
    Ring 2: Sihedron Ring (+5/+5)
    Wrists: Bracers of Armor +8

    50400 gp +3 Crystal Spaulders (+3 enhancement to astral suit; gain 3 CP)
    24000 gp add Mindarmor to the Crystal Spaulders

    55866 gp Staff of Hoarding
    +1 Defending
    35000 gp Psychic
    8000 gp Parrying
    10000 gp Transformative
    +3 Speed
    48000 gp Enchant staff from +5 to +7 (+3 weapon with +4 worth of abilities)
    206866 gp Weapon total cost (adding in a base +1 enchantment to the base staff [making it a +5 weapon])

    36000 gp Headband of Vast Intelligence +6
    100000 gp Amulet of Mighty Fists +5
    10000 gp Glove of Storing
    10000 gp Bag of Holding IV
    8700 gp Scholar's Ring
    64000 gp Bracers of Armor +8
    83000 gp Sihedron Ring (+5/+5)
    35000 Sihedron Ring
    - 9000 Minus +3 resist
    -18000 Minus +3 deflection
    +25000 plus +5 resist
    +50000 plus +5 deflection
    83000 +5/+5 Sihedron Ring

    = 7034 in coinage


    Backstory and Basics from recruitment

    THOON, when traveling among humanoids, often appears as follows:

    Male Dwarf, tattooed with strange patterns
    Crystalline Skullcap shaped like a brain
    Wearing a fine Darkleaf Cloth greatcoat with brass-adorned mithral plates and links.
    Under the greatcoat, an inky-black suit that seems to move unnaturally when viewed peripherally, and shimmers like an oil slick.
    Possesses two extra arms, usually crossed under the greatcoat, that are also inky black and shimmer like an oil slick.
    Carries an extremely exquisitely-stained dark teak staff with finely-wrought gold and platinum coins pounded into it at regular intervals.