RemiBureau's page

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After much consideration and weighing the pros and cons , I've decided to sleeve the cards, because to me, the card quality is the one let down of this game.
Now, I never sleeved before, si I'm confused by the choices, and I'd like to buy the right thing.
What's the difference between soft sleeves and deck protectors? Which is better for a game like this? Are some sleeves thinner so more cards will fit in the tray (postponing the problem of finding a new storage system)?

Thanks for your help!

I really love the game so far, I've tried a few heroes, but I'm wondering if it's possible to "not use" a power feat even if you're using the power itself.

Let me explain : I'm playing Sajan, and so when encountering a monster, I always use the "use your dexterity" power. If I check the "and add the fire trait" power feat, would I be able, if I eventually encountered a monster immuned to fire, to only use the base power (use my dex), but not add the fire trait?

I know I can't do this with items (ie Amulet of mighty fists, if I reveal it to get the d4, I must add the magic trait), but if it's the same with the power feat, then I won't take it, because it would then be impossible for me to defeat a monster immuned to fire.

Your thoughts?